TSM vs TL Highlights ALL GAMES | LCS Mid Season Showdown Round 1 | Team Solomid vs Team Liquid

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Jorge Muerte: Lmfao 28:56

Anima Vilis: LCS is something else xD so much trolling here jeez

Kisoru: Can we take a moment to look at the fact CoreJJ is smiling all the time in game 1 even when tsm had such an advantage? He knew they are going to win no matter what

RafaL0L - ¡Jugador Challenger de LoL! o/: Team liquid :(. Np we win next games

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neonCS: I swear, Huni ain't even that good

12InchesUnBuffed: freesm

Beytullah Karadaban: tsm fans missing bb.

Andreas: The bot and jungle gap is real ...

NO ONE: top and supp diff

Tilen Medved: Its so funny to watch NA..preety much looks like my plat game in EUW🥴

The Game: Man, Lost is tooo bad for this team.

Gary LOh: TSM need to put huni on bruiser champs like renekton, and not ap champs like gragas

Alan Choi Chang: is this the playoffs? or a legit mid season showdown?

Oeil Defaucon: it felt like it was bwipo playing gragas last game

Noah Schiesae: pathetic that this is considered "pro play"

Bogdan: 15:27 why the fuck are you flashing in a straight line tho

innis free: EU vs EU

luka doncic: Bb better than huni

Des • 22 years ago: This is not Dota 2 match

OcDADA: gg

Mats De Cubber: It feels like tsm lost this series insted of tl winning it

Daniel Shoon: 7:16 Lost panicked so hard on this play feelsbad

ThePatProMan2: Astralis would stomp both of these with ease, wtf has NA become?!

Andrew Shaw: Dont compare poe to bjergsen they are different leagues

Raifcan Akgöl: TSM BB > huni

Pingu9: Tactical is insane

Pablo: TL won because of jungle diff + mid diff + top diff + support diff. I cant say adc diff after seing Tactical’s Tristana

Tsui: tbh spica is bad

CK Romulus s11and: Classic huni

Sam Keyman: TSM seriously overestimated Spica's abilities. He honestly doesn't look very good, but the org and analysts are all hyped for him.

Gnralex: Im not saying this to meme or make fun of NA or these teams. This series was as far i can remember the worst gameplay ive seen from a major region

Frian: is there a lower bracket kinda thing

pælius: They need to put Poe on carry champ, I don't think gragas is a good top lane pick either..

Curtis Gorner: Every team just has so many massive gaps in their play it makes it hard to enjoy.

Cory Zeke: TSM DON’T LOSE IDENTITY: don’t ever put our star on a sup mage 2 games in a row! He was primed after that game 3! They got punked by Jensen here. Very disappointed.

Devashan Naidoo: Great work putting your mid on seraphine

Dilios Spartanetz: This series was so bad, awful drafts, NARAM, throwing leads, bad macro and so on

Gabriel Darin Doli Purba 1520046: TSM SwordArt in game 1 havent seen a grey screen for 42 minutes and 40 seconds

Eugene L: TSM Lost looking Real Lost there.. haha

francois guyot: TSM SO BAD KEKW NA SO BAD KEKW

Mutasim Hasan Muhi: AS EXPECTED

Devashan Naidoo: What do you mean poe outplay? That was literally the dumbest thing he could do while heca still had charging e.

Temha: terrible drafting, also huni never recovers from being behind rip

Daniel Phipps: Why is TSM suiciding so many kills it’s like they don’t have faith in their teammates and everyone is trying to get solo kills by them self. Such a shame ..

Joseph Tally: tsm need a new top laner

Resh Kid: Minute 3:15 Drake fight watch as Huni just chills being a frontline tank while spica is trying to 1v5 for the drake. Huni should get fined half of his salary for this kind of bs.

white yaksha: TSM = THROW SOME MORE games. GARBAGE.

Tardy: Jensen was having a good time. TL let him pick what he thinks he can play and most TL won the draft against POE I feel like POE wants to prove he can play other Mid lane champs like Lucian and Sera but this is not time for him, POE plays well with Azir and other control mages which is pretty much similar with Jensen and they both can claim the title., but this time Jensen took the risk of not playing control mages most of the game and he was rewarded. Plus Huhi is having a rough day , and you know Alphari and Santorin love to punish top lane. respect to TSM , silver linings they will get to practice more with the lower bracket. Congrats to TL !!!!

Kallistéi: swordart did nothing this whole series

johnnie lewis: TSM drafting is seriously next level! Don't think there is another team in ANY esport that effectively deminish their chances of winning a game 😂 Like, you've been pouring most of the resources into PoE throughout the season for a reason; he's the best player you have on the team. So WHY would you put him on a support champion?? Don't even have to get into the Huni gragas...

Jin Z: why tf did they go wit seraphine. soo fucking uselesss

Hasorane: Shaky game from both teams imo. Can't wait to watch EU win MSI again

Jeff: huni played last game sucks but other games i think he played not bad why TSM plays mid seraphine when adc is so bad and azir wasnt problem

Vignesh Mohan: TSM - throw solo mid xD

FruitSaled: TSM game one looking like CLG a bit

James Patrick Bacunal: Where did bjergsen go?

Nikko John Rafales: TSM is better at throwing games than my solo queue teammates

UberPlatinum: Tilted Solo Mid

Alex Schneider: Thank God, cause ever since Zven joined C9 I hate C9, and TL are the only ones capable of defeating them.

Barbarian Remover: TSM the only org that capitalize on making money of their org rather than winning game.

Velsou: Huni getting the Dyrus treatment, let him play lol XD

TheOtherOthers: TSM does not have a team fight.

Duane Torres: Gotta love TSM the team of disappointment. They are so good at hyping up their team, saying they are the best, but when it comes to the competition everything said just changes.

200 years: Gonna say this once even though it's been said a million times: FreeSM.

Hanz Vo: Ik midbeast is creaming his pants rn after the ahri in pro play prediction came true

madcityy: Alphari is solid.

Andi: 31:51 how the fuck lost die there?? He got everything spells and ult. Lost literally need to get the fuck lost

Eduard Lungu: NA LUL

张桓瑜: I like how this channel doesn't just show kills but also the plays that lead to them, towers, and heralds. Thanks for your work.

Kobe: 16:30 3 million exhaust. Could have used it the baron fight LUL

Patsy Greenidge: I mean TSM just gonna run through the lower brackets and win again

8thG Striker: spica might of been the most useless player ive ever seen in a bo5

Melnia: 9:54 NOICE

George Johnson: how tf did they lose game 1????

Tom crook: What an absolute fucking fiesta.

Bernard Hopkins: Huni's Gragas having a PTSD from Game 1

Alien Brownies: Ngl alphari plays with some balls that's some league of legends I can get behind

hakan sen: 33:32 nice reaction by Lost but not enough

Lux Arcadia: Power of feeder

Jordan Ng: TSM Lost

Alves: I don't get it, is that playoffs or... what are these games for ??

issa al khafaji: used to be tsm fan, but after that perfomence in worlds last year, i decided to say fuck that, i aint gonna get my hopes up anymore, and looking at this im happy that i decided to spare myself

Zachary Myers: TSM letting fans down once again. Year after year getting shit stomped.

Falangen: Its huge adc diff, jgl diff and mid diff

sebas ses: I hope thats the last gragas huni plays in his life

Bowserguy62: I put my watchpoints on TL and I was rewarded

TheDrHao: How did tsm lost the first game kekw

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