Season 10 Battle Pass is it FINALLY GOOD?? (Apex Legends)

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KARIZMA GHOST: Nah the colours just makes it look good no way it could be good

Lucas Wilson: This seasons battle pass is so much worse than last season

Davy Jones Locker: This battle pass is ass not even multiple sky emotes that's some bs

Me stessa me: I've only been playing Apex since last season, in which I bought the pass and got to level 103, what a bump. However, I liked the last pass. I don't know what the previous seasons were like, but I find it horrible that the free pass only adds counters, and some skins. I bought the paid pass because I had the coins, but I don't think it's worth it, the skins for Valkyrie and Horizon are horrible, in my opinion, those of Seer and Lifeline instead, I like them. But there is nothing so interesting in my opinion. Leaving this aside, I am quite poor, many games I do 1 kill and that's it, so I wanted to know if I am the problem, or if the pass is more complicated, because in the last season it didn't take me long to level up, today I did a dozen games (in which I made some kills, and a victory in the arena), and I didn't even climb a level. I don't know, I hope it's me.

Hannah L: the first thing i did was look at the pass and i dont like it at all in my opinion the only thing that actually looks good is the valt skin and even that i think the lil tentacles on the sides will put people off very easily

Reiss: So valk and horizon get an legendary BP skin before loba and gibby....

Jay Benzy: I would buy it for the seer gold skin but I'm broke as a mf

Retarded skellton Smith: Big rev main and this fucking sucks not even a voice line

Greasyphil420: I've changed my location on ea so it thinks I'm in Belgium, so I don't get apex packs from the battlepass with the chance of a skin for a gun or character I don't use or a gold holospray or something but instead I get crafting mats and I can just make the ones I actually want.

Adam winkelvoß: Bad aooosss

Bruh Bruh: Lil nas x

Ronald Tan: If you look compare the legendary 30 30 at lvl 1 battle pass it looks super similar to the wings of salvo, and incan prophesy epic skins.

MrSupasheva: Bro Zeus is the only content creator that feels my pain with the cosmetics. TOO MANY WEAPON CHARMS!!!! like bro its hard to filter them out and even select them. endless scrolling on top of that.

JamminGMR: my guy, your sound is so low, I gotta make the volume on everything max lol

Evan Waters: Every apex battle pass is dumb IMO. U pay what $10 for things u won’t ever use or look at. Yeah there’s like 3 or more legendaries that r there, but sometimes even those r trash. Another thing I hate is that theres level 110 in the battle pass. I’ve had the shittiest luck of getting 2 level 100 but not 110 and only getting the 1st bp weapon. The reason it sucks is because u don’t actually finish the season or get the final reward, u only realize u didn’t finish and only got the second best weapon skin (which I don’t even use)

JDL: The payed version should def not get them lame ass gun camos, Atleast make them glow or sun shit

Johnny Silver77: Didn't know respawn made lil nas x into a playable character.

E3.14C: I see the battle pass as a primer meant to sucker people into spending money on the game for different skins, and not a be all end all for cool stuff like the collection events seem to be.

Jarod: Yeah doesn’t literally take 5 mins but I get it there’s a lot of charms

A Guy In A Fallout Suit: Bro you barely looked at anything what the fuck

Nameless Cinder: We’ve hit double digits boys let’s go

HEAVEN: Very disappointed in this bp... I hope seazon 11 is gonna make ot worth a wait...

Captain Jack Sparrow: As a wattson main all the wattson stuff is trash in the battle pass except the voice line

Hyper Viper: The only good thing in this batlle pass is the gold skin

jaber Ullah: Lil Nas x in the game now

Captain Jack Sparrow: I enjoy more stuff from last season’s battle pass 🤷🏼‍♂️ this one is terrible

Joe cat9543: I agree with the statement of taking less Rare items in the paid portion of battle pass and of items that are higher quality.

Craig McDowell: The release skin is in the store and its my personal favorite

p3ac3k3ap3r: Mediocre I like it but could have been better things worth grinding for would be legend skins emotes skydive emotes and the twitch 100 skins

Thomas Gomez: Looks like complete shit imo

Samuel Seah: Fking repeater again, this legendary one look exactly like the one from the previous pass and the tracker, thpse are epics lmao

Sauce Goblino: Aye Zeus, it would be nice to get some games in with u offline. I just genuinely wanted to play some games, and have fun! Hope you see this and add me! My ign : huejazz_562

BadboiLucifer: I would say a great thing about this battle pass is that we finally see Ramparts parents. Tier 87 loading screen.


Turntridge Plays: This battle pass is better than last season's, wish they had more drops / emotes but it is what it is

Theboywithguns: Personally i feel like its not worth it anymore it's gone downhill since season 4 every skin is tacky and less impressive. So many area that needs improvement but all they wanna do is get that money.

Like Water: Better than season 9 but still sucks balls. Like you cant even get 25 Apex packs. U get like 7. Weak battle pass. Most games have weak ass battle passes.

Chris Sanchez: But the real question is did they fix the audio

ZarkinFrood: Well, it's 10 bucks so yeah. Still nothing impressive. Hound costume is cool, and as always some packs

cabe whitewell: bruh no one wants a 30-30 skin

TheUndisturbed: They have done our boys revenant and caustic dirty with nothing

Matt Toy: I get the pass for the kill quips, most of them are pure banter. Sucks there's not as many this time... "What did you think you were gonna do? Win? Against me? Ha ha ha take care brotha." "Ain't no butler here, I take out the trash myself." "Did you see how great I was? I did all kinds of amazing tricks, are you listening?"

Keanu Keen: Question Zeus missed the purple skin in the shop thoughts on it worth the buy?

Jackson McPhee: Crap battle pass again haha

Brokz Ez: Bruh ion have enough for the battle pass and i want it

Dylan CR ey: Nerf seer, pass ks trash and rampage is broken

Narino: this battle pass soo bad too xD

Josi M: Ive only payed for season 3 battle pass cuz you literaly get all your coins back for the next battle pass so its worth it anyways

Adrian D: For the algorithms

AkariKaguya: Seaso 10 gamepass lame...For me

Alex Rivera: I love this season pass awesome bug themed skins and a side note they did really well with this opening season no server issues at all or problems purchasing the battlepass 👏🏽

Matt Meyer: If you know you'll play enough to finish the BP, it's always worth buying. It literally pays for itself in coins. The skins and crafting metals are icing on the cake. If you don't play enough to finish it, YMMV.

Richie Moon: When u going live next bro

DamperSaucer667: Pretty lackluster, gonna skip this seasons battle pass

Ennio Scorpio: Is garbage a lot of things that ppl never going to use, those rare and crap gun skins always kills me

Jonny Raul: You forgot to put one of your 189 charms on the new gun

TheSugar58: The legendary pack and level 100 reward is the only things I go for

Rain: Bro this pass some trash ( except for the volt skin)

XDetour: You missed the GibBEE pun

KovaBTW: Someday my channel will be noticed

Will Dodd: I just got a wattson legendary banner for my legendary pack wtf is this game 😂

Black Luminary: Am i the only one floored by the season 10 changes?

Yo mama so fat man: Is that LIL NAS X GODAMN BDKODJDO2

Spore6001: Less gun charms More emotes

Ghost Toaster: This battle pass sucks again it’s worse than season 9 the only good skin is the red legendary Volt skin which is horrible that it’s the last skin. The fact that they just made another blue/gold 30-30 Repeater skin is lazy.

Mercy Main btw: Friendly reminder that Bloodhounds last battlepass Skydive was Season 2 when skydive emotes were introduced.

Waen: I missd u, its ben so long. I had school :/ but i can watch you evrydy now

BinZc: It’s worse than the last one tbh, the only reason you’d get it is because of the coins, packs, materials and that 100,110 skins

Caelon A: Ion think it’s worth buying this season

Sponge Slob: say “badass” one more time i dare you.

Nova Seven: another "good skin"? more like another lazy/no creativity skin for wattson. the more they do her dirty the less i wanna play that game lol.

Luke Baltzer: I don't mind the valk skin and that's about it, ill be buying it regardless for the crafting materials and volt skin

MobfigazGaming: Sus

Bunaiiko: The legend skins are really well done this season, the guns and charms not so much.

Bill Hovey: Liking it so far

Lone Flaco: This battle pass is ass. The volt skins are the only reason I would get it

Arthur Samuel: U missed the custom trackers for valk and horizon which were pretty cool

The Joker 225: Omg

Diego Avila: Bloodhood days are over but not for me

Brooke Boesner: Valk and horizon skins are the only things I want

Comment God: I only care about loot boxes and crafting materials

J Q: Another below average battle pass, they need to step it up if they want us to pay for this.

Mujariwa: Remember after season 1 when they said they'd improve the BP and not put filler as premium rewards? Yeah I'm still waiting. Just sitting here with my 180+ gun charms and dozens of rare legend/weapon skins. Not to forget the thousands of tokens that get spent once per season, twice or thrice if I'm lucky.

Philip: This season is so fucking dope to bad I’m stuck at work

Diesel: Lmao, Seers bottom legendary 🤣 they are horrible. An no this BP is not worth it.

Acrylic: This is my first ever new season! I just started playing a couple days ago, should I buy the battle pass?

THE WELSHION COLLECTOR: I got up to the last page of the last battle pass rip, but this battle pass is better imo so gonna grind this one out

Justin W: By this time season 10 they need reactive character skins so when you perform a certain action use a ability or get a kill something happens. Also skins for your heirloom would be cool.

Josie Wardyn: What happened to hump emotes being in the pass? We got one this season? Slightly disappointing

Thijs Mollen: Now it is 1300 coins so 100 more then the previous season 🤑

Big papi cyrus: I'm just happy that bloodhound, wraith and octane don't have like 15 things about them in the battle pass

Klonoaps1: Weapon skins shouldn't be the last battle pass reward

United Universe: I'll be joining you all in.. 29 hours

V Gamz: I know this isn't a big deal but I finally got 2500 damage in the first hour of the new season

Tia Melancholy Jeoncockity: those skins look so 😍 might just get that battle pass for one particular skin and the packs 🙂

Dishin The Truth: His reasoning for jump emotes is because there may be too many already so no need right after showing us the infinite amount of gun charms lol

Unreal_Kailer: If i could streamsnipe you i wouldq just carry like 20 batteries

beaner weiner69: I could of bought the battle pass but i accidentally bought valk with. Apex coins so i couldnt get last season battle pass or this season

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