TSM vs 100 Highlights LCS Summer Season 2021 W9D1 Team SoloMid vs 100 Thieves by Onivia

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n4z p12: TSM Start of the season: sucks Late season/playoffs: world contender Worlds: immeasurable disappointment 🤣😆

Alper Kuru: Dude I hate 100 thieves they always hype people up then became the worst team.

Aisu-cold: Spica for regular season MVP let's gooo

Trundlexx: Sword Art is noise 😂🤣

Black Mug: Wow a cass pick finally, counters Sylas in lane

High Feanor: Huge support diff

Mike Kim: SAO

Cyril Handsome: 1:34 exhaust Leona?

Kouta: People forgot that Swordart took a team filled with rookies to the world finals last year, they been disrespecting him all year about his play and his contract price, but now who is talking shit when he is literally smurfing the entire league. It's far from perfect, but i've never seen TSM's macro look as good as it is right now, Only wish the individual play was a bit higher at each position (other than support) going into worlds. Swordart 1v9 the midgame vs c9 and 100T dude is a legend.

Brandon Huang: swordart soloing baron at the end kekw

Maximo Llanos: Spica Fanboy.

Enes Kürşad Yaşar: Wow, such a bad game from 100T. They look so uncoordinated.

Mr Los: Jesus this game was worse than an LCK platinum que

Bernie S: abbedagge - best mid NA LMAOOOOOOOOO. to be fair to him, they all suck.

Jay Ar: How the fuck it was a quadra? 2 of those were killed by varus and cass lol

mustafa demir: 100t start great finish bad xd

Skairipa: Spica is too bad every tsm-100 they re just playing for spica anyway he is just bad

도파: turkish people without internet when 100T loses

revolution: Support gap

Melvin The Goat: Ssumday getting flashbacks lol

emiliano andres: 1:35 scrp ward int t thresh lamp?

fernando dolz: finally a decent macro


AMV Book: Swordart finally Online he did well

Just Another Gamer: lmao..100 thieves is in their playoffs form already.

Pavel R.: when you FP Varus I guess it would be viable if you can hit Q on more than few minions in a line. not that iut would change much since 100t draft was utter garbage and couldn't even get close to any objective, but the champ is bout poke which he delivered almost none.

Devon Bryant: TSM macro lookin clean

Kickit: First

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