NEW Horizon Unreleased Weapons Voicelines - Apex Legends Season 7

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Malaki: lets go car

spread spread: Please let me Wallrun with the CAR again

EmpiresEGG: Thank god we didn’t get a rpg and a granade launcher

MeowCow 21: This got me excited to see grandiers coming to apex I always wanted them. They must be in the works

Pinguin: Titanfall veterans: *Something's wrong, I can feel it*

Tekoha McKenzie: Yooooooo

charlie jensen: I would like to see some Wattson voicelines. Interesting!

WaxOcelot: Northstar here Scorch here Legion here Tone here Ronin here Monarch here Ion here


Chaotix Spark: Thinking of Horizon with a Softball or EPG fills me with joy.

JJcoolprime: “Car SMG here” God is dead. And so are all the new players.

Blankyt: I think the flash hider is just another barrel attachment and not a gun.

Hollowdog5899: So there just gonna add every single titanfall 2 wepon now?

bLrb: Imagine if all of these are released all at once next season

TheInglorious89: Can’t wait for the CAR most of all but also the softball. I love it in tf2

DipZtiK: OOF

Sef Mike: OMG yes of the Titanfall 2 weapons are coming, OH MAN THE CAR YAAAAS

Cayde 7: *sees softball* Titanfall players: *Intense sweating*

Frosty: CAR SMG? After all that time, ITS FINALLY CONFIRMED also, Archer may be a vehicle-destroying weapon because of how ot works. Em4 cold war, epg, softball are Grenade launchers, idk how the balancing goes

Mediocre Aim Horizon Main: E-E-EPG?!? FUCK NO

getting shot! someone's gonna pay for that!: Fu¢king explosive weapons? They gonna ruin the game.

Leo Aguirre: Wow guns from titanfall

a fat Duck: We all thought of some explosive weapon nope just a dumbass bow

Monadoboy: Dude I want the car SOOO BADLY the prowler is kinda meh I want a proper heavy SMG in the game one that rivals the volt and R-99

sad- man: We dont need antititan weapons in apex , charge rifle is ok and car smg is the last weapon in titanfall list

Damari Champ: here here here here here here here here

MimicO - D: Only Titanfall 2 vets know about the power The Car smg has

BB: AC 130 here Everyone: oh poop.

foturis35_: *titanfall flashbacks*

basically speb: i immediately noticed that the silhouette on the thumbnail was a car smg lul


Some One: Damn horizon’s new language

exilty or lexi: Oh yeah the CAR smg a classic in titanfall

juicedup14: Hi, can you upload horizons voice lines when she's alone?

BadboyDCX: Titanfall inbound Surprise Pikachu face

Varrio Warlock: I’m pretty sure the devs won’t be adding launchers to the game since they know how unbalanced it’ll be. Accept for the CAR.

Adam Urban: They got a pack up for 20 seasons bruhhhh

Gaming with the Red Dragon: How did u get access to these voicelines?

BALKAN SPECIAL ATU: as titanfall player, i tell ya, that weapon its gonna blast!

Little Timmy: Next thing we know: *TONE TITAN HERE*

Fire_star_pilot: Ahh yess The saltball

StickyArrow: Imagine just walking around in estates and hearing: HOSTILE TITANFALL DETECTED

RenderPi _Free Palestine_: Plz replay to me!(how did you make that?)

RenderPi _Free Palestine_: WTF??? HOW??????????????????

DeathDiety: Softball here... nice

Ser Underscore: "CAR SMG here." *vietnam flashbacks*

Malware X20: Oh this’ll be good 😈

CrimsonShadow_1: Saltball time

XxFernandesxX: I think these guns are confirmed cause horizon just cane out

runaway terrorist II: I hope they add a gamemode like bounty hunt from TF2. That would be sick

Terrarian Ace: Damn, next she's straight up just gonna say "Calling Titan"

Shinto. Canti: I wanted the car in the game so bad my personal favorite titan fall gun

SRV DEV: Wait, isnt one of those weapons used for like destroying titans? (If we get titans next season, i am gonna cry with happiness)

ARTYOM :3: some days later Horizon: Titan here Titanfall veterans: happy noises*

KillYourTV: I'm a titanfall veteran here and im having nam flashbacks...oh god not the bms...FUUUUUUUCK

Lil Pito: Smr pleeeeeaaasssss

Ethan Kleinfelt: Epg

Ethan Kleinfelt: She said peg twice so it’s more likely to come

Slav Doggo: Me hears car smg here also me DOOMSDAY IS UPON US

Just Be Normal: The car is gonna be one of the best smgs In titanfall2 the weapon fires something like a R-301 has really low recoil great range quick reload and the best reload animation.

mediocore: experimental weapon sounds good


m31: >CAR smg here pain.

bruh moment: Well there they are 😂

Миша Мазин: I think that they added this for the future so as not to call the voice actor again for a couple of lines with a new gun, not the fact that they will be added at all

V7: Mozambique here


Vora 300: Car smg here ... Me: It’s time to wall run

semi evil toast: car SMG here Titanfall veterans: loud demonic screeching

Wanted_Melon 23: Unpopular opinion: Any gun that shoots any type of explosive doesn’t belong in a BR unless it’s soul purpose is to destroy vehicles (mainly helicopters and tanks)

Dawn Risen: Is this a leak

Deleter 182: *remembers titanfall days * not The Epg !!!!!!!!

Talal Tariq: Yes! More Titanfall weapons.

Apex Predator: I was a god with the softball in tf2, just gonna say in case you get in a lobby with me in s12😂

HEAVEN: Titanfall players: **Softly** don't*

Toast: 0:02 A gun named after a game

Corn Queen: Horizon: "Rocket Launcher here" Me: ಠ_ಠ My friend: ( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖)

Thomson Nguyen: What happens if one of these weapons, say the Archer or Softball becomes a Legends ultimate?

Moisty Mangus: They are most likely just testing out the voicelines for other guns

Tristan Pitzi: I want to use new weapons. Please Respawn, more than one new weapon a season!

King Snax No.1: Ahh shit here we go again ps4 players update be 56 GB

Mr Frog: Softball ptsd kicks in

SweatyJerry: I think its for Apex legends season 11 maybe all the legends time travel to the past and the gun are different not like our gun but its titanfall gun

400 years ago: I only run epg in tf2 so very cool my guy

Wrench: I really hope they don't add the CAR. It'll just be r-99 3.0

Aesthetic_ dude: I’m still wondering wtf is the experimental gun

Azriel Rizqi Aulia A.: Excuse me but *A R C H E R?!*

claudette morel: I hope there is a new ammo for epg rocket launcher grenade launcher.


Loserfruit [Lufu]: Wait.. if the archer is an anti titan lock on weapon.. does that mean....

AoST: what? just, what what what

ParaBellum _: Oh man the CAR is coming back Get ready people, the time of games is coming to an end I still got ptsd from TF2

Armin Rigatoni: Oh no... not the CAR sweats...

Llama llama BAA: Why did she sound so upset when she said rpg here

Perky Letus: This is fake, like why in the world would they add an archer rocket to apex. (Goes to red weapons)

Malware86: Oh no... No no no. Anything but the CAR

Xmmxthx but not on Discord: These ideas were most likely scrapped and these recordings were kept in case they want to bring it in anyways. Horizon’s VA recorded her stuff a while back and Loba/Rampart had these lines back in S6 as well and nothing new has come this Season. If they do decide to introduce a new people, I doubt it will be explosive since they made a big inventory space balance and a key factor was the reduction of 2 ordinances in one slot to 1, so it would counter their own balance to add grenade launchers which will reinvent the grenade spam.


Francisco Marques: Idea for the function of the experimental weapon: How about a rare weapon with rare stacks, but the stacks give a lot of ammo, the weapon doesn't need to reload, has no attachements and the main gimmick of it is that he can fire in similar fashion to all the weapons; is has: Light weapon fire: similar to the carbinar or r99 Heavy weapon fure:similar to the spitfire Sniper:similar to the longbow Shotgun: similar to the mastiff

Spooks: Lol the SMR will be a disaster

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