The Ladies Grill Erika Jayne at Dinner | Season 11 | Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

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Leonardo Georgete: Go ahead Lisa, be the obnoxious piece of work you usually are.

'Ammarah May: Erika babe the fraud and thieving started a decade and more ago. Lady this didn’t happen last three years. She is crazy. Giving stories that don’t add up.

Dean Macka: These lady's are finding it hard to believe her , what do you think 🤔


Oskido....: I miss camille she is not scared of getting dirty she was going to investigate like she did dorit and Lvp was going to convince kyle and dorit to doubt Erika be lieng tom lawyers advised them to get a divorce...kyle and dorit dont really believe erika they are stuck in her ass though hence Kyle and lisa are pushing sutton to talk because they cant do it themselves...wouldn't it be nice if people who dont give a af about erika where In the show Lvp and denise

Antonio Torres: I can’t wait the day that woman goes to jail

Zikhona Ntlonti: Faye husband ☠️☠️☠️☠️no way in hell

Duane Godfrey: Erica really!!!!! What a shame, the ladies are trying to understand without being disrespectful but your response again very cold and dismissive maybe she pardon me Teresa (amazing) they need to do time behind bars and then maybe see how what who its like!!!! Just saying, very sad and disappointed!

Keanon Van der Walt: Liza Minnelli Lies

Annie: I actually believed erika and felt sorry for her and still do as we do not know for sure what she knew BUT she has showed no remorse towards the victims and that is sad and I think she is more gutted that her lifestyle is over!! We do not know the truth and I worry for her mental state losing it all and being very down she looks depressed 😔 😞

Vogue Elle: It should be sutton and garcelle grill erika Jayne at dinner

Therese Nydahl: Erica lies inconsistently, she entangles herself up n it and start the water works as soon as they question her.

April-Tui: ‘ I am last in line’, next minute she makes a claim to receive the first £600,000 from the sale of the mansion, BEFORE the burns victim waiting for $11,000,000. Erika didn’t mind ganging up and questioning Denise and LVP based on rumours??

J Z: Erica's a very smart woman who is just acting dumb now. It's getting really annoying. Hopefully the victims will get their money.

ZRtopics: They all probably seeked legal advice 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sutton is the only one who admitted. Kyle just outed herself

Rowdy Toet: Erica will stick to this story until she is behind bars… but I call bullshit. Let’s be real, your name is connected to those llcs. You don’t check anything? Girl you are not that innocent fawn in the woods that you portray yourself as.

Lindsey Braconnier: They are so rich, they can call a lawyer and pay him to answer these questions

AperiLife: I call BS

Linda Boyle: She new exactly were the money was comeing from she doing this to cover her own back she had nothing when she married him never ever seen her wedding ring in all the time she was on the show

Gemma M: Sutton is such a child, can’t stand her 🙄 Garcelle is being respectful, Sutton is being a bitch. She’s the entire reason I can’t watch the show 🤮

High High Hi: Sutton so brave! Go Sutton!!! FK Big mouth and Dorit flipped the pot to Sutton.

Lipstick Nista: Rinna wanted sutton to treat erika like she did with Denise but sutton was gentle but to the point

Lipstick Nista: kyle helped her deflect about the $20 million dollars but sutton brought it up again.

Rowdy Toet: Sutton and Garcelle 💜💜

Armyn Ham: These women gives 0 shit about the victimes, they are just hyenas that found a dead corp (Erika). Erika need to be held accountable.

Humani Duncan: Sutton & Garcelle...👌👌🙌🙌

Victor Nascimento: I just wish so bad LVP was on this season to get her revenge

jaque6: So, Erica you shoot yourself in this if you alleging that Tom was keeping you away from the books it means that you didn't finance your company, it was Tom with the stolen money. So the money that you fighting in the courts to keep is not yours.

Sibabalwe Mangali: What must be killing Erika is that the "perfect" life she has portrayed for us for so many seasons has been exposed to be anything but perfect.😬

rafal KB: The other girls were spineless. Thank god Garcelle stop up for Sutton and made the other ones talk.

Compe Dious: Erickas glam squad have clearly left

A. Sydney: Argggggggghhhhhh! I can't stand Lisa!

Carrie Leigh: Of course she knew. She's not fooling anyone.

Jesus Lopez: @1:58 Erika closes her eyes, after replying, showing deception She knew, she knows!

N A: Is Sutton and garcelle don’t get a pay rise and Kyle Lisa and dorit get paid less then we’re quitting

xxf: Anyone think Dorit calling Garcelle a bully next week is micro aggressional racism & gas lighting ?

Eldar Gara: Teddi again, contributing absolutely nothing of any worth or merit to the group. Dorit can’t say much as she’s got a convicted monster living with her / the boy George imprisonment and her own lawsuits and husbands. All that kyle does nowadays is act the victim and does that stupid face with her mouth agape. Rinna is disgusting in how she’s refusing to let anyone cast any reasonable doubt over some crook she’s knew for a few years whilst she’s time and time again dragged Denise

xxf: Irritates me how not understanding erika is of the ladies wanting to seek advice and ask questions! So naive, babe you’re tied and potentially involved in a gigantic nasty case ofc people are gonna look to see how it could affect them.

Hlobisile | Skincare: Why is Erika bored that her "friends" want answers?? 😳 How can we support you when we don't know what's up? I loved Erika, but I'm slowly realising that she's narcissistic, the way she kept trying to make Sutton feel bad for asking questions, feel bad for reading the article, feel bad for getting legal advice. 🙄 Erikah can't even feel bad for the victims when Dorrit spoke about the widows and offens. The only emotion visible on Erykah is that of annoyance that the ladies keep asking for clarity. You can't miss whiff of indifference for the victims... Oh, she knew about this, irrespective of whether she's not a part of the law firm. Irrespective of whether Tom gives her a say or not. As a wife, 20milliom doesn't just get transferred into your account and you don't ask questions.... Sutton and Garcelle are on to something, but the other wives are treading to carefully instead of supporting Sutton and getting to the bottom of this.... Especially Kyle, always trying to be politically correct at all times, but expecting honesty from everyone else 🙄

0kamaria: Kathy gives me life lol @ 4 15

Trevor Kraus: Erika reminds me of old school Aviva from nyc. When you’re going along with what she wants, then you’re fine. The moment you go against her, or question here it’s: how dare you!

lady bashment: Erica knew

Ambesa Makubalo: Why would they think Erika would want to address any of this on camera? Anything she says can be used against her in court.

Selma Gele: Wow Erika looks so different to back in 2017

Milou Van Daam: I lokwey dont believe erika knew about what tom did. But the divorce is a sham x

Jessica Bell: I’m sorry but whatever erikas Involvement this is fishy is hell but doesn’t help with her vague stupid answers and Dorit making it about her because she’s soooooo unbelievably shallow. Kinda over the lot of them

Jessica Bell: Erika has no right to say Jack shit but wtf are they all on about getting legal counsel incase they were dragged in? Eh? She knew everything that was going on and is pissed she got caught.

Flyzulu aviation: I believe Erika... I think this was a situation of Tom establishing ghost companies or entities to push money to in order to relax potential questions around his financial movements. Since Erika is the wife and entertainer who needs capital, it was a no-brainer: Use her name and make sure she doesn't see anything because she herself is going to start asking questions before the feds do.

Centigradz2 Centigradz2: How does Erika have better skin than a baby. Does she gets injections everywhere on her body. Maybe Denise and dorit and Kyle are too skinny or something to have wrinkly skin. But god damnit Erika's skin is glowing and smooth.

Jide Ajibola: Lisa Rinna out here acting like a stand up ride or die gal. Take several seats.

SARA: Offcourse she knew did u see her hair and makeup entourage, she even flew them everywhere she went

Jessica Bell: Ugh why’s Teddi there.

Shellywellybut Bald bob: They all thought the same but through Sutton under the bus!! Erica should be victims! Rich get richer and poor get poorer and poor Erica spend $10000 a month rent boohoo

angeninetytwo: I think Erika was privy to what Tom and his business were doing. I don't think she somehow encouraged him to do that in the first place but she didn't want to give up the lifestyle she had and if that meant stealing so be it.

Chi Alfa: Rinna is trying really hard to make sure she's on Erika's side. Sutton didn't mean anything by saying "I want to make sure that WE." she said "I want to" so why did Rinna get so scared of getting dragged into it. She didn't say anything about you dear so you don't have to clarify that you've nothing to do with what was said and her wig is the ugliest thing I've ever seen. She's good for reality TV but honestly she needs to stop making everyone else "accountable" for what they have said and take a good look at herself. Stop acting like the mediator. It's not your place to chime in and say what you "think" everyone else is "feeling". If I was Sutton I would've shut her down at some point at least. Just tell her to stay out of it it's not that hard.

saghar14: Erika is so smart she always was always will be

Shellywellybut Bald bob: Erica new she new what she got into but she loved spending victim's $$$$

K. Cee: Erika is a snake in the grass. She will be held accountable

ELAINE BARRETT: Bravo is making a lot of money....instead about the people who have been harmed.......manys ways we are losing our moral compass. .....FollowingTrump

daisy4645: Eurgh, Teddi returns to the table. Can’t she cry amnesia to Erika again 🤔

K. Cee: Hahaha she knows exactly what is going on!

Felo Rochell: Fake fake fake we all know Erika is just as guilty. She will go to jail eventually

Palm Tree: Erika is such a pro @ deflecting every question with a question gtfoh

abeisgr8: Why do Rinna & Kyle continuously interrupt Sutton when she’s just trying to explain herself? I’m so glad Sutton didn’t back down and even Garcelle owned up to the fact that she sought legal advice as well. They’re keeping it real.

Wendy Ross: Erika's make up looks really different these days. She doesn't seem very humble on social media currently re all of those victims....leaves a bad taste in my mouth she needs to be lying low 😕😕😕

bianca matlala: I'm sorry but 20 mil was funneled into your LLC and you didn't know LMAO WTFFFFF???

Forugh Esmaili: If she is innocent then why does she get upset if they ask questions? 😏

BKIZZLE: Erika deepening her voice to sound scary get the frick outta here

Kevin S: ugh the way erika talks like shes tired of everything and the way how shes so condescending disgusts me

Nope: Erika is trying to make it a “support your friend” moment but it’s actually about if you’ll be willing to support those terrible illegal actions. At the end of the day it is still possible that she was involved. I think she’s lying.

Bajan Ch3rri: These women that sat and analyzed the article, went through her IG posts, actively participating when Sutton brought the info., are now sitting here acting like they're her biggest supporters and singling out Sutton as a "traitor." Gimme a break.

Sandra Gill: Looks like Rinna got the hint from brandy , thats she has had the same hairstyle for 20 years lol

Jasdeep Sagoo: Erika u liar!!

Sandra Gill: But she was quite happy to spend money like it was nothing, and again when the vitims are brought up , nothing

Gabriela Basek: Whatever Dorit has done to her face is not flattering... And since when Erika has such a low, deep voice? Sounds like a part of new persona - Erika the vitim

Bajan Ch3rri: Look Sutton and everyone else has the right and responsibility to protect themselves and their reputation (and their loved ones) from the fallout associated with this whole scandal.

Giselle Norbury: Of course Sutton and Garcelle are going to ask you those questions. Lol felt so uncomfortable watching the girls waiting for Sutton to ask the hard questions.

Sarah Samuels: lisa rinna is so embarrassing

Bajan Ch3rri: I bet you every single one of them spoke to an attorney, to a friend(s) or to an advisor because why wouldn't they? They could be called to testify about what they know, and everyone (but Garcelle and Sutton) sitting there faking like be serious.

rnd322: Rinna goes again with her “be real” BS while she was chiming in during the sisterhood meeting

Nazzi Jo: I can't believe they tried to set up Sutton, Lisa R cannot be trusted period. Sutton found out the hard way these women are not her real friends except for Garcelle, Kyal, and Dorit back peddling.

Meezly: I’m enjoying this so much. She was kept away from the books of her own company? I’m finding that hard to believe.

Monica Vaughan: I wouldn't call that a grilling - couple of questions were asked. Sutton got the brunt of this conversation not Erika- particularly from Rinna and Kyle!!! Where was the relentless questions and "own it" that poor Denise and LVP got? Double standards much ladies, shoe some backbone like Sutton is.

Lily Garner: Well if Rinna stopped stirring the pot and interrupting, and if Erika stopped patronising and finishing her sentences for her, maybe Sutton would be able to say her part. Glad Garcelle has Sutton’s back, they have literally carried this season. And WHY is Teddi present? She has the personality/contribution of a plank of wood and that’s why she was kicked off so keep her off

M J: The lasies are like: get out of here girl, come on now, you did know things...

Vee London: Kyle & Lisa are giving me LVP throwback attack vibes towards Sutton. These two always need to be stepping on somebody’s neck. Sad.

4sara12: Erika is guilty idc

belladrome: Ericka was all about being this tough, strong business woman, an equal to her husband and now the shit hits the fan and she’s acting like she was this weak, in the dark housewife who bowed to her husband? Nah!!!

Ragu: Kyle's Christmas dinner looked yum. They probably won't eat potatoes again till next Christmas.

Precious Omogiate: the fact that erika hasn’t expressed any sort of sympathy for the victims tells you all you need to know about her character and how much she knew

Me A: Kyle is such an a*slicker she knows good and well that Erika knew about it ...

Ntando Mdletshe: They are so scared of Erika.

Me A: Gosh.... she is acting so clueless - it's so FAKE..... reverting all questions back...

Nyata D: I thought she handled her own business, was brought up to be self sufficient; now she don't know. I don't believe her. If you have a business and don't know what is going on you should be charged for pure stupidity. Lisa Rinna is an idiot (me being nice).

Me A: HAHA the irony!! Rinna & Erika was on Denise's case like a bee around a flower - and now she is upset over being questioned for THIS (contrast..........)

chika ofoegbu: Erika so you had a music career and had paid gigs etc and you want us to belive you never looked at your books? Now we don't expect you to review them like pricewaterhouse but you should know if the business is in the red or black. Also you get paid on RHOBH was that money going to Tom since you claim he handles everything. If that's the case how are you managing to fund your expenses post Tom since you had no bank account, no cards and everything as you indicated was on credit and paid for by Tom?

TJ Van der Walt: Garcelle is one smart lady - WHERE IS THE ANGER TOWARDS TOM, ERIKA?! Exactly my sentiment 🤔

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