Apex Legends Season 10 Gameplay Trailer Live! (Seer, Rampage, and More)

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Mikeslam JR: I was thinking of another way to spice the vids is by having 2 of the best different characters queued trios like for example a meta run the best octane and revenant in trios

Bruhchulax: Can u do number 1 Bangalore? Plz like so he can see!

Boyce Ranson: Did you not notice the door got blown off with the new lmg also? And I never thought it would do burning damage with a thermite loaded, I thought of it as something similar to the sentinel with the shield cells giving it more damage. Now will it by like hammer points and it does more damage to health? The opposite of the sentinel? Or will it just increase its base damage per shot? Idk.

bluez wrld: Sweat vid idea u should do a vid of the most kill switch player

Trevor Stone: Why did it take forever to show the trailer

sir-GetDropped-: Old rev skin btw from second anniversary event

there is only dead end: pososi mazafaka

sir-GetDropped-: Noice

Tanner Stafford: Anybody notice seers passive ability? It looks like the drones are on his gun and turns red when facing an enemy

Alternative_quay: Season 10 gameplay?

Ricky: Godly path

Typical Meds: That volt skin looking sick

James Edwards: Wow that bloodhound trailer looked good lmao

Matrix_ Meli: ok

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