Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 (The Seven Trailer)

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Uk Drill Hub: Pin please?

Alightcanoe7585: I just used your code and bought something did u get more vbucks yet

Kimberly Alexandra: FOLLOW ME😉 !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

Erikka Steele: gif n9ot

Fabio Miduri: Legendarypie983

Dixzie: Ur in battle lab that why u can go down with deploying

Darrel Willis: DarkknightDW

StanOGLegit: The tiny chair could mean that ant man could be coming to the Fortnite map

Colin's World: I use your code

50sub’s before 2030: my fortnite name is リヤム14 name And I gonna use your code ON the Fortnite Item shop

Mia Nicole: FOLLOW ME😉 !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

Papthepro: Iliasp21 is my epic name

Lokey Gamer: Epic:- Lokey Gamer I subbed and turned notis on

It’s Mystic: Bro it’s not s8 the prisoner came out that was ruin it was s7 he came out dumb ass


Aiysha Simon: naeem2011

Barbara Wiggins: my user name is monstaslayer15 i surscribed and useed your item shop code

Willson Hu: epic name : CorruptedVortex7

Jamez-_-playz: Jamez839 plz add me i barley have any friends

Hadeel Ra: I used your code

Tasnim Kausar: I used your code

Senky86: Pls give my Aa skin ai have no vebux and ai yus your code

Ashton Belfer: I would love the start lord skin I also used your code and my epic name is NightmareNova-_

Ali Hasan Abbas Al Tabbal G2B: I used ur code

Jr gaming: I use you code

fierycylinder96 MC: Halfdan xD

fierycylinder96 MC: HalfdanxD

Conner Poindexter: My name is reeeeeyy

Harrson smacked me : My epic user name is gaming Spencer

LvinqxAri x: So are we getting naruto or not

Yumna Mahomed: sam needs more subs


Enzo Linn: I used ur code

EndlessGames: I have a theory, the “lumps” you found at retail row might be like the seven’s base trying to dig itself out of the earth and the marks on the billboard is where the base will travel

Danny_FN☑️: I used your code and I subbed and liked my epic is Danny_FN yt inxd

Mher the Gamer: I used your code

Hapie Games: My name is hapiegames

Chrysology: epic is Penfool

Isaac Moohseni: epic id rapid-channel4

musclecat: i used your code

Aigboje Lambo Joshua: Lambo_genie13

QuinnTosPlayZ: H0wDy212

FuzzStudios: I used ur code


Anish Gambhir: Nice video


Jeremy Bryant: Fatbackbryant

aaron moore: Yeetbot98 it was my birthday 3 daysago

Kobs Hutch: Hutchoby is my user and I used your code

ItzFarmy: I am subscribe for an year and plz give me a skin Id ItzFarmy

MasonMasterZ: thanks dude. Im sure that trailer took a while lol

Dani Reichenberger: I use you’re code

Chung Zheng Wan: Guys we need to help the seven

Michele: "WONDER WOMAN BUNDLE FOR YOU." "ForTniTe.ViN" "ForTniTe.ViN" "ForTniTe.ViN" ”DID IT HELP YOU TOO?””ଏଯେ在 完璧.

Umar Saifuddin: Can you gift bungakubis

french fry: I wud love to win a skin but prob won’t gg to whoever does

Andrey Dimitrov: Critacal_power80

Tube` Z: I used your code I want to get pinned

Saraya Issah: I used your code

Nathan Goche: I subscribed to all your videos and my epic name is tritest And liked all your videos

Carmen Gervacio: I used your creator code my epic IP is Amandathdd

Toby Kossatz: I used your code can you add me username: cool smash bro.

OakOatOaf: 5:54 the prisoner was actually the chapter 1 season 7 secret skin, ruin is the one you meant to say.

Dominic Wells: I used your code

Mohamed Hawre: I use codes smjm by the way I’m a cute dog

Lone Crow: ll LoneCrow ll

Andrew Clancy: Prisoner was secret skin for season 7 chapter one

Cornell Williams: I use your code

Ionic_collor: Every one knows who the leader is its the foundation

Ethan Johansen: EJDOLLY

Jaclyn Ashby: I use your code

Steven Dunford: Mrulsnl

Alisha McBride: epic WarnedPlanet9

Captain Alexande: Love the clickbait dude. Totally love the fact that this is a “season 8 trailer” meanwhile its justs updates.

Aaron Seo: I subscribed turned the notification bell on left a like could i pls have the drift bundle user is Shadowstalker000

Maya Rivas: The 4 dots on the map is where there ubducking and also coral castle corny complex slurpy swamp they said they can't destroy near catty corner inteel 2023

Glen Hall: I used your code

Rengoku: 479

Rengoku: My username is shadowxghost

RyanF7: John Jones has hired an Imposter to kill the IO him and his hired Imposter are attacking the bridge because John Jones betrayed the Imagined Order and now is apart of the Seven and he wants everyone out of the Loop there’s pictures in his office of him meeting Fortnite characters in real life and bringing to the Loop he can break them out with his hired Imposter and the Seven Jones isn’t working alone to defeat the Imagined Order workers including Slone him and his hired Imposter have rift devices to trap the workers between realities so it kills them basically and they are doing this because Jones doesn’t like what the Order did to him this hired Imposter and Jones are disguised Jones’ office is also now opened it had caution tape on the door for some reason and a worker opened the door and took it off and cleaned up a broken picture of him that fell so you can visit Jones’ office and Jones’ hired Imposter and him are disguised to not be seen they’re running around the entire office playing a little game called Among Us also in Jones’ sleeping courters there’s an arcade machine he plays a game on there’s secrets on the wall before you enter the courters which is Jones being surrounded by Alien technology and you can see a snapshot of Jones which is his first snapshot and you can see a map is this next season’s map maybe? also in his sleeping courters there are suits that are his disguises to enter the Loop but one is missing I think and that one is probably the one he’s wearing to defeat the Imagined Order he disguises as his snapshots to enter the Loop without being seen there’s a Rex disguise, there’s a Skull Trooper disguise, an astronaut disguise and many more

unicorn 124: I used your code

Speedsterr: I used your code and my epic name is Speedsterr09

Jessica Burk: Are use your code

FIshyPlayz: What if John Jones friend is geno

Dr Dragon 13: I use your code good luck

mocabee gaming: in the seen in season six he says he is well im mean the fondaision

Little Gamer12: I used your code

oliver phares: there is something completly wrong on the map in 9:39 bc coral castle does not look like coral castle and there is no stealthy stronghold POI and i can't see steamy stacks but it looks like there is the frenzy farm from C2 S2 but there is ther aftermath so it looks like it's a C2 S2 map+C2 S7 map+ without steamy stack and stealthy stronghold

Yvonne Walker: I'm a new sub like your vid username:grahamav

Alice Hawkes: "WONDER WOMAN BUNDLE FOR YOU." "ForTniTe.ViN" "ForTniTe.ViN" "ForTniTe.ViN" ”DID IT HELP YOU TOO?””ଏଯେ在 完璧


Thomas Bennett: I think that next season is going to be TVA (from Loki season 1's final scene and in the MCU) vs IO. Think about it IO taking Cap's shield from the MCU timeline would create a branch timeline that Kang and the TVA would want to clip and catch the person responsible which is the leader of the IO who isn't going to come quietly.

Soraya Ayadi: I used your code

OTF_Assaultz: i use your code

Alma Reyes: Bad video

Jessie Herero: I used your code. My username is Jessie_Gamer9

alec charles clasara: I use your code!

L0sky_61: i used ur code my epic is TTVl0sky_09

Fabian: Fortnite name

Rick G Trevisan: my epic id is Rickrickrick952

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