TSM vs TL | Game 1 | Mid-Season Showdown | LCS Spring Split | TSM vs Team Liquid (2021)

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Kirk Meyers: Jatt, Kobe, and Riv are the best casters ever! Love em!

Hom Tolland: Hey I am here to hate on NA because I am a bandwagon even though I don't know why I hate NA so I'll watch and comment on an NA game so people will see how cool I am.

snipeZmachine: spica is so useless always his fault they lose

Kyle Boldan: That was a great first game!!!

xSoulEateer: 48:19 POE's 3 man ult was *NASTY*

Being Kevin: more fake trash

Wht Rabbit: Neither of these teams have a sh-t shot at even coming close to winning worlds, Lol.

Mac Pelle: P

Expander: I'm putting all the effort I can to watch this and at least pretend to be interested, but it's just so damn difficult. I can't put my finger on what exactly it is, but god dammit watching the LCS is just so damn BORING. You've got amazing casters with great chemistry (speaking from watching Worlds 2020 experience), got the teams with world class players, and I'm not sure how you mess that up, NA production, but you do it every time. Add some transition music, boost the contrast and saturation on the stream, change the champ select overlays for them to be more engaging, I don't know what else but try to do SOMETHING.

Tim: now that was what i call an NA game lmao

iamsofired: dumbzz

zion zorshin: TSM team play horrendous

doing63: cool

Brian Yu: kobe and captainflowers are the absolute goats

TheOtherChef: great job TrashSoloMid for throwing, but TL did fix their late game.

Jonathan Kim: Bruh I almost just clicked out of this thought it was over mid game... what a spicy surprise

Felipe Bertolini: TSM: throws the game Casters: tL oUt mAcRo Delusional man, omg

Edmond Tan: Tbh I didn't care about the game, but the studio looks so good

Mark Moretti: TSM should’ve gone Cait/Morg IMO... morg is great into thresh and hecarim, and out ranges the ori/gnar. This would give them like perma prio, and free drakes Udyr could just hover bot taking all of hecarims jungle and all drakes

Nestor Fernandez: TSM is like Tom Brady. those are some great throws

Ugly Mug Samson: What a throw! Nicely done TSM

Ty Farrell: can we talk about jensens spell shield not being popped by 3 spells until it finally got taken by swordarts ult? visual bug or like this shit sus?

Carter Park: So TL fixed the late game.. spicy

T1bbe: Why is TL fighting an asian team in NA tournament?

Ionian N: can‘t wait for the double lift commentsry on that one

j p: mid-season showdown? so there is no MSI this year either?

Mark Strange: 14:25

Daniel Rex-Dybmose: Such quality

wefd ewdwd: 360p hello?

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