Apex Legends Seer Abilities Confirmed, Finisher Animation, Rampage Thermite LMG, Season 10 Trailer

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Thordan Smash: are you guys excited for the rampage lmg using thermites and what do you think of his kit?

ArthurMorgan117: i think seers a complete badass just i hate the blond hair

Biscuit Boi: A lot of apex news channels put almost no effort into their vids I like the effort you put in. You’ve earned a new sub

Mohammad Abdel Rahman: the devs are really out of ideas bloodhound = Crypto = Seer Valk= Horizon = Path

Dwayne Chapman: When he faced Caustic & Wattson in the trailer, it showed Wattson's ult not effecting his drones, and caustic's gas being removed from an area. Wonder if those were just part of the gameplay, same with Loba doing that far reaching finisher with her tactical. Will it have an attack attached to the landing?

Moo: Seer and Crypto having the same skill but while Seer's drone works on it's own and it's passive is that it can see the heartbeat, Crypto has to stand in one place until he finds manually the opponents with his drone. I don't think it is balanced. Not one bit. It has a shield, like Gibraltar except this shield can't be crossed. I wanna see how these actually work on the battlefield, but if I'm correct above, it's just unbalanced already. The thermite lmg is no special. Going to work like other lmgs and 1 thermite going to give you 60 ammo.. I'm a lot more interested about the reworks, buffs and nerfs we're going to see. Give Wattson an electric defense against melee so if you get hit the opponent would receive 15 dmg due to a shock. Reduced circle dmg, 2x3 fence, a passive turbocharger, a shield recharge rate like how Octane recovers it's health. Something like this or whatever. That ultimate accelerant thing is no useful. I use it once out of 20 fights. I don't need to.. Only once out of 20. In the meanwhile others have faster reload, crazy health recharge, passive shields, can climb crazy heights. Thanks..

Michigan Angling: cool! BUFF WATTSON.

david washinghton: So. Black bloodhound

Malcolm Gardner: . . . . Ok so like. . . Why do u need a heart beat sensor inna game where you can literally hear everyone's footsteps at medium ranges? I was hoping his drones could like disable enemy equipmeant or like hurt enemies. We just got Valkyrie who's a tracker. . . I think we need more support and defense legends

Gerrard Harvey: They'll have to buff Seer right away. I don't see how his abilities are much different from Bloodhound or Crypto. Yes there are differences but they seem very minimal and don't really add much interest. Badass looking character but his abilities are not as unique as he looks.

Евген Каминский: So, as i understand, in addition to having longbow that isn't a bow, but boček is, we will have spitfire that does not spit fire, but Rampage does. My brain just died

Zain Patel: Nice vid do you give Apex coins out cause Im not allowed to buy any more and I really want battel pass I liked and subbed with noti

Yusuf Aditya: lol his tact is Skye's ult.

DAMN: The trailer hyped me up but it soon goes down whenever I think about playing yet another new character and season on the same old 20 tick servers

Tristan Sample: Lol why not just link the vid. You haven’t added any content or anything. Lazy piggybacking off the news without even adding opinion. Clcckbait waste of a vide sorry bro

Jarian Warren: Thordan smash likes black people

Spry B.O.B.TheOrigin: I was most excited for the Battlefield 2024 Portal reveal... If this game is going to be as good as i hope it is... then see you later Apex. Apex is stagnating on many points, for example levelcap, bugs, cheaters, content and tweeking SBMM so it really works finally... I think I need something new sooner or later, hopefully it is going to be a nice and clean Battlefield game. #Battlefieldveteran4ever

game world: Imgaine his finisher would last as long as this trailer

Kellz: 2:42 i definitely spotted Rampart running while holding Sheila. upcoming Rampart buff??

Neil Fontaine: 3:57 this might be my new favorite finisher

Tayy Sanderson: Season 3 vet here, for the first time ever, I will make the new legend my main before they are even released. I've lost a lot of love for apex over the past few seasons. Hopefully this will make me love the game again

Ext-Ion: I'm excited for 3 things, my dive trail I'm getting, kings canyon, and world's edge are the ranked maps so I don't have to play on Olympus

AlexZeds Studio: looks like the buff that rampart will recive is that her machinegun can shoot byhimself as show in the trailer :D like a turret!

rahul VA: This legend is gonna be so weak because bloodhound is was better than seer he can scan ,track , chase and get out using his ult but seer can only scan and his ultimate can be countered

Heartless Jason: I wonder why Seer is scanning all the way so much? He's really unlike bloodhound and crypto

Isaias Guzman Rodriguez: I can’t wait the new legend look good also his way of tracking the enemies

Brando2clutch: I think he’ll be A lot of fun to play! But I wonder what’s his reason for a joining the games or did I miss it?

Sin xH: We could possibly use another medic support legend. But can't really think of much to do for it. If anything a passive that works like a gold bag but less. And if you have a gold bag on that legend the teammate gets a res, they have full health and armor.

Tysir Pemberton: I'm very excited about the Rampage Lmg. And Seer kit and how it functions.

NineLives: I moght have to stop mainng bangalore with this gay cowboy running around scanning everyone

Mr.iSnxpez: Crypto stay getting bullied😭😭😭

Mr.iSnxpez: With all this info all over this place your channel is one of the only places I can know everything at one place thanks keep up the good work😁👍

Daevion: Bloodhound: *Tracking and Scanning* Seer: *Scan, Scan, and more Scan*

Paperstar 123: I see alot of people saying seer is worst than bloodhound and dont understand how he changes the meta. So i wanna kindly explain my thoughts. His passive is better than blood since blood can only see up to the past 75 seconds. Having when ever you just need to hold down sight seems better. And his ult is meant to stop mobility legends who just use mobility always. Since it only tracks fast moving legends this includes bangalore and bloodhound due to speed increase. I also understand that it is meant to stop mobility legends to keep getting easy and more kills than others. I think there prioritizing gun play than spamming stim or wraiths tactical. It will also be great for legends who dont have to grind some kills. I also see people saying every legend changes the meta is wrong. Well as much some characters are weaker than others. It doesn't mean they are still strong and good. I main rampart and i suck at video games but i was able to grind so many kills with her. So lets give seer a shot. If he doesn't suit your play style then that's fine. But lets not say everything bad about him yet before we get to play him. Also remember seers old abilities. This is def an upgrade since he was mostly focused on sniping legends from afar. So...Yeah this is a better kit since his s1 leaked abilities.

Vaples: Well seer is a JOJO confirmed

Oli/ Olive/ Oliver: Maybe I'm looking too much into the trailer, but his tactical drones can't just give More information on the enemies, right? Like, there has to be something else, because everyone he uses them against in the trailer seems entranced by them, and Caustic's quote when speaking about the bespoke drones mentions "misdirection." At least some of the legends are aware of who he is, so we can't rule out Caustic's comment on him as pure speculation just to insult him, he could have very well stated the truth that Seer uses misdirection and his curse in a sort of Pied Piper sense, luring others into a state of calm or, as his story says "luring us all to the flame." Idk, just seems weird to me that that's his whole curse, everyone in the trailer is, for slight lack of a better term, enamored whenever he releases his drones, and then the devs come out and say "eh, it's just more tracking."

pixel collie: apex has been so laggy for me

go nk: Wait seer can basically can block wattson's pylon and thr ult is definently op not as bad as day 1 horizon but still gonna merd a bunch of nerfs

gsgambe01: The part with crypto sums all crypto players. In his drone while his teammates are being attacked

Yoni GJR: Wait a minute he said moving quickly, that means people are forced to crouch walk to not be sensed in his ultimate, meaning Rev will be the perfect counter yet again, not only can he prevent him from using his ability to begin with , he can also nullify his ability if does manage to get it off 🤣 mirage would also fuck him over in the area but including loba,path wraith and octane, just have to escape that ring

Somaatic Apollo: seer seems like a jo jos character; he's gay, he likes to pose and his moth drones are his stand

Spawny: I smell a revenant nerf

J B: We need more support legends

Juicy Doubles: Damn, if only we already had a champ that could track enemies, some real outside of the box thinking coming from gaypex lagends

MICHAEL CONLEY: I gotta admit, I'm disappointed. I was looking forward to a more sniper oriented legend. I know it's not a viable play style, but I thought they might try to make it more so. These abilities are ok, but really just reskins.

Yesko: Cant wait for season 11

Rejsi 135: The new artstyle for the launch trailers aint it man the old one was way more fitting for apex and not so cartoonish

Ryan FitzAlan: I'm worried it will be like Crypto, his ult isn't very useful and his tactical may not be as good as you might hope. that leaves the passive which may be alright but 1 out of three leaves you in a "rampart" paradox. One of these days they need to seriously Buff rampart, crypto and watson

E4rth_R3born: Looks sweet! See me in the Arenas!!!

Oliver: Seer gives me blackpanther vibes

Jaden Mcbride: That was amazing

KamiNoH3ntai: so seer is kind of like a long range bloodhound hmmmm

F4nartist 24: Saw the Prowler in Revs hands. My Baby is coming back to me. Hopefully!😌

nickbrandonx2: Would’ve been cool if he could hack other legends their things. Like hack a caustic trap and make it his own. Or do the same with wattson fences.

DetectiveBreadCrumbs: 3:16 trailer ends

Simply Ceeper: In the trailer rev is shooting with a prowler

Jamal: the bloodhound seer combo is going to be irritating as hell

Paul Dinnegan: Even tho it looks like good content,the trailer just failed to excite me compare to the metamorphosis short animation about seer

Tyler Quam: Did they tease loba's heirloom she killed wraith with her staff at the end of the trailer

David Friedl: They literally gave cryptos rework that he desperately needed to a new legend.... Respawn just left my main to die

Kona Higham: So basically we're getting a reskinned bloodhound with a less useful ult he could have been so much better different and actually worth something to apex

ThePandaBearMom Gaming: I got a bit excited when he parted the gas but then it's not really something he does in-game.. :X Would be cool tho!

Michaelangelo Cobra: Did we really need another scout legend? Was really hoping his ability was a flashbang

Carlyon Jones: 40k incoming. Feeling like a proud subscriber 🙏🏼

champagne davy: Cryptos ultimate needs to do 100 shield damage to be viable now

mike rusk: Yeah I'm just calling the rampage bars... Because it spits hot fire....

xVyperTv: Well RIP bloodhound and crypto

champagne davy: I was waiting for this.

jocasio1977: So by the trailer it looks like the new legend is invincible!!literally took zero damage..I'm in

At Las Music: this new legend going to be WEAKK AFFF

Seamus Barron: all i can think of is the resemblence between seer amd nas x😭

Cameron Hymas: Honestly less hyped now that I know his kit involves tracking. 🥱

the spaghetto production: He seems like a better crypto/bloodhound Idk Also want to know more about the new weapon

HAWKS SA: The real spitfire that spitsfire

20year Gamer: Seems like bloodhound with extra steps

Jonathan Gomez: Yeah, Ill stick to the jets, and for those rats that hide…time to come out of your hole

Untraceable Ninja: I wish his dome also canceled all sound

Sigma Gaming: This is perfect for an Ex Bloodhound/Crypto main 🤣

Dizzy Dizzy: “Whever there is a new legend there is always an interesting change in the meta” Rampart and fuse prove that is not the case

Derek Stonez: Now more than ever I think they need to do something about crypto. On paper his kit(aside from his passive) is pretty good but in an actual fight you lose crucial time because you have to manually enter your drone and move etc and this can lead your teammates into fighting a 2v3. I know that crypto has come along way from where he began(I main him) but the fact that all his buffs go to what he can do when he's INSIDE his drone just aren't working. I have a few ideas on how they can actually make him a decent reccon. 1-his passive:crypto doesn't really have a passive right now as it is "his teammates see what his drone sees"(neurolink)which should really just form part of his tactical (like bloodhound) I think a better passive for him would be that he can't be scanned by any other crypto drones or bloodhound scans(can call it "off the grid" cuz it also fits with his lore) 2-his ult:I don't have a lot of problems with his ult besides the fact that the drone needs to be out and I think a simple solution would be that even if the drone isn't out, crypto can activate the emp and the drone will come out(where the player is standing) and emp by itself without crypto actively actually having to go into the drone and activate. This will allow him to be of use to his team without taking himself outta the fight.

OCBlueLightning x: Pulse mains: I main this now.

BTK Enzo22: This launch trailer is making me really hyped for the next season! Now where is the damn Wattson buff?

Whitehawk747: In my own opinion, Super excited. But pissed, ever since I played since s4 i've been telling my friends, they should just stop moving ground weapons in and out and have actual "care package" weapons like the kraber, or I'd hope that they'd add the epg as a anti camping weapon in the care package. Then they added an lmg with a f*ckin grenade in it and put it in ground loot. Kinda upset. It inserts a grenade, they could make that super strong if they wanted, it would be fun, and balanced because its hard to get. I do love the gun tho. ❤️.

Nikita Taranik: Nobody’s gonna talk about how sick that finisher is?

Tremori: I hope blood hound mains dont mass move onto this character, I want to for once play a really interesting character that no one plays. fuse wasnt doing it much for me. I like to go agaisnt the meta its more fun that way.

Carlos Chevez: This legends is literally sounds like he's replacing crypto in every way

angy ponce: New hot drop legend essential , depending on tactical he might be better than hound

SOLR: Lil nax exe. Inbound

Because_snickers: Thordan still cute tho

Shawn Reacts: Well he seems ass now lol

Isaac Garcia: What crypto should been 🤔😅

BunsiTV Cookie Vault CULT : 2:45 wriath is taking fire damge in side seer dome

BunsiTV Cookie Vault CULT : Think they map of worlds edge will be falling apart in each Game. That would be sick

Kris Tøkyø: I think it's hilarious a lot of pro players are calling for bloodhound to be nerfed so they basically made bloodhound 2.0 New legend seems cool though.

sergio mayorga: Young thugs a character now? Lol

H1Z1 Logic: Anyone else think that the fact they are letting PS and Xbox compete in the ALGS means that we are getting a next gen upgrade next season? No shot they expect us to compete on 60 fps, right?

Grimmreaper2112: He looks so cool

Jax Jaeger: His abilities don't seem good enough for me its only purpose is tracking no escape and no damage. The only reason imma play him a lot is because of his voice, his character design and his lore.

SteamedBun UwU: saddens me that wattson and caustic got fucked

ogfani: They added lil nas x into apex

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