The Katie & Greg Blowout - The Bachelorette Breakdown Katie's Season Week 9 RECAP
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Bachelor Fantake: Hey everyone! I know this one's complicated so please keep that in mind when reading and responding to comments. And understand I'm hardly an expert too. 1 week until the finale!Написать
Kyle Rogers: Greg seems like Dismissive Avoidant attachment style. The sad part is he did all this while activated. When he deactivates he will regret leaving. It's real sad.
Indie G.: What a great take!
Sheila McCauley: Who is narrating this? eeewww
The Canadian Girl: Idk, if I had to explain to someone why saying "I just love looking at you" in response to me pouring out my feelings was hurtful in addition to them responding that way in the first place then I wouldn't want to be with them either. Also why did she chase him after he left? He didn't wanna talk anymore but she followed with the cameras and made him talk when he wanted to calm down. That was pretty rude.
Sushi Under The Stars: GREG BEFORE KNOCKING THE DOOR : "I need some answers" GREG AFTER KNOCKING THE DOOR : "Ok, Katie MUST get hurt MORE than me."
nothhawk777: Okay so I caught a rumor about how the Hometown dates were filmed out of order and that Blake's hometown actually came AFTER Greg's. That just made too much sense to me, especially since I caught a huge editing flub in the middle of the episode when I first watched it. You'll notice at the beginning of Greg's date, he's talking about supposedly having seen Katie and Blake's one-on-one "yesterday." (but Greg's Hometown is shown after Justin's, not Blake's). This is also just a soundbite from an itm; not said on the actual date itself. After hearing that rumor ,and with that editing lie in mind, I re-watched this past week's episode and did a little more sleuthing...The key is Greg's black t-shirt. He's wearing the black tee during the scene where he stares soulfully off the balcony and "spies" on Blake and Katie. The balcony scene was filmed the same day as the itm where he talks about how it made him sick to see it, as we get actual footage of him saying this in the black tee. Now cut to the scene that was aired after Greg's Hometown date...When he's sitting with Blake on the sofa, he is wearing THE SAME BLACK TEE. Now, unless Greg just has a lot of black tees lying around (or he's wearing the same one from several days prior...), this all happened in the same day (the "jealousy" itm and the convo with Blake that happened after all the Hometown dates). .My guess is that they pasted the audio from Greg's black tee itm over his Hometown date with Katie to make it seem like Blake's hometown had happened the previous day, when really the "yesterday" Greg was referring to was the day AFTER Greg's own Hometown. I'm assuming Justin's Hometown date was last, which would explain why Blake and Greg were alone in the House that day. So, here's the actual order of events that week: Day 1: Greg's Hometown date and initial meltdown (lots of crazy jump cuts and inconsistent editing during Greg's Confessional) -- Piece this together with footage from the previews we never got to see (Katie's emotional "I am heartbroken") while she is wearing the same dress she's wearing during Greg's Hometown. Cutting this scene supports the narrative that Katie is "cold." As Katie says later to Greg in the episode, the final moment of this night is the first time she doubts their relationship. I'm assuming she expressed doubts about her relationship with Greg in an itm we never got to see. There is NO WAY she could be "heartbroken" and not have doubts. Day 2: Blake's Hometown date -- if you look at Katie's body language at the beginning of Blake's date, she looks very tense and uncharacteristically uncomfortable. They force her to say "Today is my first hometown" and she is visibly uncomfortable doing so. Greg sees Katie with Blake and doesn't understand how she could be "so happy." At the end of the night, Katie says to Blake "I needed this", referring to the bad night she had after the fight with Greg. Greg doesn't like that Blake was able to cheer her up because HE is still broken up about the previous night (ie "I just don't get how you don't know it's you and me" and the pressure to stop the show to leave with him before Fantasy Suites). To him that meant she didn't care about him--hence why he was like "You seem fine" in an accusatory tone when he confronted Katie on what I assume was to be Rose Ceremony day. Notice that we DO NOT get an itm from Katie about her feelings for their Hometown date. This breaks from normal Bachelor editing protocol, which is usually pretty organized and democratic during Hometowns. However Katie felt about Blake at the end of that night, the producers did NOT want us to know about it. Day 3: Justin's Hometown date -- Katie tells him she's "proud" of him for expressing his feelings. Already knows she's sending him home of course, and doesn't give him any unduly encouragement. We get the normal Bachelor post-date itm from Katie if my memory serves. Day 4: Rose Ceremony day? -- Greg confronts Katie in her room (TWO WHOLE DAYS after his initial Hometown date). I think he was trying to force her hand in one way or the other with an implied ultimatum -- He wants her to either STOP PRODUCTION of the show to leave with him or he wants her to send him home -- he needs some barenaked honesty one way or the other; no shades of gray allowed. When he realizes she isn't going to send him home, he begins to self-sabotage because he is now insecure about having shared so much of himself with her; he realizes that he is not going to get an overt confession of love; and he would feel like a fool if she then had fantasy suites -- He's not interested in an engagement with her if she goes through with Fantasy Suites (this is why he keeps saying "I told my FAMILY that you were the one!"), so he has to bail now to avoid pulling a Luke P (at this point, I don't think Greg trusts his own emotions because he's no longer in control of the relationship like he had been all season). And as we know there's literal hours of footage cut from this conversation, including a clip of Katie telling him "I have no words for you right now..." Katie's reluctance to send him home says to me that she was still torn between him and Blake at this point, but we aren't supposed to know that Greg and Blake are neck and neck because that would make the producer's narrative less dramatic (Greg is Katie's one true love that got away; how will Katie go on? Will she end up alone? blah blah blah). Greg is also unaccepting of the true narrative that Katie could in any way somehow have simultaneous feelings for Blake and himself. When he tells her "I deserve more," he believes it. He really does think that highly of himself. *tl;dr: rewatch the episode and look out for every scene with Greg in the black tee to get the real story of the Hometown dates*
Anna: I like Andrew!
Hennaly Patel: Greg kept gaslighting her and got satisfaction out of it. He wouldn’t listen to what she would say at all. He needs to fix himself and work on his communication. You can’t be ready for an engagement one second then decide you don’t want to do it the next. That made zero sense.
Morrissey Nola: Don't ever recommend this to me again, youtube.
Alexis Kellen Fischer: Justin gives off mad Gemini sun Scorpio riding vibes.
I E: Sorry but Katie’s season has been terrible. I feel no chemistry between her and any of the guys
Chach: Great recap! "Hurt people, hurt people." Great line. (Assuming he did love her) I feel like the constant reassurance she had to give him throughout the process back fired. Maybe she was just freaking exhausted from wiping her tears and his from the get go. I feel like she dodged a bullet because he wasn't really ready for a relationship. No one should have to bear the weight of being the one and only source of someone's happiness it's not fair and unrealistic.
Kimberly Crane: From what I have seen from this season is that Greg is not in a good place mentally and I believe that he should try therapy. It is hard on the show and Katie might not know for sure who is her person is. She might not have a clear idea of who is the person for her. It honestly just seems like they both do need clarity. I hope they both have a great future!
OneOxyMoron: Team Greg
lmarck: Seriously all of this. So many people are going all #team Katie or Greg like this is Twilight or something. These are people, who are likely very tired and in a super pressured situation and communication errors happen.
Marisa Schooley: Yes! Massive miscommunication!! It's such a shame because it sure seems like they both love each other. She's having to be Bachelorette politically correct and at the same time communicate to him hope. It's such a fine line to walk. She did the best she could and he blew it. I think he'll eventually realize it and have regrets. She`ll eventually realize he was bound to be hard to please and VERY needy. I'm not sure, short of pulling a "Colton" she could have done anything good enough for him. I'm not judging him for being needy. It's understandable why he's so vulnerable and emotional. It just where he is in life.
Carling Connor: Great video
Ingelise Olsen: I honestly think that Katie treated Greg unfairly
Breana Miles: Anyone find it weird that Blake said "You don't have to be great, you just have to be you." LOL what the heck does that even mean? That's she's not great being herself???
Libbydibbs: Honestly I keep coming back to this video solely to watch the tribute to Justin's facial expressions. I am now stanning Justin for Bachelor lol that season would be lit
Ilana Kemp: it takes two to tango, both of them made mistakes - only one were not accepting of the very bad tango dance that took place.
su BeyondChic: Katie’s lack of emotion even all the way to the end came off as not fighting for the relationship, that’s why he left; but she’ll probably be better off
Red Barn Homestead: Greg is asking way toooooooo much. He is reactive and closes down too easily.
NenaVA1: Now this is a better description of the situation!!! Greg, you just need to heal yourself before anything else
shaya: Greg went there for clout, and got what he wanted... He would leave no matter what... Katie did nothing wrong.
yasmiin cheriish: with the greg/Katie breakup. Greg is displaying a anxious attachment. He has fear of abandonment which obv been heightened by the loss of his father. Anxious attachment look for self soothing from external factors.. He loves katie but can’t understand why she reacted the way she reacted after he was vulnerable with her and didn’t comfort him. So he is in a fight or flight response and his defences go up. Obv in this way he’s fighting and the eventually leaves (flight) . Let’s be kind everyone, we don’t know what people are going through.
AK: I do see a little of what Greg means with Katie's response after he said she loved him BUT, he wanted a response quickly. I personally wouldn't say her response was "cold" but maybe not super attentive? Everyone falls in love/says I love you back at different times. She has already told him that she really likes him multiple times but that wasn't enough for him. I did not really like how he talked to her. It just seemed like he wanted her to be completely at fault. That's what I was getting at least. Like let her talk bro. He was also being very confusing with his feelings. She said he seemed sad the first night but he said he wasn't but then later says that he's not happy... That's what she said! He was not upfront. How confusing. He was not ready for this.
Morgan bailey: I completely agree with your take on the Katie and Gregg meltdown. No one was wrong, it was just bad communication and Its clear Katie cant say certain things on TV or she will be sued up the ass by abc.
Elle Oswald: As a Canadian I’m done with those dumb stereotypes.....
Maria: I think Katie was telling Greg in code that she was in love with him too. Usually at this stage the lead will kiss/hug when a contestant says i love you to end the conversation without a response. I think Greg didn't get that and Katie was trying to keep the mood light and steer the conversation back into hinting the positive outcome. Greg went on the defensive immediately, they both communicated badly, Greg shut down emotionally, and Katie didn't want to confess her feelings in a fight. If I'm right I'd suspect Katie has since realized that Greg isn't ready for an engagement and they're not compatible in terms of communication.
Laurie Harelick: I’m so sad that things didn’t work with Greg
Allison Scanlan: I knew Justin would make final 2 after he made home towns 🤣
Tina Phan: Canadian here. We don't use maple syrup for everything. Maybe it's cuz I'm an Asian Canadian but it's not true. Maybe for the white folks but not us
xGeminii: I want to respectfully disagree with this video and some of the comments on the Greg/Katie situation. As a mental health professional, I end up watching these types of scenes through a psychological lens, so hopefully my perspective makes sense. I do agree that Greg is clearly still mourning and should be focusing on continuing to heal. Coming on this show was probably not the best decision given what he is struggling with. However, I do not think that he was trying to gain "control" of the situation, nor was he manipulative. Him becoming emotionally vulnerable wasn't him dumping his problems on Katie. It was him opening himself up to her- trusting her. To say that he was using her as a scapegoat is just ridiculous and kinda sexist. It tells men NOT to open up because women will see them as a burden. He would certainly benefit from therapy, but that doesn't mean he can't express his feelings and fears to someone who isn't a therapist. In therapy we encourage the client to confide in their support system and to NOT think of themselves as a burden. Katie essentially gaslighted him on that date. When he tried explaining his feelings, she accused him of losing trust in their relationship. That then became the whole conversation. Everything went back to Katie being confused, Katie being sad, Katie being scared. And no, she wasn't listening to what was being said. Her continuing to be confused about Greg's feelings demonstrated that. I don't think she's a terrible person or anything, or that she did any of this on purpose, but to me this shows that she still has some maturing to do on her end. Anyway, that's my two cents, take it or leave it. I just hope that Greg is able to properly mourn the loss of his father and focus on self-care.
Jolene N: This guy's abusive. End of.
Togny D: What women don't understand (or don't want to understand) is that men ALSO have a right to make up their minds to break up with them and bounce TF out. In this society, only women are allowed to break up with men.
Jennifer Bergman: Justin should make a fortune for all that Meme material 😁
Togny D: So, the Royal Mounted Police ride moose instead of horses? I'm sorry.
Luiza Ziller: I love the song more than words because it’s true. The whole season how she acted towards him and the way she answered when he said it that he is in love. She tone in her voice, her body language. She was saying she was happy seeing him confessing love. She obviously felt the same but she owns more to herself the not going to say to anyone. He is a great guy, he is only insecure and still haven’t recovered from his father’s death. (Which he should’ve connected to her since he was the first to talk about her father)
Debe Riggs: Fake
Lauren Davis: The intro is AMAZING 100 on rotten tomatoes
JenP W: That was by far the best opening to any show in history.
Rebekah Sunday: I’m in love with Justin
Rebecca Lane: This was very well said and broken down. That being said I still don’t believe Greg and the defense mechanism stuff. I do think he needs to work through his own stuff about his father of course but I also just think he wants fame and didn’t expect to go this far haha. Like honestly I think he’s been fake and I get hardcore f***boy vibes from Greg, like straight up. Dad stuff aside, he’s just looking for the spotlight to me lol. Just my opinion though, Greg stans don’t come for me haha
Emily Trace: I think Greg was too authentically romantic for such an artificially romantic show. In such a simple way, he revealed what a joke "the process" is just by trying to share and connect deeply. I haven't had a single issue with Katie up until I was in total emotional sync with him for every beat of that conversation. I can understand his feelings changing after seeing how it really seemed to mean nothing to her.
SomeoneLikeYou186: Two questions - so is this episode confirming that in Canada people do really ride moose? How?! Lol And is there going to be a bachelor season at all because I think it’s BiP and then Michelle’s season?
christina <3: you know who would never do that? ANDREW
Sarah 116: I feel this video puts it all on Greg but if she really loved him she would have stopped him from leaving so he did the right thing. He was following his intuition. And Katie keeps giving queues like it’s going to be him in the end but if that’s true than just say I love you.
earthtokendra: Greg is moody and controlling. You can twist yourself into a pretzel trying to please someone like this, and it will NEVER be enough!
Jacqueline Platt: Does anyone else think the soppy tribute to Greg at the end means he maybe comes back/stays? They didn’t show him drive off as they always do…
Sarah Patterson: I actually like Justin a lot… wish Katie actually took more time with him.
Afeefah Raja: saw this on twitter “being happy is a self responsibility, another human being should not fulfill that for you” its okay to become happier with someone else but Greg is relying on Katie as his only source of happiness
Alina Lozo: i just feel bad for both of them
Tawny Robinson: I’m so sad Blake didn’t get to take Katie and bachelor nation to experience ✨Hamilton, Ontario✨
Heather I: I see a lot of people appreciated you talking through the drama, but I feel like I can normally watch these and find out what happened, but I am so lost because of how much talking was done over it LOL
Shalom Chipepera: Honestly I don’t get it! If Katie believes Greg is the one then shut it all down and skip to the end. I mean is it worth it if you lose him anyway. And if he’s not the one then him leaving puts her one step closer to the one. He’s absolutely right it’s not about roses or lasting or front runner if you have found your guy then shut it down and leave with him and if he isn’t them let him go no need to put him through that whole process. But I think Katie still doesn’t know at this point and in that case Greg is right to leave for himself coz most bachelorettes say by this point they know. iv said my piece!✋🏽
Nicci Berriman: In South Africa we believe turmeric heals
Kris P: I’m surprised technically Justin is in the final 2 lol. The connection to me wasn’t there from what the screen time they showed us. I feel like Katie had a better connection with Hunter until the drama stuff happened haha. That tribute at the end for Greg was like he died or something lol
Vinita g: lmao fantake vs Justin
Michael Smith: I think good communication is important, but I think Katie's response told Greg all he needed to know in that that moment. Katie is not into him like she once was. I'm not saying that he reacted well, but he's not wrong about her low interest in him. Either her feelings for Greg have dwindled since before hometowns or her feelings for Blake have developed much more since then. The only proof you really need is to compare her response here to when Greg confessed his feelings before hometowns. It's night and day from her. And to respond to him expressing his feelings and balling his eyes out with a chuckle and "I just love looking at you?" It just comes off as not hearing a word he said or not really caring, which is what he tried to tell her later. No one would like that response from someone who's supposedly interest in you. But she's cold now because her interest just isn't there anymore, and he could tell. At that point, there's really nothing to talk about. No amount of communication is going to fix the fact that she's no longer interested. It's over. Kind of like when she asked Andrew if he wanted to stay a little longer after dumping him.
The Hailien: 10000% on Greg’s side. People need to learn to be empathetic and warm and comforting when people are feeling horrendous.
Shane Murphy: Hurt people hurt people is painfully true. I got hurt by someone I loved more than myself and made mistakes in the next few relationships I attempted because I was still hurt and wasn’t over the initial pain, so seeing this episode made for an uncomfortable watch. (I’ve since gotten help and am past my hurt). Greg did lose me at the same time as you, but I can empathize more than I wish I did.
Jenny G: I have so many thoughts on this. But I can definitely see Greg’s POV. If I was him and Katie wants this to end in an engagement, if I felt as strong in the relationship as he did, fuck the show, this is real life. If you want me for the rest of your life, who cares if you don’t go by the “bachelorette book” People like Claire and Colton ended the show when they knew they found their one. Something about making that step would make me feel like okay this is real and this person doesn’t care about the show or other contestants because this is real life and we truly love each other. How can you truly be so in love and ready for me to propose to you in a few days when I pour my heart out saying I’m in love with you and your response is “I just love looking at you” I don’t get the whole “well this is the bachelor/bachelorette journey to find love and the contestants know what they signed up for” No. it’s just as much of their journey as well. We all knew from the beginning he’d probably be the one. And I think they felt it too. Should Greg go to therapy after losing his father? Absolutely. But I think some of his feelings are completely valid.
Aishwarya Chaudhary: I somehow understand greg. Blake is gonna win, shit. Will hate it
Amy Nguyen: I'm trying really hard to understand the true meaning behind "second choice" because you could say Dave Franco is my first choice but if he doesn't want me, then he doesn't? It's not a "choice" if they don't choose you back... Blake is her first choice that chose her back. If anything doesn't that make Justin the second choice?
Meggles Lynn: Thank you so much for creating that tribute compilation of Justin’s face! It was everything to me ❤️ …..also Katie’s a 🤬 🙃
Roux: Blake’s sister for bachelorette
rrr jjj: You, Mr. Bachelor Fantake, have the emotional intelligence needed to be an effective Bachelor host. What do you think?
Betsy/BA BF: At least the first time I think we've seen the honesty and intelligence of :We can't know the full story. We weren't there. We don't know what else was involved. We don't know what editing there was. It's always shocking when adult viewers don't know and comprehend that.
Sophie: Its really simple. Bad at communicating with one another- they need to be with a significant other who can understand them - life will throw couples challenges all the time, if it turns into the blame game like Greg's done then it will never ever work.
Ruby Munoz: I wished Greg would have told her him seeing her on the one on one hurt him maybe the output would have been different, I rlly hope and wish the best for them
Susie: "I just love looking at you"....OMG are you kidding me??? 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
Ali Girl: flying slice of pizza 😂 😂
Maya Novick: I loved how you broke down their emotional responses in the video! I personally couldn’t finish the episode because it was just getting too emotionally draining but I can always count on bachelor fantake to keep me up to date. Thank you so so much and this has changed how I view this show so much!!!
ashleigh speer: I don’t see how she can go from saying Greg is her number one to being engaged to somebody else and in a matter of days… so it should be interesting to see how this goes
Rhi: 1. I love how you handled this recap and didn’t label either Katie or Greg too harshly but tried to understand both of their emotional and mental states. So many people have discussed this episode using a lot of really heavy terms and it’s honestly bothered me so much that people label things as manipulative or abusive off one argument highly edited on a tv show, so thank you so much for how you handled it. 2. I think the biggest problem in communication and different emotional responses between Greg and Katie in this fight was that Greg was viewing their relationship and this conversation as part of it the way that he would view any real relationship, whereas Katie was in show mode and focused a lot more of following the rules instead of on validating her partner like one would in a regular real relationship outside of the show. Along the same lines however, Greg failed to be considerate to how difficult Katie’s side is as someone literally dating 3 guys and trying to be fair to everyone. The show will never admit that that’s the reason many relationships fail on the show, but Greg and Katie were both very understandably in different pages due to the insane way this show is set up.
nillyramgnik: This is such a great recap, Mr. Fantake! 🥰
Luis Antonio Perez: This is the healthiest comments section I’ve ever seen. Thank you all for that 🙏
Marylyn Brooks &The Hissing Cats: What is a wrong with her?!?!? She claims that she wants to find love but then when this great guy this beautiful handsome man tells her that he loves her she just looks at him and says “I just like looking at your face?!?!” WHAT THE HECK IS HER PROBLEM?? This is why she’s almost 40 and still single. She has major commitment issues. She just blew it with a major catch ! What a dummy !! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 I cant stand this witch.. she’s a total player... how could she do that to him?? I wish I could give him a big hug. Poor baby
Carolina: I feel like Katie let a couple men go with Greg always in the back of her mind as her strongest relationship and now she's like what the f do I do now
Karen Dekker: Remember when Chris Harrison tried to tell us Eazy "gave great face"? He walked so Justin could run.
court529: I just can't explain it, but Blake has always rubbed me the wrong way.
space bean: dude rewatching the scene with Greg and Katie, I don't understand how anyone who isn't a sociopath could watch her reaction and not think it was cold, distant, closed off, stiff, impersonal, and without one single shred of emotion or reassurance. like, how tf was she so shut off in that scene? I wouldve been just as hurt as Greg.
Jennifer: Poor Katie she didnt deserve that. However I think she dodged a bullet. She got to see the real Greg, his other side. his real side.
Bridget Squires: I feel like Greg would have been the one for Katie if he had gone to therapy before coming on the show. They had such an obvious connection, and although I completely empathize with the heartbreak that must have come from the way Katie responded to Greg saying he loved her, his reaction could have been a lot healthier. Her not returning the sentiment of being in love with him seemed to be the domino that sent him down an emotional spiral. *Disclaimer, I am in therapy myself for the loss of my own father. This is in no way meant to be a dig at him!! Therapy can benefit everyone.
Abby White: This is the first time that I disagree with you fantake. In my eyes, Katie was the one on the defensive, commenting that she was just trying to listen, or that she didn't want to say I love you to anyone, excuses to avoid that she was wrong and she she shouldn't have treated him the way she did. She couldn't once acknowledge that she should have been vulnerable with him, but instead repeats that she is confused even after Greg clearly communicates that he felt her shut down emotionally and it scared the shit out of him. It would scare anybody that is looking to get engaged in a couple of weeks, and I don't blame him for leaving when she couldn't admit why she was wrong. What is there for him to fight for in that scenario?
Katie: That snippet of Michael made me snort
Sophia Omie: He didn’t want to marry her. Period.
Emily Allen: Am I the only one who wants all of the mean girls from Matt's season to be subjected to being interviewed about the opinions on Katie being the bachelorette?
Hilly P: You have done the absolute best job of analyzing this episode and have the most empathy for Greg which I am so glad to See . I cannot watch any of the other commentators as everyone has been so triggered by this episode , that their own personal stuff is shading the commentary . Its really unfortunate. Greg is already suffering , people slamming him isn't going to help at all and is so inappropriate . THIS IS A TV SHOW , thinking you know any of these people personally one any deep level , is not reality .
Sue She: Greg is toxic
katattacksweetheart: Sad honestly. Katie's been doing more to make her feelings clear for Greg than she has for anyone else since day 1. She's been worried almost every week about him leaving. Was her response really cold? Sure. Do I agree with the decision not to tell a guy outright that you love him when you clearly do? No. But if Greg can't have faith in her and the strength of their relationship regardless of how many other guys are around, it was never going to work.
acb 1994: This episode needed a fucking trigger warning to be honest. Greg's behavior was downright abusive and difficult to watch. Such intense gaslighting and cruelty. It's clear he wanted an out from the show, but this stunt he pulled was unacceptable. I feel so sorry for Katie. edit: Furthermore, that is NOT how you treat someone you actually love. I think he was infatuated with the idea of Katie as someone who will cure his trauma, but realized she's actually a human being and not his savior.
Clarity with KJ: Thanks for this, it helped me to see Greg’s vault in this more clearly
Christine Snippets: I watched the episode 3 times trying to process it. I think if the situation was reversed and I was pouring my heart out and a guy responded with awkward smiling, silence and "I just love looking at you" I would question everything too. There's a lot more she could have done or said that didn't have to be "i love you." He spiraled. She wasn't clear. She wasn't processing. He lashed out. He shut down. Neither were right. Let's stop generalizing peoples entire personality by one moment in time. I don't think Greg is a narcissist. I don't think he was gaslighting her bc to him she genuinely felt like a stranger in that moment and was talking about their relationship very game-show like. He.*was* emotionally manipulative but he was already a sensitive person and spiraling. They just were horrible at communicating. I feel bad for them both.
Kriti Navida: People are really misinterpreting her response to Greg as she doesn’t feel the same way when she literally gave him responses all season that she indeed feels that way about him too. And in all those moments when she gave him more, he usually stared at her nodding not wanting to be too vulnerable yet. And she was understanding of his response and still held confidence in their connection. The moment he finally chose to be vulnerable, she was now reserved in her response because of her rule. She also needed the time and understanding by him till she was ready to open up. But he couldn’t do the same back for her because of his own insecurity in the relationship.
M WH: First off, she unnecessarily asked him what's wrong and what's the matter. That was an assumption by the narrator that he was using a defense mechanism by replying that nothing was the matter. And even still, that could have been Greg's way of saying let's get to the point, I love you and I'm all in! Then she says, I just love looking at you??? Then of course he shifts, and then she fails to take responsibility for the shift and accuses him of shifting. That was a completely normal response from Greg when he walks in the room then gets asked what's wrong when nothing is wrong, then gets accused of shifting for no reason when there was a clear and obvious reason why he shifted. He probably felt like he was under attack like where is this coming from. Then he saw how she rationalizes and how future arguments might be and was instantly unattracted to her.
Quita Bananaz: I couldn’t agree more. I watched the episode late and was baffled at the villainization of Greg I saw on Twitter. I saw missed communication opportunities left and right this episode and I believe this breakdown is some of your best work. Thank you!
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