Fortnite Chapter 2 - Season 8 Trailer

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Nerpah: Thanks for using code “nerp” in the Item Shop💛

Martin Elias Matre: Katt1236

Raffepafe: Epic name: Raffepafe :)

Goran Ilyashev: My user is KIKO_ILJ

Facts for you !: Love ur vids and I subscribed ! My username - TEHSIMPLEMAN

6 9: Nerpah your videos are soo good and I watch every single one Epic: BIN SHED BANGERS

Felix Daily bumps: My epic user name is Felix and Canice

JJJM Crew: 😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😄🤗🤗🤗🤗

JJJM Crew: Ya

Nehemiah Arojojoye: My fortnite name is nemi2k19

Avery Lewis: Epic-toodookilla

lamorenadetownparkst: Andres15 yadiel

Manu Anc: Epic: XDPowfu

BestGamerPlayz: Everything done username: BestGamer2094

Amber Fawcett: Add me and gift me

Mrs. Gonzalez: Done 123henr453

Rick Kruse: My username is kaleb casso

Luke Treon: Sunken suip

Mucea Darius Luca: You can give me a gift Ariana Grande i lost my acont with 36 skins😭🥺 Name nifty-coal8

XxHunterboys: My user name is XxHunterzxX

Damian Contreras: damiannghh8539

James Willis: My epic is willis_0615

James Willis: Can you add me please

89 tigerboy: Hellow i am new to Channel your. I saw your video you are amazigh i89tigerboy

Jaden Mupfurutsa: 🔥🔥🔥

Jaden Mupfurutsa: You are a GOAT epic: jadegamezplayz

furygames: Blade561fearful pls I don't have any skins

Jo Zulu: DON-QUINCY-44

Gavin Deeble: GAVINXD1235

KAYLI WOODS: my name in fortnite is lightingbug 2010

Olivia Walker: I love your videos, keep up the good work man! Epic is: FeistyOneUare

Tapiwa Sachiti: If I'm the lucky person can I please 🙏 🥺 have naruto

egg egg: The live event was 🔥

Tapiwa Sachiti: User Lindanyarai


Feisal Al Falahi: I will be happy😊 for a gift 🎁 if you sand me one

Feisal Al Falahi: I never have a gift🎁 ( Tm-Demons5) please sand me a cool skins

Caronta Harris: Money0384

Dirtbike masters: Bolt_Spence

Filip Jovanovic: Username ficojovanović

laura holmes: This is sick your great

Logan Baldwin: Logan 3515

Shawn Riley: Riley_Boys4

Jordan Mcclain: Why u talk so much I just wanted to see the trailer

Bunga Hampers Florist Florist & Gifts: And I put your code

Art Sonnenberg: New season looks great keep making more great vids 😃

lava got cooked: It won’t let me hit the bell

lava got cooked: I am a new subscriber!😊👍😁🎈💕😍🥰

deadeye: Deadeye1

Josh Jameson: JacksonArmyGuy6

Cooper: Blueberrypie1997

David Butler: I used ur code how can I show you

kadynce keen: kadynceeeee

Julian Patterson: My name. on Fortnite is mandi_lorian and chozen19

Wolferz: GamerIsmael9876

Fortnight_Kid200: Can I get added and gifted🥺🥺 I subscribed and turned on post notifications

Andre' Edwards Sr: And I am out of town but when I get home I will use your code

Andre' Edwards Sr: Did it at your timer lechoccmilk Fortnite

Devin Sauerwin: Devin9353

JUJU: 5:38 is where you see the trailer

Ilovefairytailandmyhero: my username is Familyguy8280

Viggo Larsson: Plis me epic :mud-jee

Jessica Allison: Epic. CanadianBookOwl 🙂

Niels Wijkamp: It wat 1,000,000 vBuchs Niels7051 plees😭😢😱

Gucciboy 5612: AngelAlice56

NJ¥_GAMING: Olusky2005

Gabo: Nerph. Can you gift me the isbelle skin My epic name is Gabo121512

Luis Mantilla: My user name in Fortnite is bjjdominic or fighting-pops-bear

Emil Khachatryan: Can you please gift me crossbounce I really want it my epic is Emil Boi616

Minecraft XY: Krissumusti

Steve: This is the most bullshit video I ever seen.

Jayshon Ashby: YeetMaster3913

Jayshon Ashby: Do you gift

Menito Maldonaldo: menitom

Mmatlou Moja: UnkleJerry7926

Lone Crow: Epic ID and xbox GT is ll LoneCrow ll Add me up and play sometime Also I use your creator code

Pinh: I’m using code nope

Pinh: Money man

The Watchmen/Seize: 😀😀😀😀😀😀

Bingus: When you realize the thumbnail is the season 6 creative hub

ludvig adler: Gift me plz

Rj Rapalo: Darell42688

Thor Playz: Mine is thor_d34 or Thor_d34 pleasseee

TheGeorYT: Epic: GEOR_TOL

Jack Nordlund: And my friends never gift me too

Jack Nordlund: I’ve been really sad lately because all my other friends get gifted but I never do it makes me sad 😢

Tanya Hirtz: Wildcat999

@nathanial: User name demen1234

Jack Nordlund: My fortnite account is Jack frostsniper

Jack Nordlund: I put the code in the item shop please send me the marshmallow skin because I really want it thank you please I never get gifted it would really make my day

I_-AM_SALskem: No

Abigail Owusu: Wow chapter chapter 28 chapter 2 season eight is really cool how do you said continued work nap nope nope no but

adriaan neethling: DARKBEARGAMING31

Jordan Mziwake: Jordan-5552

Samantha Colquhoun: Epic name sami171185

Logan Francis: Words103

Sebastian Plays: Can't wait my user is Seb B4036

The awesome flosser Wray: L3xwray is my user

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