Fastest T16 I've ever played - Inna Mystic Ally Surfer Monk Season 24 Diablo 3

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Filthy Casual: Apologies - I have made a mistake in this video, as pointed out by helpful community members below (Tim Maddox and a couple of others) EPIPHANY teleports you, not the Rabid strike weapon So, whilst the video is still reflective of the game play and it is what I was using, an Echoing fury (or indeed pretty much anything) will work just as well. I'll try and learn from this and do better in future videos - the thumbnail, title and d3planner have all been updated. I'm a potato sometimes....

Michael Magness: For my 70 I got sonwuko pants ...

Kuan-Yu Lan: Love this. Can’t believe I only found out your channel now. I have been playing D3 from the first day it released 😂😂😂 Off the topic - Your voice reminded me of my best friends in Preston who I was supposed to visit June 2020 and still waiting 😭😭😭 While U.K. is freeing up, Sydney, where I live is currently locking all the way up 😂😭

Tap-rack Bang: primal templar relic.... worst thing ever?!!!

Wesmin: I got Bindings of the lesser gods from my gr70. I'm so happy, this is only the second time I've gotten a very useful primal since they were added, it's always a nice surprise when it happens. I've been busy trying to tweak my innas build to make fire or rock work but no dice. So far the builds you've shown have been much better. I'm really enjoying innas, most fun I've had since GoD came out.

Nob: another reminder why deaths breath should auto pickup :P

J Thom: Got a primal Inna belt and my first ethereal was an ingeom affix

Din Ga'ling: Isn't WoL slightly stronger?

Abaddon Wolffe: Cool build i just tried it and its really fun in GR 70-90 after that you get destroyed xD. Also, i really liked your explanation. For a noob like myself this was really helpful. Can't get past GR 104 myself i need a build for higher rifts :(

jason bonadio: Wow your running almost the same set up as I am with rabid strike. It's nuts, I have the obsidian ring In the cube and just keep epiphany up almost the whole time. Wreaking shop

Charles Page: Im amazed at how powerful Inna is now. I was farming GR80 in less then 4 minutes with total crap gear and 400 paragon. I do have an ethereal but its not great. Inna is just unreal

Dubbb V: Anybody else noticed he looks like Ben Affleck

Andrew Simmons: Grt build and I’m really enjoying playing this on the PS4

visitor55555: The d3 planner is still wrong. It has 6 pieces of Inna's AND a RORG at the same time. Which of the 6 pieces is best to remove? I'm guessing the belt for the goldwrap but it'll need adding to the planner.

Dakoda Armstrong: Got the eat primal of all blackthorns boots Such an op set definitely needs a nerf

NxtGameRoxs :]: I got primal Skorn then another one the next gr what a waste.

Andy Orritt: Slight mistake there in ur build or explanation Pressing mantra don't give you the movement speed only boost damage to a measly 16%, so chant of resonance is useless also If speed is all you care about the drop powerful gem for lightning gem that give movement speed and change chant passive to a DPS option

CL M: How much CDR

sypharorigin: I run a diff variant of this in non-season and getting 34-39 second rifts. It's absolutely bonkers! :D

Verbalized: Is this faster than wol?

SonofBear: do the effect of avarice band carry to you if you equip in follower?

Red Elf Shot the Food: So. I’m not the best player out there... but I wonder if my strategy is something that might interest high end pushers. My Inna monk uses The Star of Astarath., the Fire Immunity amulet. Why? Because free healing from Mortar, Desecrate, Fire Breathing Demons, Hell Forge Traps, ACT 1 Fire traps (the big square ones), the little square act 1 fire traps, Fallen Shamans, certain Rift Guardians... explosive blast on death effects... so many things other players avoid I run into. Using an immunity amulet for your peak rift push might be a way to fish for the rift that works for you. You could plan which RG, like poison for the Rat King or the Handible demon. Or fire, cold, lightning or arcane. As the Monk is a class that is prone to elemental damage, it’s nice for me to cut out a big chunk of complexity in the rift process. Cheers

It ain’t that deep: I got a primal inna set for my 70, W!

Joshua Perry: Barb swith Gimmershard can do t16s in about 90sec; obviously not as good - but a solid alternative.

penrose designs: Can ethereal drop from GR boss?

I I: @filthy a tip too is to use mantra of healing (any rune) for a shield. Mantra plays to innas set and the shield will be active forever essentially as with gold wrap you take at least 1 damage which your mantra should will absorb. It's a much better option than serenity in my experience.

David Arcuri: I don't even have nearly all the supporting pieces and I'm running T16 farm just fine

Asroyo Wironagoro: If I give the Messerschmidt's Reaver to Enchantress (instead of putting it into the Kanai's Cube), will I lose its cooldown benefit? Let's say that I give the Messerschmidt's Reaver to Enchantress. And, I put the In-geom into the Kanai's Cube. Will I still get the cooldown benefit from the Messerschmidt's Reaver?

zeveroare R: 3 water monks, 1 god DH, GR110 in 1.5mins Fun stuff (when the servers don't lag)

Ben's Shreds: No good ethereal for me at the moment but I did get primal innas gloves and boots. So that's cool.

LeifGrethe Henning: Still far from WoL speed though, however a nice change for sure 😀

Matt Carr: I don't really think you need Reaver, Ingeom and zodiac, haha. Reaver and Ingeom alone pretty much keep your CDs up 24/7. Focus and Restraint add a nice bonus, prefer those. See people suggesting Augilhds but that extra damage isn't needed since you one shot everything without it. soliloquy shoulders and spirit bracers make you extremely tanky even without gold wrap. This build is honestly like playing God mode.

Matt Carr: Not really sure I understand the use of Rabid Strike in this build - maybe I'm missing something? The CD also seems way over the top with InGeom, Reaver, and Zodiac? Lol

Dj Heller: I gor a death seer on my monk for 70.

Brian Ralli: I'm learning that the goldwrap isn't really necessary for a lot of T16 content. Stuff dies so fast and you have a rez on the follower too.

John Kearton: Why water ally over fire ally, gets a better proc from BotLG. Just curious.

Douglas Johnson: Got a useless amulet gave to scoundrel

Zixu: I got a primal piece of Raiment's set iirc. Wish I'd kept it, might have been useful for the bounty build. Also got primal Inna's boots, happy with those. The set's pretty bonkers, got it together and I was getting like sub 2 minute runs at 95 with awful gear and low gems. It's so much fun to speed with. Found an insanely lucky Bartuc's with the double attack speed power and a useful passive, can't believe it didn't take me longer to get a great ethereal.

Twain Russell: i switch my shoulders and bracers with auguilds reduction and damage to elites and i clear gr 100 easily

XLL38: Sexy. Will try this out asap! Thanks for the vids, your guides are much appreciated. Also; Didn't know the follower counted as a pet. Good to know. You learn something every day.

Just Walt: LMFAO my first ethereal had the Mesershmidts affix and I got to thinking and went and equipped a ring of obsidian. It's so fast. My eyes can't even keep up. I started thinking to myself, "Am I a hacker now?"

Fernando Alves: FC nice vid! I was using it (still using to farm Keys) and was blast! But, sadly already completed the Monk Ethereals... now going to DH! Keep up the nice guides and streams!

qwickiller: put Echoing Fury in the offhand if you wanna swag in this game

tailz13: My primal was Squirts! By far the most useful primal I've found

Rad Petrovic: please inn's bounty builds would be nice ++ thumbs UP!

UndeadDoc: Lol so paragon 400 and have only finished 3 chapters lol and still haven't found an ethereal lol found all inna's as soon as I got to 70

outlawz38: Is this not good for pushing?

Daniel Khoo: I got Inna's Radiance from GR70 and Bartuc's Cut-Throat with In-Geom affix.

Mike Lewis: Some one translate words please? Where is the like "Hey dummy, Begginers Guide"?

Soul24: Nice! Running a similar build. But I realized the Innas setup is enough to decimate T16. Adding In-geom and Messer's to it for Perma dashes, everything else doesn't matter much 😂 Definitely one of the fastest and most handsfree T16 ever 😍

Red Elf Shot the Food: This looks like it should work really well with bounties too.,

Dan Parsons: What exactly is the Rabid Strike doing?

Doug Raine: My 70 primal? With Monk? Manajuma's Carving Knife. Seriously.

Bink: Drop the gold wrap, you don't need the toughness from it with this build, nor do you even need serenity. Use Inna's belt in it's place, replace inna's boots with crudest, put bracers in cube, and use aguhilds bracers/shoulders for more even more completely unnecessary damage.

Raivazz: Ive played nothing but monk since season started, ive gotten like 7 ethereals (duplicates and for other classes), 2 primals (garbage) and 0 ancients/primals for my set. I don't know how Im this unlucky.. oh and Ive spent thousands and thousands of materials and shards for gambling

Ash Willicott: Got the Access All Skills Enchantress Focus as my primal, mixed feelings on it Got 11 ethereals, most are the shadow killer. Only have 2 Bartucs and one is level 16. Also randomly found a Windforce

Tim Maddux: Epiphany itself teleports you, NOT Rabid Strike: “Have an Epiphany, increasing the Monk's Spirit Regeneration per Second by 20 and enabling melee attacks to instantly dash to the target for 15 seconds.” Rabid Strike spawns the clone to duplicate those attacks that teleport. So the teleport is a requirement to trigger Rabid Strike and NOT something that Rabid Strike does. P.S. not at GR70 yet but hopefully soon. Looking to get off Uliana’s to PoJ most likely as I got a my first ethereal (balance Jade Talon) last night at about 250 paragon. Then a rabid strike Bartuc’s about 5 minutes later.

sebzter: 70 primal was a Rabid Strike time to use it after this video !

Kittisak Promsakha Na Sakonnakon: a gosh dang darn primal arcstone

cory walters: Keep up the great work.

Gus Esquivel: this set is really funny :D

Russell Jackson: My 70 primal was Crystal Fist

Aisoon Sakthanawong: You got no cd pylon at the beginning……

Eduard Schor: How are you moving so fast?

Zsolt Csaki: Inna is so crazy! I'm a casual player, 2nd day and hitting gr90

Lephas: Primal Broken Staff :(

Ed. . . ward: Got a damn flow of eternity for my GR70.

Paderborner: You forgot to swap out the Unity for a RoRG on your follower. What a filthy casual you are... ;)

Mack Bradbury: Appreciate your efforts and I also am a casual so this always helps

John Marshall: Mine was Goldwrap

sprocket goblin: I got a primal band of hollow whispers

ZenMorph: This is good news since Monk is my starter this season.

Jarosław Majkowski: I got primal Paddle.

Filthy Casual: What did you get out of GR70? and what is your best Ethereal?

Nick Roze: Hey wesley

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