Apex Season 10 Gameplay First Look! - New Legend, New Weapon and HUGE Map Changes!

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J R: God dammit, I don’t even wanna play again until tomorrow.

Ryans_God2010: The first kill beast killer,is actually my friend

iop: Seer is kinda like a really buffed blood hound

Space Penguin: EA executive: "Your gonna need to rework the animations they're not quite gay enough."

Hercine Pendragon: *New gun uses thermite grenades* Me a Fuse main: Hehe, yeah boy

David Watts: Good ending lol but your using a Zen lol

Zo Bamba: Gg fps

Osty: What maps will be in rotation for Season 10?

Kage OW: I finally found where all the “temp-insert a lot of random numbers” usernames come from

alfie bradbury: I'm on level 30 on my account ps5

Fragmetist: PULL!

FILTHY RICH: looking for a team to compete in ALGS on console hit me if interested!

RustyCan .R6S: So basically a budget bloodhound

KENTECH GAMING: I love the ending, of this, must watch, perfect TikTok game right there!

James Welbes: We're losing train yard aka third party city

M600 Spitfire: You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.

CRONA: Thank god train yard is gone

DieselDemon 360: Sorting was my favorite 😠

3D-Gamer Here: In the first 3 minutes I was told that my two favorite parts of worlds edge where being removed and that one of my favorite youtubers didn't like both of the locations. Edit: And that train yard( another one of my favorites part of this map) was being removed completely and that iTemp hates it so much.

IIZEROTWOII: rip train yard😔

TMK_Glitch YT: 13:13 no rich, WE suck with the eva…

Chris Bell: 17:08 fucking Dying at this when its 4 in the Morning right here! "Onto the Pad, get on there! " *You want to Live, then Jump!* Lets her Soar, only to Pop a shot to the Buttocks! 🤣

Chris Bell: 12:39 that was perfect to actually get you both outta the direct cross hairs of that Rampart Team, sort of threw them off if they even noticed you guys also splitting like ya both went , threw anyone off again persay choosing who to follow after jumping and then also probably gave a lil surprise. Well played mate. Teamwork


Moses Tabak: Well that’s not broken at all 😐

DrugsMakah_07: They won't stop raping worlds edge won't they?

BK Gaming: Haha the last jumppad kill was cruel 😂

BK Gaming: Peacekeeper might do you justice. I like peacekeeper better than eva

FIXC: the new agent kinda like lilnax

InSiDiOuS_MaRe: the fact that it can interrupt all legends active abilities is amazing. i knew this was the case when i saw him basically dissipate caustics gas and shut off wattsons pylon in the cinematic. so sick

Phinneyes: The new gun looks like it shoots REALLY slow

TigerJay: I use to love these two, but they never improve their looting awareness which is very frustrating to watch.

Alpha Fox: Day fifteen of asking to use the prowler on full auto

Jonathan Mackie: One of the main reasons I liked watching your videos was the respect you showed less skilled players. Felt like you thought everyone had a right to play to their own level without being mocked and vilified. These endings of late belie that. Maybe you are playing to the toxic 10 year olds in your audience and as a more "mature" gentleman it's time for me to move on. Would make me sad though, been watching your stuff for years.

somesh Jadhwani: if the servers and SBMM aren't improving , I'm not coming back for S10 lol.

blakeand_drums: Day 1 of asking rich for an l star vid

Thomas Owens: I didn’t even know refinery existed I don’t think I have visited every location on worlds edge

Chris Williams: Here we have the first and only black male legend to be added and he’s hyper feminine…thanks alot Respawn

Bradley Connelly: We need a new support character i dont know why they add a recon

Michael Simpson: Actually they had mention that seer ultimate others won’t be detected when he uses it kinda like stealth

ClutchXL: I must be blind cause i did not see his passive activate when he was aiming in.

JoJo Aka Gavthi Gamer: Date for season 10 ????

Gerald Frey: Clay pigeon. PULL

Kemo_775TTV: Thanks for the video and for the insight you have on the new season can’t wait !😄

King Of Kings: I’m curious why every straight male race has representation in Apex Legends except for American black men.

Ayaan Ul Haq Malik: Is he playing on the PS5

BIG POPPA: That reactive volt skin looks like a pay to win to be honest super clean imo

Garrett Duncan: as long as it’s not like when they showed us fuse… 😭😭😭 this guy looks really good tho

lochlan Hume: “I don’t know how that missed I’m gonna have to watch that back” don’t watch it back, you’ll realise your aim was trash

Phenol Honestly: Lmao at the ending! Also Rich, please can you try the new fps spiltgate?

Fourious Cayde: Can you make a peacekeeper video please

Ollie: This season will be epic

Gyanjit Mahapatra: that bm at the end :)

blazingangel blaze: save titenfall 2 not this shite

Spädä: thye gonna delete all good spots (hot drops) and add these random s*it. how im not suprise. can we get kings canyon back ?

YeetPanda9031: 1:34 does anyone else see the ammo bar or has everyone ignored that?

Heheheo !: Rampage fire rate is not decent lol

Doctor_Gibbo: Apex Players: "There's no new content, the game is getting samey." Developers: "Here's several new points of interest, the maps have completely changed." Apex Players: "Let's all land at Fragment 98.7% of the time."

Pherba: Dude that octane skin looks horrible

Nick Crespo: Yesss, the ending lmfao

Dhizzle: You two are my favorite duo! Haven’t played in two months while traveling but still get my fix watching you two and the chemistry.

Flavour: They got rid of sorting wtf thats a bad change

Inali: I've already found some of Seers ability thingies in game. Its loud as hell


Jack John: What a shitty clickbait title, Rich. I Watch and like every single video of yours, but this one gets the D (dislike).

jess: Day 11 of me asking Rich to play Wattson and Soofar to play Caustic

Edward Palmer: That new gun can break doors?

Azariah Rodriguez: Many who know you, know that you are not a big arena player but it would be nice if showed/talked some details about it.

Cornelius Jermaine Hightower: I don’t know what the best part was signaling him on the jump pad or him actually going on the jump pad lol!

Brandon: New legend trash

Almighty Paxus: Lol they put Lil Nas X in Apex 😂 🤣

Tariq Harrison: lmao the execution was so sad I feel bad for the guy lmaoo

Collin Bustanoby: That ending was hilarious

Shivjith Sreejith: The new LMG shoots through doors Rich. 🤯

Stephen Sookram: Soooo...Seer basically has a built in DT

Joseph Kennedy: Use revenant

Chris: Being me besides train yard those were my main drops. Excited to see what they replace em with

KloutJay: Sheeeeeshhhh

sam hinkies burner account: Hey RIch, you should take soo far's advice to play CoD on mouse and key, i have been doing it since the most recent MWF and it's so much fun, i like it a lot more than controller. you should give it a go. great video cheers mate

AlfredoSSJ2: Rich teabags ppl now, we have entered some darktimes

Craigular Joe: “The lighting and set pieces look amazing and beautiful” *me, nodding along and crying Nintendo Switch player tears*

soccerkills: New guy looking a little flamboyant

ALLWORLDZEUS: Help that Wraith at the end😂👆

Irving Bueno: 17:13 jajajajaja trolls

Boiray: Nice vid bro

RICK n PORKIE: Anyone notice at 9:30 when he armor switched it had 20 damage till red. Then we he went back to grab it, it had 18?

Soleman Sayeed: At like 13:55 I thought I was having major déjà vu and then I realized that I'd seen the end of this game before in another video 😂

Wilson Chen: Classic toxic iTemp..

Macho SnowmaN: Is it a coincidence that Rich’s least favorite places on worlds edge are getting replaced?? I think not! 🤣

kurai squad: Am I the only one looking for a bloodhound vs seer. Which tracker is better?

XiiX Music: So they got rid of sorting factory but kept the same building literally everyone goes to every fkn game... Yeah, Make the map even more boring.. fun...

rafael cruz: So he has an emp as a tactical

iplaygamezz: They need to add proximity chat

Noah Furtado: Seer is useless. Hes a Bloodhound 2.0

Bader aLMANSOUR: Are you playing on ps5 how can you get fps more than 60

D9 Ruiz: That end was the best!

Juan Martinez: You have Got to love how sooxfar made rich a little toxic😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

DrDreas: “Pull!” ….*shoots

justinlapointe11: Lets see if this works eventually. 😁 DAY 46 REQUESTING RICH DO THE JOHN WICK CHALLENGE. (Pistols only)

TrexxArms: I haven't played Apex much since season 4. However, I may return for 10. I've been missing it.

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