Rampage LMG and NEW Season 10 Weapons First Look! - Apex Legends Season 10

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Indefiniteone47: Have to say I do enjoy getting to see some of the rougher games where it's a struggle at the beginning just to see other ways I can get out of bad situations or in some cases times that it just doesn't work so I can think on what to do different

Bxxgey_man: Itemp is legally blind

you're here for THAT, aren't you?: i was hoping he’d show the triple take and prowler too

Christian Jaksana: Rich you should show the gun without purple barrel so we know the real recoil

Don Gibbs: Aww dayum, cant wait to use the L Star

Remy M. Ndow: haha battlefield in my tank

66overkill: You guys are clowns haha

All Day Board Sports: You can say Luba all you want but I side the the gaming merchant is lober

Justin Woods: As the final game of the season we get a full showcase of every viable gun in one video

Tony P: scary fun

Mahjoob Hasib: Hit like if you checked your discord at 12:19

PsychoSocial: I'm pretty sure thirst damage was taken out around season 2... If not I've been screwing myself out of 4k's this whole time...

PsychoSocial: I'd love death chatter in this game...

PsychoSocial: Yay, an LMG meta just what no one wanted!!

Jamie Harper: Care package re45 with gold 50 drum mag next anyone??

Croissant: In game 1, how is there 21 squads?

abhirama Balachandran: I feel like they can bring disruptors back . Disruptors just increase shield damage so when you crack someone the damaged will be halfed on the flesh so it’s a buff and a nerf

McBlitz XD: Rich saying I have no energy Walks past like 80 rounds

prod. gavvo: I bet first game that dude raged and turned off his console or whatever n the came back to see y'all still alive😂😂

Aniket Pandharabale: I wish we get more funny videos like this. 😂😂😂😂 I watched both videos of SooXFar and iTemp. 😂

Goon Rx: I forgot how much of a beast pre-nerf spitfire was 😭

Logan06 Martinez: I love you Itemp will you please like my comment 🥺

Marge010: 10:30 don't quit your day job Rich 😂😂😂

Marge010: Now the spitfire is in the care package my worry is which gun are the whingers and complainers gonna focus on next to get nerfed!!??

Shadow 122: Well I guess the noobs had to have an LMG to destroy me with

Nolan Bryant: Yo, isn't their teammates name actually spelt with a D and not B? Was Soofar trolling? ITS LUDA!

Only Set: Lstar buff made me nutt

TheRealRagingGamr: Can we please acknowledge that Itemp was spot on with his historical years and events

redlor04: Rampage gun looks sick.

LiLTailormade: This gun is SO OP! This is Spitfires’s big brother. Its definitely gonna get nerfed for sure. Just like the L-Star and the Bow

Keanu Ballantyne: whens season 10

david serna: It's a Fuse buff. He can carry more thermites.

Skywashere: If I got in a game with y’all idc if I die I’ll spectate 😂

Clapdemcheeks: I actually love the new season and i cant wait

itsBATMAYNE: season 10 is tomorrow mayne ?

N4Z1R C.: Hey, if you play arena and you get a mastiff it shows a hop up slot but no hop up. I might just be an idiot but i think mastiff is getting a hop up.

Gustavo Kennedy: I love how you guys talk shit to each other. You truly have a brotherly bond.

DirtyDeZzZ: Cp weapons about to be a game changer, low key loba late game buff

Chad Mendiola: First time I've seen Sooxfar get downed so much in that first game

rusty dust: Spitfire

ignacio quezada: 1812

Taylor Bongiorno: Prepare for the quickest games ever when the top apex players get ahold of the care pack weapons. Legit those guns are broken even for carepack weapons😂

Cuervo_MVV: 3:05 need to see that moment on so faar perspective, ASAP bro! 🤣

Luffy Luffyye: Itemp why don’t you play pc ?

AllTheGoodNamesAreTaken: I'm a revenant main and I really fear for revenant this season his death totem has been nerfed 3 times the last few weeks and I think seer is going to be really good at combating revenant especially since his gotten the delay when coming back from the totem like if seer is close enough and uses his tactical revenant is dead if they are going to nerf his totem by a audio and visual queue and a delay when returning to the totem why nerf the duration especially once they have nerfed his tactical as well

Collin Bustanoby: It was a terribly fun vid

Jocelynne McDaniel: I saw the second game on soofars's channel and I love getting to re watch from rich's point of view.

Zachari Tate: you're playing faster and smarter and more fun than daltoosh how do you do it??

Drew Redwine: Rich: "I am the gutter" Me: Nah, that's Ragtagg

Zachari Tate: jesus christ Rich, I don't play for 2 weeks and don't watch anything and I come back to this ferocity?? you're playing like bane fights in the dark knight rises, my god man.

B!G Flash: Soofar is fried that’s definitely a D

Drew Redwine: Time for Fuse to SHINE. 4 thermite grenades in only 2 slots. Rampage gonna be a beast in his hands.

Lance Ropiha: wah

Jon Oxford: Why didn’t he showcase the new lmg with rampage as well to show differences in mag sizes etc …

jess: Day 18 of me asking Rich to play Wattson and Soofar to play Caustic

superhoov: I just came back to Apex after about a year or so of playing Warzone, and I can't survive longer than 30 seconds. Is this how the game is now? Its not fun at all

Natsunaine: Itemp- "I am the gutter" *Ragtag would like to know your location*

Spence TheFence: The new LMG is something I’ve been hoping for, a slower spitfire lol I might finally be able to move from building to building lol

Sebastian M: LUBA !?! Lmfaoooo

Miles Head: Sooxfar farming like old McDonald

TheMadBull: I feel like the normal rampage fire rate will be balanced but the revved fire rate will be op and will definataly need a Nerf.

Sreeram Praveen: Day 12 of asking Rich to go undercover on apex(by changing his name and badges) and ask randoms what they think about Itemp plays @iTemp Plays

mino: kinda hoping the spitfire entering the care pack means less people use it 😅😶

King Able: bruh the pre patch spitfire and disrupted rounds alternator ? fkin care package is lit

Chris Robert: 1776 🇺🇲

Alexey Tashlykovich: Let's be honest, the real reason that you uploaded this video is that Soox was cracked so many times.

Cesar Cruz: So does anyone know the maps for season 10 or is it going to stay the same(Olympus and Worlds Edge)

Pazeko Bloodthirster: WHAT? I thought rampage was light ammo lmg

J.M. Albright III: I have friends who just stopped having nightmares about discuptor rounds 3 months ago...

Ruben Olguin: “What’s your damg??” “1776…😈” “..uh, oh, OH REALLLY!?!? 🤨😡” Hahahahha I died man.

Rahul S: I’m usually used to Rich’s looting but when he dropped the volt for the hemlock while standing right on top of energy ammo I had to pause the video and have a deep inhale lol

TDunn77: The prowler is still better than the alternator while in care package, it’s so damn good

jonathan lizarraga: Day 54 on asking ITemps to do a Spanish video

Cockroach: L Star gonna be slapping

Chris Smith: I love when these 2 play

Nas G.: I can see this being nerfed the first patch of season 10

King lord: So much for winning without the reliable spitfire laying around the map💔🥲

Nikole: LUDA

Rymo780: 1776 is racist is my favourite thing now

Hunty49: iTemp: Sprouting historic dates Sooxfar: Oh my god, this may be the worst video ever! Or the most educational video ever.... Fact checkers!

Anthony Osornio: I'm honestly upset about the alternator :( My go too gun

Joshua Stanley: Day 14 of asking to try genburten sens

Michael Stevens: I feel like temp can kick ass with any gun ?

StrangMuZ6: Lstar is going to be broken 🥵🥵🤘

Manny Santos: He says I haven’t healed yet when he still had more health than the other two lol

David Benson: i love the "iTemp and Sooxfar Show".

CrustyB4nAne: Whats your setting cus like mine are slow and hard to flick and stuff but good medium range

Don Trevino: 1776 😂

Watty: Disruptor round alternator sounds absolutely amazing

Floyd: They couldn't give us RE-45 w/ disruptor rounds cuz it'd be too op

Trenten Fly: Rich go for pred season 10

salvacion light: L-star is the new R99 ....

Darryl Henderson: Season 10 TOD .5 seconds

Narco Barco: New gun seems WAYYY too op but I haven’t used it yet

Underated Nas: Luda 😂😂😂

Togi Tiafau: I have no complaints nor compliments for the alt coming back. What happens happens

el_coqui_loko: Look like is goin to be a fun season

Joel Morris: 18:01 Rich is screeching like he’s just caught a big fish!😂😂 love it!

KILLEN EM: *starts having horrible flashbacks and cold sweats after seeing the alternator 🤣 🤣 lmao

Kettune :3: Will they delete prowler or just keep it???

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