Star Wars Confirms Bad Batch Season 2!

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Lincoln King: Woohoo. Batch Batch Season 2 will be good. Peace out fellas.

Pizza: Surely we'll get at least a 40 minute finale? There's no chance they can wrap it up in 20 minutes.

Maxi Millian: Why’s Dave Filoni ONLY doing Star Wars shows and not movies? He’s CLEARLY the best person for the job. Him and Jon Favreau.

Rose Jenna Prieto Arias: Wrecker will die and we’ll all cry

Zucc succ: If crosshair dies it will be a little sad because he was upset about being left behind and after everything he did he still wanted to be with his brothers and he gave them a chance.

Edward Smith: I think i’m an episode behind and so far this show has been utter trash. Most of the episodes are super repetitive…the new girls is suppose to be an exact copy of the clone troopers…but a female, cause we are idiots and ignore science…and the main leader can’t even give an order without everyone disagreeing with him, and then he changes his mind….like every episodes. Its horrible and should be cancelled.

Monsterkid: Maybe they order an Order 66 for the clones to self terminate.

SkyHighGuys: I am happy to see them renew it :) I hope it gets deep into anything involving rebelling clones and Rex and Gregor and Wolffe.

Gotta go Fast: This would be alright to watch if I was 10 , terrible show

Chadwick Davis: Cmon man when we gon see darth vader

Mr Drake: So much Star Wars content!


John Harris: Crosshair has got to be redeemed but sacrifice himself, a.l.a. Vader.

TheCoinCaptain: (Dramatic music) "YO" that was actually the funniest thing thats happened to me all day

Aikuris: Well, after seeing the latest episode, I hate the fact we have to wait one more week for the conclusion.

Grandmaster Yoda: To Dagobah, what if I took Luke when he was baby, and as his own daughter, Master Kenobi raised Leia?

Kevin Russo: We all cried real hard when Ahsoka left the order. No character death necessary.

Ryan Ryan: We're not going to see Cal Ketis...

Noah Molchain: We want Kal!

David Metuarau: Thanks for this video bro... 🤙

Sunset Shimmer Shimmercode: It's Disney, they only kill off screen, if they kill at all.

James Suraci: Bacta tanks? Really? If anything would benefit humanity, it would be hyperspace so we can expand beyond earth. Bacta without the ability to expand will only make life harder. Think about it, death keeps our numbers somewhat in check, every life saving technology we get only disrupts the balance even further. Bacta saves lives, it is basically a miracle drug. Lives saved means more living people which means more mouths to feed/more space taken up which will make resources more scarce and in demand and will only lower everyone's quality of life. Bacta would be awesome, but hyperspace/the ability to colonize other planets would need to happen first to make bacta a positive thing. Bacta without hyperspace/the ability to reach other planets in other solar systems in a rapid manner would be like having wishes from a genie. Sure, it seems like a cool idea on the surface, but for every wish, there is a catch that makes your situation worse than it would have been had you never made a wish in the first place. Bacta works in SW because they aren't confined to a single planet. If a place becomes overpopulated, people can leave, and they have various technologies that make large populations more sustainable. We can't leave our planet so bacta would just increase our problems ten fold.

Darth Vader: Star Wars Theory, can you make such video: What if Yoda KILLED Darth Sidious in Revenge of the Sith?

MrJlin1982: Theory, Book of Boba will be end of december 2021, andor will be in march, bad batch may, Obi wan august, fall mandolorian 3 and Ahsoka!

Smilearo: LETS GOOOO

Jango The Rango: I was hoping to see the clones rebel against the empire man wasted opportunity.

PapaSkyRooster: I have a feeling that all the clones are going to get sent to a suicide mission Sent to invade a planet And fight till they run out of supplies because the Empire is not going to re-supply them if they’re trying to get rid of them

BussieBoy: I believe the robot will die

dragonking95 95: I thought there was only 1 ep left I thought it was only 16 not 18

Mac Hodgdon: Not gonna lie this show never truly gripped me in the way the other animated shows did , however, since a season 2 is announced maybe I’ll pick it back up

Tom N: My wishes: 1. Echo should do more than stand there 2. We should start to get connections to The Mandalorian and The Rise of Skywalker through the cloning

starwarsjoey: noo tht means the ending will be boring or cliffhanger

Orcahhh: "In the end, they're gonna die" with dramatic accent Come on theory you can do better theories than "they all die" every time a piece of content comes out

Vassileios Katsimenis: so, you don't like the sequel trilogy but you like that shit show. totally a shit show, worst starwars show ever.

xxPYROxxJONESxx: Dude. Spoiler! Wtf. Assuming the finale of season 1 is going to clutch.. all tension is gone now. Not cool. Save announcements like this untill the season is over at least

XzoTicWarfare: honestly bad batch is bad. Omega is the most annoying star wars character EVER created

Brendon Wheeler: Hoping for 6 or so seasons leading up to rebels or even A New Hope


basheerbustami: Introduce Kal Cestis and Starkiller.

Justin Time: Yeah right George was behind all this. lmao

Wesley Bruce: The emperor wants storm troops that can't shoot straight over clones that can. Dictators always go for poorly trained conscripts because then they can't be over thrown by his own troops. The clones are a threat to him. Conscripts can be used to suppress rebels but make poor coup leaders.

Patricia Fenwick: There's also Andor and Obi-Wan in 2022, no? If TBB comes out also AND Mando S3 at the end of 2022, that's a whole lot of Star Wars in 2022!

Wesley Bruce: Oh ye of little faith. lol. No-one will die in the bad batch it will be the unborn clones in the glass artificial wombs. The clone younglings.

PlazmaLad: I feel like I will be really disappointed at the end of the show in Omega doesn’t amount to anything super integral to the plot cause they’re focusing a lot of filler on her. I heard one theory at the start of the show that she could be Phasma but idk how that will work with filoni’s world between worlds multiverse thing he’s supposedly doing with the Ahsoka show

jonathan vega: Will they show what happen to commander Cody? I always remember Rex waking up in rebels saying Cody

Raul Padilla: Jar Jar Abrahms is better than GL? Thats just absolutely crazy!! The prequels were George at his worst supposedly and they are eternities better than the sequels...BTW, I really enjoyed the prequels, I never understood the hate

C Tophar: I don’t seem them as Fillers, more setting up or to put it as a writers guild, setting the stage. Important to a story line.

Pickle Chin: Zzzzzzzzzz I. AM. SO. TIRED. OF. CLONE. WARS.

Just Lusy: Great news! I like the look of 3D style computer animation and the one in this show is top-notch. 👍🏻 The story moves slower than expected but overall it has given many parts I love both from The Clone Wars and Rebels. I look forward to this second season for sure!

Johan M: I am glad TBB gets a second season but I belive the schedule might be: First Book of Boba Fett in december/January. Then the third season of The Mandalorian for the spring whom feel overdue at that point. Then maybe Ashoka or Kenobi inbetween and TBB in summer time or fall like this year. Johan.

The Philmeister: Slightly blown out but this is a late ass comment😂 I’m so hyped for season 2

John Pekala: The emperor’s over confidence was his weakness Luke Skywalker!

Dustin Mosley: The finale didn't feel like a finale to me. Pretty dissapointing.

Samurai Jedi16: Out of all the bad batch crew besides Hunter & Wrecker, think Tech dying in the Season Finale would have major implications to the group. Tech has brought his A+ a lot & helped the Batch put of many many tight spots. If he dies, Omega would have to fill his shoes since Tech has taught his skills to her. Plus, his death would be the least expected. Imho.

Ming Subutai: Too many ads. Geez

Anakin Skywalker: This is so epic

Azrael Cinder: Somewhere in another universe Hundreds of billions sith warriors United ready to die for our cause in the unforgiving cold of space - unknown sith admiral

ClashWaRz12: The thing new fans that watch SW channels have no clue about is that Stormtroopers are really good soldiers, it's just that clones are more superior because of their genetic code originating from a MANDALORIAN. This is a issue I see a lot that SW channels need to address.

PacisJusticia: Star Wars content has been good lately

Aikuris: Yeah, the episodes involving Cid are honestly the weakest ones. I get they're used as a springboard for some character development but I wish they'd find more creative ways for it.

Nicholas Rhodes: Isn’t Andor and the Obiwan show coming out next year too? If so we’ll have Boba Fett going into 2022, Andor, Obiwan, Bad batch season2, and Mando season 3 next year

Alexis Jankowski: I agree. I think we will get Cal! I would love to see him! Maybe Han?

BradonRay: Crosshair is probably gonna die

Hope Simutis: Theory: either everyone dies or Omega has no character development Also can I just mention the amount of youtube videos he has bookmarked... good for u dude hahaha

Thomas Gambaro: More Theory Raps ASAP!

The Trolling master: I feel like if see Cal Kestis it would hurt his story because he’s supposed to be laying low with nothing significant happening to him

Lori Torrini: I like the Bad Batch and have enjoyed it. Sort of dawned on me last week though that it seems like it’s really “The Omega Show”. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Rob: Clones are gonna get order 67’nd by the stormtroopers

The Senate: We’re getting bad batch s2, book of boba s2, Andor, and kenobi. Mandolorian s2 is likely going to be delayed to 2023

Vedanta Khandai: i think hunter will die

Vedanta Khandai: imagine if grogu was in the bad batch

Blue Idea: Bad batch should have been 10 eps

Mobydickofdopeness: Excellent. I've loved this season so far. People complaining about filler, etc. hopefully had that same energy for the first seasons of TCW and Rebels, both of which were far worse than this first season.

Anthaleus Gaming: The tear jerking is probably going to be the Clone Extermination that the empire is going to pull.

Warhorse551: Bad batch being mercenaries is interesting but they turn it into filler

Luis: No one dies, yet.

Monic: i think either crosshair is going to die as a redemption move or it'll be wrecker that dies. it could be a tool to spark a more dynamic character arc for omega. idk just my thoughts

Clayton Brooks: Haven’t seen much of Omega’s story as I hoped/wished

Joe Fanik: Hopefully we'll get an interaction between Omega and Boba

Justin Black: I feel like nothing bad will happen to the squad but maybe the empire squashing the clones in the kamanioan rebellion will be the tear jerker.

Warhorse551: Wow didnt even know that george lucas wanted this as a separate story

F1Jones: Imagine a world where studios didn't announce sequels and new seasons before the current movie or series was released or completed. It sort of kills the stakes. Also, I'm still waiting to understand what this series is about, so maybe it's necessary to make us care given how aimless and so far pointless this series has been.

Leezy: Calling it now wrecker dies

Ronald Trump: Echo has been completely ignored & overshadowed by Hunter, that's my only disappointment I have. He doesn't seem to have a place, he does not have a special trait like the rest do.

Chronic Cheef: Who is the next Rule of Two guest and when will it be?

Jerry Herrera: See you at the rendezvou!

Onizuma13: What if the reason why the season finale is a tear jerker is not because of the deaths of any of the bad batch but the death of the clones all through out the galaxy. The Clone Purge. Kill code in the chips. The only clones that survive are the ones without chips. Goodbye Howzer. Crosshair too.

William Chisham: People forget how much filler are in the clone wars. It’s part of the story. It’s how shows work.

J.J. Plagiarisms: Me, the only person who seemingly hates the Bad Batch: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Joser Maiz: I will love to see thrawn, imperial commander Cody, Commander wolfeee, bail organa

Ben: I think there is another order programmed into their chips that kills all the remaining clone troopers that are still under the control of the chips.

Lewis Hamilton: I wouldnt even call the sid missions and filler character development

hubbie mid: Will we ever see Ezra again??

Finn: I just can’t take omega. Her voiceactor is terrible.

RedDeadDude: More Mandalorian this year: I was hoping for Kenobi.

Anakin Skywalker: If season ll of TBB takes place around the same time of this season, then Cal Kestis should not be in it. TBB takes place months after ROTS, and JFO takes place five years after ROTS. It doesn't make sense for Cal to come out of hiding in between order 66 and the start of the game. Especially since you spend the game relearning the force abilities, that he has kept suppressed since order 66.

ninjapotato productionsf5: My theory of why he went with the storm troopers was because he knew that quantity would have won the clone wars (the droids) however he already made the CIS and droids look like villians mixed with peoples hatred of droids he settled on people instead, numerous without having a horrible reputation.

Number36roxx: Cal Kestis is gonna show up in live action at some point, no reason to bring him into bad batch

Alex Cardinal: Don’t forget that we gonna get the 2 part season finale tonight

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