Apex Legends Season 10 GAMEPLAY First Look, Care Package Weapons + More

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SierraOne: Assuming it has g7 fire rate: that's 4 shots per sec times 28 damage = 112 dps. So easily outdamaged in 1v1 by many guns with thermite it looks like p2020 max rpm to me: that's 7 shots per sec times 28 damage = 196 dps. That's really scary, given it's up to 46 rounds mag size

N P: The new gun see that right handle there is a r and🤔🤔🤔🤔

Brian: Triptake needs a changeable sight. I know its OP sniper but come one. Throw a guy a 6x at least.

MrCykro: 4 Slot care package teaser for 4Squads? ;D

Pootis: oh god, the prowler is ground loot...

RedDirtGaming: Why is the alternator in the care package now? That’s dumb

Katkin525: Thank you as always for your content ☺️

Titan: Seems like a good weapon to poke and farm damage with

Genius: I think, this weapon could be overpowered.

Auris Imvu: They put the spitfire in the care package.. nooooooo!

6u6lik6: What language he is speaking? I don't understand 80% of words

catJAM :3: if you combine the G7 and the Wingman into the design of a LMG, you get this beast… Season 10 is gonna be HELL 😭


Mejovai: The care package should be categorized now more than ever. Support Packages and Weapon Packages.

RedRoom: Just wait a sec…. “It will take a high skill to master” Alright lets hope so. But then later in the video “the recoil looks easy to master” In apex once recoil of a gun is understood you don’t need to worry anymore all other things come naturally in like 3 games if you’re consistent. We’ll see very soon

Moon: SPITFIRE IN CAREPACKAGE, I’m deceased it’s my fav 🤩🤩🤩

Thordon smashes hammer: You can see seers heartbeat sensor it seems to be blue when no one is there and orange to red if someone is there depending on how far they are

Gary Maarman: Heavy ammo meta confirmed. Prowler for close to mid. Rampage with a 3x for mid to long range and for opening doors.

Zangetsu 111: I hope they let the prowler be automatic again😥I was so disappointed to here its only a burst weapon now

Da zombie Slayer: I’m guessing fuse would be the best combo with the rampage

Ryan: Having four weapons in care package is fine if they were actually guns that were worth being in there, the mastiff, devotion and charge rifle all deserve to be in there over the alternator, spitfire and ESPECIALLY the triple take

Pavan Bhat: Finding heavy ammo will be quite a task this season

K Becker: we need more legends with ADS passives ngl

Mangoblast34: This will be good for dmg farming :0

Alex Murillo: staycation is getting lots of attention from posting the new gun!

Fishgills: Fuse+thermites+rampage LMG

SaigonYT: This next season is going to be trash. My alternator is gone to care package.

STEEL CONTROLLER: Why won’t they just bring the tripletake back🥲💔

Based: Why is it a heavy ammo lmg!? We already have a heavy ammo lmg the spitfire! This should have been a light ammo one. Apex is tripping at this point.

Moyaneis ZEN: i wonder, how big seer head hitbox. i hope his hat is not another lifeline pants LMAO

Mr Sweating: That's honestly disappointing I wanted a light LMG

Arthur chance Othneil: Love your vids broski once again

Arthur chance Othneil: Notification gang like it up

Pinchy Lobster 71: Alternator in the care package? that was unexpected

champagne davy: Where you get the seer footage

RandomArts: The shots are gonna be slow? Frick... if i got a Rampge LMG and an enemy beside me have a r9, i'm dead.

Charlie Howard: Small detail but I like how Ramparts logo is present on the Rampage, much like the tier 100 skins. 1:07

bustedugly321: The alternator better have disruptor rounds

Genji: this gun is supposed to run on light ammo or am I trippin'

DANNYonPC: Full auto G7, lets go

Leo Li: Seems like Rampage can either be used as marksman, a wingman, or a smg that can take lmg sights... wow

Kevin Castillo: Interesting, so the Rampage is going to use heavy ammo then. I suppose that means the Hailstorm may use light ammo. I’m still hoping it ends up being a type of mini gatling gun with a ridiculous fire rate but really low damage.

Xaif Oni: This might be an unpopular opinion but they should add a lot of bullets in one stack in firing range. Instead of picking up one by one they should do one huge stack of ammo.

Michael: Garret: "This gun seems like it's gonna take high skill to master". ..A few moments later.. Garret: "The recoil for this weapon seems easy to master". 🤔

Jo P: Bow should've been in care package. It takes up two loot slots and dilutes the loot pool for no good reason. We already have 3 ground loot snipers and 2 ground loot marksman guns it's just not needed

Shrike: Garret I got the mirage heirloom 😀😀

mahee asad: Ah yes the g7 scout 3000

Someone: imagine having a whole squad with these, each hitting 28s...oof.

TLL_Anonymous: Is Olympus in the Map Rotation?

Treymungus: Wait wtf I thought the whole point of the rampage was to be the first light ammo LMG. It’s heavy instead ??

I zack: is anyone else facing massive Fame drop issues like from 100fps to 20 or 6fps?? please some report it cuz I've been facing this since my last GPU update or it could be the game update too because its only happning on apex

Nicole Gibson: Bro you are such a nice and reliable guy i just love how short and informitive your videos are

aFlair: Reminds me of the gorgon from bo3

Matcus Davis: I thought the rampage lmg suppose to use light ammo. Why heavy ammo? I don't get it. Maybe they change there mind about the rampage lmg only using light ammo. But instead. Heavy ammo? I was looking forward a new lmg that can only use light ammo. All well.🙄

KingDame0: Cannot wait for s10 and patch notes

Average Seal Enjoyer: Prowler back, new Hemlok Hop-up and new LMG, nice season

7eddii: I don’t like the alternator being in care package I personally like it with spitfire, Kraber, and old care package mastiff that would make me actually risk going for care packages more

Starcat09: Hello Garret

Lorenzo: I’m not that excited/hyped for this season like last season. But I’m pretty upset, I’m happy that the spitfire is going into the care package and the prowler is going back to ground loot but they didn’t even put the triple take back to ground loot and they are now putting the alternator, one of my favorite guns to use. The triple take and alternator aren’t even that op ;(((

Grzegorz Sobkowicz: Your channel is big enough for gift card bots to appear in your comments.

Farhan: I just wanna see the battlepass skydive emotes, I wonder who’s gonna get it

volt8ge: Take the triple take OUT!!! I miss playing with that gun so much!! 😭

The Suited Bird: eyy apex betttt


DefinitelyDevv: Zebra

bruno ottoni: op as fuck, well, time to grind for a 20 bomb with that thing on release day

grigs silver 1: mate you forgot about the fact that this beast has 40+ rounds in a gold/purp mag while you claimed it was a max of 26

AtOmIc_HoK: 4 guns in the care package makes sense because they have added multiple new guns over the last few seasons so adding a 4th to the care package takes 1 of those guns off the floor loot pool to less saturate the loot pool. I'm sad it's the alternator going in that 4th slot but at least we get disruptor rounds back.

Generic name: I don't normally say this but it's actually broken And that's good I'd rather it be super strong and people use it than it be a 3030 situation again With no one using it The devs said as well their ready with a hot fix if it's too too overpowered

[ PixelTV ]: Everyone will play with Fuse, just to carry more thermite grenades to boost the LMG. xD

Tom Comte: Well i think I must buy a skin for the rampage now. It’s always cool to have a skin on a OP gun 😂

Glitch Boy: the fire rate of the rampage with termite seems close to alternator or flatline

thicc_high_tower: This gun looks deadly

Yojansel Cuevas: Update: 3 things: First, it’s understandable the fire rate is too slow which good players can strafe easily though damage is a little bit massive. It’s better to do 24 or 22 of damage to be kinda fair cuz that LMG is unique, decreasing more would ruin it with lots of probability and second, the iron sight is above S tier. And third: as Rampart main I’m so excited to take advantage of it 🔥

Learn2Gramrs: Can't believe they gave the spitfire 80 Ammo again holy shi-

GÆMER: man im hyped this is gonna be one of the best seasons by far i hope im able to get the battle pass

3byfour: the iron sight looks like the car SMG from titanfall

Utsuro: Lol they think it’s balanced

JJR_withers: I watched stays video when it came out and I was like- yo this doesn’t seem legit how has he got this. The rampage looks good, and I think that with rampart is could be insane. I also think that rampart should get some extra like speed with it.

Another Sheev Palpatine: Quite an interesting Season this will be

ahmed bdhief: thnx for sharing

Aviv tamsut: Legend?

Devlin Garcia: Garret will be meta season 10

FahadPlays: Ya saw that on his channel lol

Ren: Ello

TigerrSavage99: Yeah, I Saw It Already Seems Pretty Good

Potatoz R tasty: First to see the awesome content

Caillou: You know you're early when the video says 7 seconds ago

Jarryd Ortell: Hi

Starcat09: First?

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