NEW Rampage LMG FIRST GAMEPLAY! - Apex Legends Season 10 New Weapon! #Shorts

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Charles Thrailkill: I thought it was gonna be a light ammo lmg

Doni Lirjon: Bro this is the best gun in the game

Carson The Skeleton PopTart: Wait did I just see alternator in care package?

Lorenzo Brainiumo: 0:01

Third Street Saints: Why is the spitfire a care package weapon and not this tho? Another great example of how delusional the devs are.

littlecasino 5: It seems the dev team has decided to replace the terrible spitfire....with a much worse spitfire

ohTragedy: devs in the studio smoking crack

Skullspider productions: People bitched about the spitfire... For this? Buff the spitfire

alex rogers: within like 2 weeks

alex rogers: just broken gonna get nerfed

Evias 99: 28 damage per shot? Is this an automatic scout? Jesus Christ respawn

Dakota Grey: when ppl find out this is an indirect buff for fuse since his passive works so well with this gun

ch00se: Full auto 28 damage gun LOL

midaouifr: Fuse gonna be really anoying with this gun , cuz he can take two grenades insted of one


mqrxz: this is too op omg

R1 Oj: This is gonna get nerfed in the first 2 weeks

Josuke Higashikata: Wait did I just see the alternator in the care package section? 0:47

Inkflo 28: I`m scared

red666: hahahaha yeah that's getting nerfed quicker than the bowcek did lol gun looks stupidly good

Ak47: so fkin broken better than wingman and increased fire rate

milo: This is going to be so op

Wetsock 0: Daaanm the cheaters gonna love this

Aldrien: This is going to be put in the care package I can feel it

Crystalblade: Aceu said it sucks and should have 40 dmg a bullet lol

Grimes: Just love when they put op weapons in

connor mannion: Just feel like respawn have a backwards attitude when it comes to OP guns. People complain about spitfire? Let’s put in an auto g7 scout that can be upgraded on the fly with common items that will shred red armour players in 7/8 bullets 😂 so dumb

Radvilas Lukosevicius: I identify myself as a wingman enjoyer and i just got a kreygasm while watching that gun beam i lost, sorry wingman gods

Sky Storm: I'll say it honestly: Yes it hit like a train, but with the slow fire rate it makes it up with the downside, it is a heavy bullet weapon so the bullet will be a bit rare, and heavy bullet travel slower but hit harder so it makes sense. Since it is a weapon for both Rampart and Fuse (Fuse main here), it'll be mostly played by those two legends, yes others could but preferably Fuse and Rampart since the two of them has passive that give each extra bullets (Rampart) and extra thermite (Fuse), it would honestly be sad if it get nerfed hard straight out the box, it is slow and can get faster, but you need to aim well to truly hurts, try touching a player who moves a lot with a weapon with a slow fire rate. Good luck.

Lag And Dangerous: Is it going to surpass the spitfire or is the spitfire still scary

Oliver Laing: This looks so incredibly broken

the spaghetto production: It looks op

Hue Chang: Gonna hit the top of the most used weapons chart on Season 10 launch

Sayandip Dhali: its gonna be hard to use in close range because of the fire rate. its does not look as op as spitfire.

The Ghost Of Viper: Do they test the game before releasing the update or they just don’t care at this point?

The Ghost Of Viper: Yeah not broken or stupid at all,thnx respawn

Dywel: We already know this is might or more powerful than spitfire or any other automatic gun... Tell you this within 1-2 weeks this will get nerf hahahahahaha

José Serrano: Op😂😂😂😂

stxbby waspog: why is it not light ammo lmg

Pickle Nick: Ya know this is Brilliant and all but we need a new shotgun, I main mirage and It's Too fun Ulting and Spraying with the Eva 8

KrimsonKing36: Respawn: so do how much power do you want to have when using the rampage ? Rampart mains (me): YES

firemaster9738: basically another small fuse buff cause now every player has a reason to carry nades

Turo Turbo: Calculated DPS by listenin sounds I got: Firerate: 305 Reqular 375 Boosted DPS: Reqular/Boosted Body, 142/175

FAKER 101: wtf altenator care package weapon???

Shiina Vibin: Is it just me or does this lmg look alot like smr from titanfall 2 and the reload animation is kinda similar too

cabe whitewell: there's no way they put the annoying spitfire in the care package then put an even more overpowered no skill gun in the game. I'm not happy for this gun to come out.

Joseph: Man why were people saying this was gonna be a light ammo lmg lol

Beatle Zeus: This is like a shadow buff to fuse because of his passive

Static Defender Akame: No chance this doesn't get nerfed. I'm absolutely shocked at the damage output especially after the thermite is added

JenniferOnline: Can u add a tip of what Seers abilities look like in first person The gameplay trailer didn’t show much just showed his Ultimate. And I want to see how his drones work

Lion: Ta rota

Will Reading: What we really needed was a heavy smg in the loot pool

Obi Wan Kenobi: I can already hear the pros complaining about it

Deehoi: so what's the point of 30/30 again?

vexliiah: Spitfire on drugs…

Winsta: Works better with Fuse

Skully Gamer: Yall may be complaining about this ain't as good as the spitfire but... what about ramparts buff to it? I think that's 1 of the many things that's gonna make her play rate skyrocket XD. imagine her making it fire like a spitfire XD

Puezu: U said you would do a face reveal at 100k in ur QnA, I’ve been waiting since 1.4K subs

TempleX Dank: Enjoy it while you can guys, Hal is going to start saying it's op and they will nerf it a week after.

Carlos Avila: That is soooo getting nerfed on the first patch

Dat Boi: Why does it have “LMG” at the end of its name 😁😆

Josh Alog: Good thing it looks like it’s OP like the Bocek, it can be nerfed easily by bringing down damage values cause the firerate is ridiculously slow compared to the other LMGs

Jeric Aspillaga: aimboters will have a field day obliterating their opponent, dumbass respawn!

Danu Farhan ihromi: waittt look at 0:50 ,whyyyyy triple take still in cp whyyyyyy

luc1d夢: Spitfire users: *chuckles,* _im in danger_

Entendre1: damn if the g7 and spitfire had a baby

Dudewiththehair321: This is not going to be good for the weapon meta what the hell. G7 scout is obsolete, 3030 is even more inferior, longbow, flatline. Literally every single gun in the game is going to look like a fucking pointed stick compared to this.

Kuraku: Fuse mains will stack Mites from now on

Carlos Arvizu: I saw the spitfire in the care package row 😭

Pronoia: They vaulted the spitfire an brought out the spitfire 2.0 good shit respawn

MaxiFox: what yall didnt notcie thou was the spitfire with the other care package weapons rip spitfire

MaiMai: pro player be like: NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF THIS GUN OMG.... clippers : oh nice~ new content normal player : ohohoooh~ this gun so sick!! viewers not/can't playing apex but love apex : yoo, what is that? looks OP. apex DEV : hello, how is it? looks nice right? cheater : Man~ thank you...see you in the lobby:") "brrt brrt brrt" 19,30,45 kils with jump on the air:v

Jonathan2844: If anyone is also a destiny player your going to be ahead of the apex people being that this is almost a 360 rpm auto rifle

legendary arsnal: And here we are with people complaining about spitfires

Freedom: this is like picking up a gun with an anvil receiver already default

Demetriometa: 👀👀👀👀

Tayven Castillo: so were just gonna ignore the alternator chilling eith the heirloom weapons?!

Austin Richardson: Literally this whole comment section looks like a bunch of teens and kids crying like legit just play the fucking game if yu don't like getting shot by a spitfire run away or kill em

No Bitxh: I know this is gonna be the new spitfire and the reason they put it on the ground instead of adding it as the new care package weapon is because it's the new kid and people are gonna wanna use it... But don't worry... This thing is definitely going into the care package next season

bot: Spritfire lover be like : 😭😭😭

Dark Lord_916: 4K’s

pototah: It's going to be nerfed after the first ranked split of season 10, if not then shit

Miae: apex: putting spitfire on cp also apex : introducing spitfire's step bro


Mangoblast34: good bye spitfire

ImOsmarツ: Rampage legends

Glass Vader: Anyone else notice that they're playing as seer?

Dom Toretto: Apex community: we want solos Respawn: Hur dur here's a lmg dat melts faster Dan any uhver gun in da game Hur dur dur

No Body: Got sprayed by 3 Spitfire: *PANIC Knowing Spitfire will be go to care package in S10: *KALM When you realize that you will be sprayed by 3 Rampage in S10: *REALSHT

Lee Doyle: When I heard "Rampage" I assumed we would be getting a high fire rate light ammo LMG, guess not Let me propose a rework, large ammo pool and takes light ammo, has a fire rate just slower than the R-99 with a low damage count, making it a more close range to medium LMG similar to the Devo Adding the thermite to the weapon will reload the magazine, the next time you start firing you won't be able to stop until the mag empties but you get increased damage to players aswell as the ability to blow down doors and deal massive damage to placeables, the boost effect can be cancelled before the mag empties but you will lose the charge

I0Izz: lol I love how everyone is crying and the gun isn’t out yet this is why the game isn’t ever going to go anywhere because people bitch and moan about everything so what if it’s broken it’s fun for things to be broken for a few days makes the game fun for those who are good at adapting to change

TacoMeat FijiWater: Respawn plan: Release OP gun to bloat the player count then nerf it after everyone starts to complain

Big Tasty: Lmao instead of nerfing the spit fire they made a new and overpowered one to make the spitty worse

Gacha Studio: I'm gonna love using that especially since I'm a rampart player

JARVAN: I don't usually store thermite grenade on my back pack but this gun will make me.and it's also quite stable for long range

Clonezy: Reminds me of the Gorgon from BO3

IND 3liteNinja: It will get nerfed just like bowcheck

CinnamonToast Nex: *Laughs in rampart*

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