Apex Legends Rampage LMG Uses Thermites, Season 10 Spitfire Care Package Weapon

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Thordan Smash: out of all these changes what are you most excited for in season 10?

Ultra SaltyRug: Thx a lot man!!

popodopo: Ammo type?

Ignis, Lord of flames: This about to be favorite gun honestly



Kadajy Valencia: It's only a matter of time before someone complains that it's too op, and yet another nerf gets launched

Godinon: What if they put the devotion in the care package, and swap out the turbocharger for select fire?

Enmarquez Hamilton: Yo somebody find the link to intro clip for me please.

Khaan Khaidav: You were right bro

DatDesaVA F: Prowler Lover: YES, WOAH, YEAH!!! 😍🍑😉🤫😎

brachyboy: I remember chatting with my friemds about what each legends heirloom would be. For rampart i always loved the idea of a massive lug wrench with a voiceline saying "kneecaps are a privilege, not a right*

Paran01ac: Most excited about my baby Prowler coming back from the air drop.

Trif3_: looks like we got a literal Spitfire this time eh? ..... I'll show myself out

Fuzzy Wabbit: Has anyone noticed a greyed out hop up slot for the mastiff? I've seen it in my games, so I'm half expecting a hop up that uses thermites to charge those guns

Ephraim Karavan: Honestly, Seer doesn't sound good to me at all. The devs just took Bloodhound and Crypto, mixed their abilities together, sprinkled in a bit of Wraith here and there, and made him look like a black Freddy Krueger. I'm still waiting for a Russian character that squats like a Slav when you crouch and says "Cyka blyat!" when under enemy fire. They can also add vodka bottles to the list of existing throwables (or whatever they're called) that pretty much serve as Fuse's motherlode on a much smaller scale. And of course, legendary Adidas tracksuit skin. If you disagree, let me show you out the door --->🚪

meta 1022: 1:28 I think how it will work is that it will shoot like a regular log trough the top barrel but if you insert a thermite it will shoot a flamethrower from the bottom barrel

heart_of_a_daedra: That screenshot of that scummy RespawnGotHim had my laughing hahahahahaha

Zarkoneous: I swear to god if I get shot by a lmg and it sets mr on fire I am personally gonna go riot wherever the hell respawn is

stew_Nation: so is the prowler floor loot

Crazie Ates: How do you load the Thermite on/in the gun though?...Thermites blast from both sides, so I don't think it will be loaded into the bottom front of the gun like speculated. There is nothing there that caps one side of the Thermite. If possible it may be loaded into the butt end onto the cylinder doo-hicky thingy and sucked out of the Thermite, then stored in the front cylinder 🤷‍♂️...but in the only pic of the gun it looks like that isn't really possible due to angles, but it makes sense considering the circular shapes on the underside of the doo-hicky thingy on the butt. Beyond that, whatever loads into the gun it looks like it has a long range or stability perk with the bipod on front. Just not sure how those may work since we can't lay prone lol

InHumain Vein: Now let's see people bitch about this gun and if you use it your bad at the game people are just going to complain🙄😒

Danger Noodle: Spicy bois maybe

LoaF: Rampart buff half way threw season 10 hmmm...... it's almost like they just told us who's getting the heirloom. Rip my loba gotta wait another season I guess

Douglas Price: As a Rampart main, I'm just glad to see my girl finally getting some love from the devs.

James Woodruff: You're the man, you provide good content. You are a special human being. Water is not the man, he does not provide good content. He's a POS.


BillionareB Novakingenigma: Your intro is hilarious

AresX61: best intro ever

Root N toot: So the rampage lmg takes thermites does that mean every bullet will do a thermite tick in addition to the bullet dmg ? If so this is just disrupter rounds on steroids haha

GeszaN: Finally I can use my diamond trail while flashing master badge ! Neat !

DirtyForLyfe: I lost faith in watergothim the second he got caught cheating smh

Dragon FN: poor baby seer

BlueXG0d: The beast returns to the battlefield

Jan Sanchez: Thordan can you discuss this in the next episode of the podcast? I'm curious what you guys think about griefing your own teammates. If you're a popular streamer are you exempted from ruining your teammates games? Context: It's about NRG Rogue's toxicity to a random teammate in apex https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/onvym2/ive_lost_any_respect_for_rogue_hes_turned_to/

Awesome Devin Fish: btw that's trainyard that's destroyed not countdown

Zion Pugh: What I don’t understand is why the prowlers coming to ground loot it was busted before it was put into supply drops and it’s even better now the triple take should’ve been taken out of the supply drops it’s the most dog shit thing that’s been put into supply drops

Botclan Boi: Why is the trip take still in the care package it’s not that good

Tricolour Llama: Crypto plus turret buffing two legends at once or maybe if there’s a hacker in your game everyone is just given Sheila drone to kill them

Julius Magwood: I don't care about anything else PROWLER IS BACK BABY!

TabascoSlim: That intro though🤙🤙

Toast Boi1: Lol, waterGotHim is still being a loser? I thought he would have stopped by now

gsgambe01: I’m just glad you pronounced Elo correctly

FutureSpartan2015: the intro is gold 😂

Otto Boettger: I feel like if it does take thermites it will be in addition to ammo, like the sentinel, a timed charge of extra burn damage

Brickwall34 Big reee: If you go into arena and use the Madrid there is a hop up that you can request

Kyle Forbes: Fuck you if you use the spitfire dont bother @‘ing me

Jos Vdw: Will there be a diamond trail???

Josef Santos: Others: excited for the next season Me, pc can’t handle apex: 🙃🙃🙃

lolcatz1323: Bro that intro took me out lmfao

FrozenAxeYT: I’m so glad your channel has grown to its size I remember when you had just barely passed 1k man keep up the good work always enjoy the content 🙏

Jax Three: The season 10 legend should’ve been bangalores brother who was experimented on, instead of that wacko story they went with. PLUS when will we get an alien legend? We have Alien animals like prowlers where are the smart aliens at??

The Starhopper: wow who could have guessed they finally added a light machine gun that is actually a light machine gun (i.e. it can use light ammo)

Majestic Tortoise: Rampart isn’t the “base of fire” for no reason

Caleb McBride: That'd be cool! I wonder what the drum magazine on the back is for though. Edit: My guess, the LMG uses light ammo, and can utilize thermites to turn them into incendiary rounds.

Rocky Oneida: BEST INTRO YET

Pablo Espinoza: it would be nice to get those ranked emotes but i play the game casually and with the way people in masters and diamond play it will be impossible.

galaxarian: I wanted ash had a nice concept of abillities

ReptiLe: Rampart buff: Don't allow crypto EMP to disable shields all the way to her cover, perhaps make it half dmg to her shields.

Kolby Parrott: They need to fix the footsteps, still can’t hear anything, literally ea if your reading this comment fix it like Jesus Christ what the hell are they doing, most players agree that apex’s audio is the worst of any game being played atm, you’ve two been out for two years fix it

Techz Bolt: 2:47 pains me as a blender user 🥲

HKOfficer: with the scorch marks (most likely not but) what if they add the heat sink hopup i dunno i just thought

Wandile Khumalo: You guys buy that watergothim Mirage skin?

Jace Cooke: Rampart is most underrated

Stebbey: Looking for a pathfinder passive rework :) been useless for a while.

Diggy Dee: No. Please. Not a rampart heirloom

Faith: looking forward to a real wattson buff

Pilot Cooper: This is insane sorry for not commenting

YourWivesOtherLover: What if ramparts spicy buff is enemy's take burn damage for crawling through her amped shields?

Саша Ольшанский: I think next heilroom is for crypto


Aiden Guillen: Now the hole thang with the new legend can shoot fire for all I care they were referencing the new gun

Bobby Lashley's Headband: Octane: * throws a thermite grenade* " eat thermite! Also Octane: *sees an enemy with the dragon shooting thermites* "Ah, forget what I said"

Jon Watkins: yeo bro your intros have me dying XD keep up the grind bro!

tangible noah: thats not countdown in the image, thats train yard

CMDCHAMPION: So this gun should of been called the spitfire then. Lol

I3UTTAZZ: Apex Community: We need a Spitfire Nerf! Respawn: So what you're saying is you want a Spitfire that shoots thermites...

Cinnamon Tea: Excited for season 10! But I am lowkey sad they re-named the new gun to Rampage LMG instead of Dragon LMG, it sounded way cooler lol

Allison VP: best intro ever

Louie Uwanawich: Oh boy I can't wait to run around the map and gets shot with termite rounds I'm not being passive aggressive I'm actually excited about this

KotaKill: Lol hey bro its been a while how you been

Diesel: I will throw up if Respawn does that lol. Not really, but respawn is pathetic for doing so much to buff Rampart, I think they miss the mark of shooters with movement, and in this game, no one wants to sit behind a wall. Sell more heirloom, this company is pathetic for it hypocrisy tho, preach out against hate, but they stepped all over the community by just never fixing big issues like hacking, and instead pull the rack out for skins and heirlooms.

Christian Robinson: Should just swap the names Spitfire and Rampage

cole cornelius: So will it use light ammo then add fire to the bullets with thermite ?

drawnswords: Devs:No Spitfire this season Us: what do we get in return? Devs:A gun that actually... Spits fire. Us: touché

Sergio Briseno: "spicy sausage" is the concept art name the concept artist for apex named the Thermite Grenade So yes youre on point

MOF410: So to clarify, the rampage will literally "spit fire"...but there's a completely different already existing LMG called the "spitfire"...

Jhordan Stoutmire: first 30 seconds deserve a like lol

GoGoALT: Can we learn something we didn't knew already?

Adam Lloyd: Shouldn’t the rampage LMG be called the spitfire because it would shoot fire and the spitfire should be called the rampage LMG because when you pick it up you can’t be stopped

Juicy Doubles: I think we can all agree we would much rather be able to keep our dive trails permanently instead of some holo displaying our previous rank

Super Rosè: Zander get your boy dog

Mr . Twink: The intros man they're so good 👏🔥🔥🤣

The Fiend: one of the best intro memes so far thordan

Sage of 6 Blacks: Rampart is so lame, the fact that she’s getting an heirloom over Wattson is infuriating

Card Credentials: they should rename this gun to the Dragon LMG

D H: Don't sweat water. His channel is losing subscribers and yours is growing.

Mr Mercenary: Wait what???? The spitfire is going to be a care package weapon? Nooooooo!!!! The best gun in the game, I use it every round

Memrlord: What if the buff is allowing her to modify a crypto drone with Sheila parts and make it so it's like a p2020 on it with full auto

Sky Light: I just want the new weapon to be fun and practical.

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