Apex Legends Season 10: Emergence - Seer Abilities, Rampage LMG, and Map Changes Explained
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Christian Smith: Ugh disruptors… the ptsdНаписать
Jack Markham: Seer isn't OP. He's broken!
korDa: worst season ever. Seer is ruin the game!!!
p i s t o l: sick buffs
Yeeetus Fetus: As an idea for seers heirloom A black, liquid (micro drone) katana that morphs into different weapons while holding the inspect button. You could then stop holding the button to keep that form
variémai: My poor boi caustic still isn't in his prime
Roger Ortega: The disruptor rounds are back
Workingman: another character with no game sense required
IszacMcculloch789: why the FU*k did they nerf the eva 8 and do that to the spitfire
Wickersmith: This game company accused me of hacking and then bans without any proof.
George Forman: F this game. I'm tired of dropping into ranked matches without full squads. S10 and this crap is still going on. Honestly
Bliss: Kinda was hoping for cooler abilities & maybe a straight guy... But hey they did everything else right ✅
l lopez: this game is absolutely elite. it’s also free. unbelievable
Ruzh: Comms are about to be insane with Seer especially in the final circle
Justin Conforti: Looks like Caustic is back on the menu boys
Jakob Ramirez: Basically the man is bloodhound but with fries on the side
JohnnyDev: seer kinduh reminds me of Lil nas
Crimson Claw: We finally have a pretty boy legend now😩
jordon coury: You literally took someone else’s video but used your voice 🤣🤣🤣
Reggie N Happiness: Show us. We can read ourselves
Adam Gossage: Bro come on taking spitfire and giving us burst wtf man
blazekaizer9000: Pistols buff let's go. No more spitfire let's gooooo
Syed Ameed: Seers abilities make a lot of annoying noise, it needs to be reduced
Ak47: Q and Ult can become spammy and somewhat annoying
Rivaldo: Lol they still don't fix the high CPU usage since genesis..
xIAMDAVEx: the spitfire is now a crate weapon!!??? NOOOOOOOOO!!
maurice.: If Lil Nas X and Hopsin had a baby, it would be Seer 😌
Bonito Flakes: Where tf is crypto buff?
Switch-_-out: Volt seems way more faster
solxen: the alternator and the spitfire?! wow apex
Cerrome CEO: Yeah make the black dude LGBTQ 😑
Micaiah Koh: The most detailed and concise overview! Nicely done Stella and the IGN team!
Jay Pay: Static shock ??
Bangaly: So basically an advanced bloodhound nice
Bigtalloink: Why does Seer remind me of Lil Nas X?😂😭
Thatdumbguy10: Like pulse from rainbow
Alanzomega: There is no such thing as a coincidence
Pahoa Productions: Fffaaaaaa!!!! Can’t wait to get off work!!
Tyson Williams: Season 2 disrupter was in the game not season 3
TobyExpress 0: There is no such thing as a coincidence
Your Average Joe 2: Lil nas x is a character lmao
Alex Ciccone: Lil Nas x is gonna be Hella over powered
SpikeMoney: Welp that's going to get nerfed that's going to take away from bloodhound
Mp Templo: Best balance we’ve bragged about
Chris Rivet: seer is a jojo character on vacation
Javin Djoyoadhiningrat: If your moving while ADS are u still detected or do u only avoid detection when crouch walking?
DBlanding23: The balance changes this season have been the best so far
Lalou 1310: Fyi "revert back" means "back back", just say revert.
Sed22 2: 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
StillAtMyMoms: *Lil Nas X
Chris Wright: Yo they put old town road Nas x in Apex 🤣🤣😂🤣
Fast_hands_Dan: Seers design could have been better
Sean Radz: So with Seer on the team, we’ll be able to see if an enemy truly is “one-tap”.
JugHead Jones: My main is Loba and second choice crypto but seer just made number 1 I got a new main guys
ethiotthefirst: Noooo, no more insane eva 8
Jimmy WasHere: Seems like they aren't very creative and are running out of ideas already so instead they'll just borrow abilities from other legends and change them slightly. Next will be a legend that moves fast like Octane but has portals instead of jump pads.
CasePB: Seer sounds like the most annoying thing to ever be put in the game.
Freddy Gabriel: Theres no such thing as a coincidence
Johnny Martinez: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍👍
Pansuto: Didn’t know lil nas was in the game …
Petr Maverick: first 10
Longshot: Excited to see what Seer can do!
Donkey: Second
Ramon Lopez: Why she so beautiful
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