Endeavor Needs..Help 🙏🏽 My Hero Academia Season 5 Episode 17 REACTION | Anime Reaction

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YaBoyRockLee: Pinned comment has important information Important info here Early Uncut Reactions https://www.patreon.com/Yaboyrocklee we have a 🔥🔥🔥 lit discord https://discord.gg/bmYzgDz Schedule changes as other shows start or finish. Save the link. https://www.yaboyrocklee.com/schedule/

A J Taylor: who is that? 😁

A J Taylor: 4:46 this nigga had hair? 😂

Arantxa: YALL DON'Y KNOW DABI???!??? i take that personally

Даниил Лукин: He just thinks in his mind that his family will be happier without him around.

T N: By the way deku isn’t the slowest out of the three

Bryan Garcia: You guys misunderstood a scene but that is alright. Endeavor wasn't thinking he was going to die. He was believing no matter what happens the only way for his family to be happy is if he helps them overcome their trauma and have him out of their lives not because of death but simply him leaving them to themselves.

God Usopp: Your driving, drinking coffee, talking to someone, and on the phone, all at the same time? Sheesh, let me not drive anywhere near yall lol.

It’sYaBoi J: 🔥fire vid!!! Y’all should react to saki

Victor Saldivar: You do know there was something after the credits

Rae Coc: They are now not following the manga to a T since they switch the arc order and had Endeavor agency arc now before the one the gives more context to the villains. It seems they did this for the new movie to be coming that takes place during the Endeavor agency arc, to be tied in with the filler shown in the after credit and to end the season on a more climatic note. I still prefer how the manga did it though with the arc order set up.

Real African Chief: Bakugo always speaks facts, people in the west like to give him crap(not talking about you guys) when he is the most popular of the serie in Japan.

Atsuhi Hinata-Miya: The next episode is good for Midoriya. I guess and How to spoil yourself without realizing you spoil yourself (dont scroll cause of spoiler) Theorize Dabi's connection to the Todoroki's And you know, even before they confirmed it, Fans theorized it to the point that it's not surprising anymore.

Nadya Putri Hadi: i love your conclusion btw and all this "mystery" will be explain on the next season. cant waittttttt

paperfox19: why is his hair white, it was red in flashbacks

pHD Sway: Did u guys upload sword of oratoria on patreon

Hiso: Could I ask when always the Tokyo Revengers reaction comes out?

Kaizuko Kage 3 years ago: Todoroki Family past is so *heavy* it made Bakugo and Deku help to clean the dishes.

paperfox19: izuku needs kumoko's paralel minds skill

joeal: the caption LMFAO, I personally don't forgive him, but his development is really cool! But homeboy really needs some help

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