C9 vs TL - Game 5 | Grand Finals LCS 2021 Mid-Season Showdown | Cloud 9 vs Team Liquid G5 full game

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EpicSkillshot - LoL VOD Library: Game Start: 03:50 S11 LCS Mid Season Showdown Playlist: http://bit.ly/3txJxFw If you want to receive all games into you sub box - press the bell button next to subscribe! Please like/share/comment and sub if you haven't yet - it helps a lot!

Bean: Sylas busted

Branka ivanjko: NA SUCKKKKKK HARD c9 wont go out off grps

Freezee: I love that the level 1 is successful because of the picks and bans, toss the gp early, then target ban alphari, then bait the Cho pick with taking the sion. Actual 5head shit.

DaniLoucas daily vlog: Hate to bring it out to zven if Doublelift still around this year would Zven still mess up the game like before?

Gerard Casas: Does somebody know the song from the final part of the video (i mean when c9 wins)? I've been trying to find it for a long time without luck :'(

xXQui3t0n3Xx: when perkz locked in sylas the looks on TL faces already told the story of this game 5

joseph danao: I think this was unfair

SilviX: when i think of perkz i still say g2 perkz in my mind

Grey Mind: I was one of those who doubted perkz when i saw how he played his first NA game. I'm glad i was totally wrong. Grats C9! 👏🙌🔥👍😂☁

Domdom YT: CLOUD9 NEW ROSTER 2022 C9 Huni C9 ElYoya C9 Showmaker C9 Teddy C9 CoreJJ

Tee Kay: They did not use this at match point in earlier games...mind blown, Perkz is so ridiculously confident, NA is his playground.

Li Yibao: Compare with LCK, so weak

joshua Stepanek: My man Zven not givin any f**ks at the end :D

Freddy Kinsky: Damm this Alphari Dude trolled...

Duchehe: Zvern walking to Trophy is faster than Perk TP

Diptarka Das: I thought rape videos are banned on YouTube.

Zacharie Guillerey: You can take Perkz out of G2 but no one can take G2 out of Perkz ! Zven - Perkz - Mithy winning together, that has a nice satisfying air to me ^^

Abel P. Cristian: Idk why they keep talking about perkz when zven did all the plays and won the two team fights that provide the victory

Zilong趙雲: Perkz Smurfing in LCS

Albert Luo: Keep doing the good work, LCS. LEC's spring split sucks. This year, LCS>LEC might happen. I mean G2 in this spring split is a joke, with their quality of the game, G2 definitely couldn't make it to the playoffs in my region(LPL). LNG which rank 10th in LPL could easily smash G2.

reignofthedragon: NA talent is imported...

Ganker'93: Shame to the casters, how they not accept C9's performance. That is not professional.

Arcanghelforever: Que escenario más culero

Mazlan Shaiful: Seeing Zven running to the trophy just warms my heart. For so long he tried and faced maybe doubters and criticism, but with his buddy Perkz, ez dubs

Veysel Sis: noobs

J: Gg wp EUW ZVEN and Perkz diff :p

Inconvenient Facts: Perkz popping off? How many times did he engage on ego and almost killed himself but got saved because of indecision on TL's part. Look at the fights where TL could have won but instead they spilt their players left and right. If TL, C9 and TSM are the 'top' teams in LCS, they gonna get wiped by the mid tier LEC, LPL and LCK teams.

Nickk Launche: Cloud9 is just style on TL! #letsgoC9

Madison Kay: 30:58 look at SVEN LOL

Jee Vang: C9 deserves the win with that opening. I’m bored and tired of all the “let’s just all farm the first 10 mins” openings.

MushroomEffect: What a demolishing game No. 5 :O You f'ing deserve it !!! PogChamps 2021 !!! GO celebrate and stay safe tho <3

christopher sombero: Prerkz is the second god in sylas champ congratulations c9

Hung Nguyen: That level 1 lane swap was super dope taking advantage of sion passive.

Inferno: Epic Im shocked no one else does what you do with these vods. Keep up the good work tho^^

Domino RR: 7:29 blaber flash XD

Hayden Fox: Honestly perkz deserves this after the G2 shit

footballsoccer358: aw, just to get 3-0 by Damwon Gaming Kia or any team in the LPL

WinTrain: Also, I feel like at a certain point, they should have just all ran to their towers when Perkz was not showing mid. They all kept letting Perkz destroy them like they are silver players. Damn, he was beasting on them.

WinTrain: I'm guessing Jensen should have, maybe could have TPed at the start to help out Alphari in the top lane and save him maybe from being killed, however he was under attack by Perkz and getting wrecked and would have came in and gave a double kill. Just a crazy lane swap, and above, I feel like Team Liquid need to fire and drop Alphari no matter his skill, he got caught all 5 games and gave over first blood, he needs released, bring in Liqorice or something in his place, or trade for Sumday, anyone.

Bob Smith: Sylas is the ap Yasuo. 10/0 highlight or 0/10 lowlight flip a coin.

john mcmasters: what in the.... what is this match and pick/ban

Scott Madsen: I saw this game live and omfg i still couldn't believe what i saw i was actually stunned

Karan Brahma: ZEVN IS A GOD

gunz300: This was such a good series. Best I've seen in some time.

setch: I love listening to Azael just go nuts about how epic this start was!

Tamatoa V: Lol NA is behind from the rest of LOL competition

Seljak: I love g2 thats why i love c9 now, i am First time also fan of NA team. Lets go g2 And c9!!!

WILL: unethical that initial route change

Tuan-Hai NGUYEN: C9 is the best NA team ever. Roster can change but their creative + agressive play style remain.

Timothy Martin: 7:36 late heal from tactical... something something adcs don't know how to support XD lol

Khaos: That level 1 macro insane what idt yall understand how much of an advantage that gave them

Yoobao Liu: Well can c9 be the top4 of msi?

J-Dawgg Entertainment: Me: maybe this team can make a decent run in worlds, possibly semis Also me: lol k buddy

Jair G: wtff the last game, sylas and sion make the play and the game wtffff

Luis Biel: zven absolutely smurfed this game

Miks Gee: Been a C9 fan when I watched em play VG tournaments. It is only a while that I watched their LoL plays. Daaaaaamn.

MadLife: ZVEN celebra todo lo q puedas por que sera lo unico q celebres este año xD

eSports Bulgaria: Perkz's skill level evolves every time he plays a Bo5 under pressure.

Red Pug: Perkz >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<< g2

Berzamin De Guzman: G2 just gave away one of their beast for someone who wants to ap carry bot lane.

Nicholas: The Chad Fudge vs the Virgin Alphari. Ouch.

Riley Kenney: Real winner of this series is Armao, my god these two series probably revived his entire career.

TheOfficialPastry: Honestly they deserved the MSI appearance more than anyone this year after what happened last year.

koolpods: Don’t know wtf all these comments are, perks played everfrost sylas... no shit he fuckin killed everything, there’s no difference in inting and playing like perks did on that champ in current game state

Νικόλαος Θεοδωρίδης: YESSSS

Jon Martinez: Darshan just awkwardly standing there lolol

Mohamed Ali sahnoun: G2 are missing Perkz for sure

Dominus ZetX: Im so happy gfor zven mithy and perkz, they deserved it

Haze II: perkz is a fucking beast really wish he was able to meet g2 at msi but ya know they got bodied

Jo G: It feels like they were telling Perkz to just chill and try some new things and then if the teams needs it to step up and do some Perkz things but like, low key... and then in the last game the chains were broken and Perks was unleashed to his full glory.

James Norman: Picks sion... why are they all smiling... oh.

ideabaux: The fact that this is the first time MSI will host C9 (the best NA org of all time), just shows how garbage and meaningless the tournament is. (if you can even call it's horrible format a tournament)

pruzla: zven hype , is all we need to see ...in this pandemic ! good job C9 , nice job C9 jack ;)

Il Gyno: Good job NA Martin <3

Jeremy Shaw: I sincerely hope C9 can compete at MSI and not get face stomped.

Chaim Stork: zven saved the game tho with that insane teamfight

Mr Dorian Grey: Did C9 have a tanning session before the game? :)

Johnny Jaymes: Great improvement by Fudge this season. Hope he doesn't get dominated too hard at MSI though.

Jykel: fudge is so fudging big

One does not simply: 7:30 Blabber is flashing on you. Respect it and trade summoners immidiately and run towards Sions lane. Perkz has 1 out and you give it to him.

Bacomon: This game was actually crazy from c9. This is what we wanted from game 1 lol

Ress Ferrer: I saw this live and that early game play. Holy 5 head

Nostalgia Corner: Alphari getting caught again lol

Dalton Wilding: Blaber is small compared to the rest. gives great meaning to good things come in small packages. Love the fish.

pawel paww: rip jensen and his trashtalk

Boba Bola: I know hes just super exited but i think its kinda weird to run to the trophy and lift it up alone and not waiting for everyone else to come

Javin Usher: Finally i've waiting for this for so long. Got tired of these scaling team comps we need to go in!!!!!! Thank you c9 now let practice for msi :)

Noobboy117: c9 needed to cheese to win, and almost lost against a sub jungler lmfao. Easy win for TL if Santorin was there, and these cringe fanboys calling the most overrated player Perkz a god is just weird

Daniel Willson: Martin in the Clouds worked hard for this :D WP both teams and god damm was that a nice Game from Zven

signor don: 31:02 wats blabber keyboard ?

Rihards united again: I feel like both lcs and lec was really fun this year, im talking about the finals

Razzernisse: Video length is one big spoiler

signor don: is this svens first lcs title?

Gauthier: Eu C9

Jotaro Kujo: I knew it was over from that Lv 1 lane swap and Sion jgl steal

As*tec: Hey can someone tell me if the LCK has started, i dont see any koreans teams fighting in his channel

Zarack Fist: "I came to NA to dominate" Perkz

Moimoi Feke: Oh my goodness Perks n Zven

SimonTookie: WTF happened TL? That was awful, and to say JJ wrote the book on not being caught off guard, minutes after he was.... that face check was not "skill" it was awful. IT was pure luck they got a kill out of it. CoreJJ played awful. TL please, you are so much better than how you played.

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