THE GREAT Season 2 Trailer (2021)

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Emily May: I like how they just put the war on hold for baby check ups

apal4u: Criminally underrated Hulu show! I’m hoping more people discover it with s2

Shamber Schiro: This show is SO freaking good. Can't wait to see the new season! HUZZAHHHH!!!


Musical Relaxation Channel.M:

Nicole Richter: hurra

Robyn Right: Omg FINALLY!!!! Waited so long can’t wait. Let the count down begin

Kashfia Islam: Which is true? A. Elle Fanning is 5’8” or 5’9” in her bare feet and Megan Fox dresses modestly and almost never shows her cleavage, stomach, and back. B. Elle Fanning is 5’10” or 5’11” in her bare feet and Megan Fox often wears very revealing clothes that show her cleavage, stomach, and back. Hint: Elle Fanning has womens size 9.5 feet and wears European size 40 shoes. Lily Cole is 5’11” in her bare feet and has womens size 9.5 feet and wears European size 40 shoes. I promise I will only accept the fact that Elle Fanning is 5’8” or 5’9” in her bare feet if Megan Fox dresses modestly and almost never shows her cleavage, stomach, and back. I promise I will only accept the fact that Megan Fox often wears very revealing clothes that show her cleavage, stomach, and back if Elle Fanning is 5’10” or 5’11” in her bare feet. 🎭🩰🎨

colleen kelley: show ever!

Lets Snugglez: It's going to be on Hulu now? Booo..urns!! Booo...urns!! Bring it back to Prime.

Baka Uchiha: I've been waiting for This!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joey baby: Can not wait for season 2 . Looks like a lot of belly laughs on the way.

Haikai Kokoni: Americans making a satire series about Russia while profiting. Typical

Purgal: Catherine was married to Peter for like 17 years. He was only emperor for around 6 months before her coup. And he died about a week later. This show is great, but the real story was pretty amazing too.

katwil89: Yes please! The first season was excellent, can't wait for the second.

Vik Pandit: The interesting engineering baly open because market actually lock until a temporary delete. strange, jittery periodical

cherrytraveller: All I could think of is that is Hampton Court. I am sad

Titcha Holmes: YES YES YES

Esteban Moreno: GILLIAN ANDERSON!!!!

na na: If only they had a better cast! shame

Nida: I just finished S1 😁

Nida: Cannot wait 😁😁😁😁😁

Alessia Athena: Huzzah! Long live our Empress!! best show ever!

Alexandra Hogstrom: Finally!

Mrs. Rej: Wwaahhh I can’t wait😍😍 huzzaaahhhh

Katherine L1VE IN 2 MIN: You have the best laugh.

Diademischief: God I love the weird dynamic of this show. It's a masterpiece lol

Evan Dickson: Huzzah!

BatPierrot: HUZZAH !!

Judy Adams: omg thankyou for making a second season, only the greatest show loved it looking forward to number 2....elle, and nicholas are so great in this....

iran honorio: can't wait

Ma.: You don't realize how exciting i am !!!

Guardian Of The Duat: I haven't seen the show so I could be wrong but idk why they are portraying him as this stereotypical "dashing" and "charming" guy in reality Peter was so childish all he ever wanted to do was play with his toy soldiers and pretend to be a french general hell he wasnt even interested in Katherine

WolfiePyxie Studios: I can’t wait for this. The first season was great so I bet the second one will be amazing! Even when pregnant Catherine still looks absolutely amazing.

Caitlin Rebekah: How do you watch this in the uk ?

Katie Davis: So excited for season 2!

what i write after this is mainly shit: Hulu be rolling out some good shows

Savanna Brokamp: Finally!!!!!!!

Jasmine Rose: Do any of you know what time it is on channel 4 s2 uk?😂

Nadia Fields: I’m still sad about Leo 😭😭

Amol Sawant: If Peter's character end early, then the show's popularity will decline. Because the show's fan base has grown due to Nicholas Hoult and eli.

k tom: WTF, awful writing. Looks more like "The Black Adder" type of satire than a serious historical show.

Colleen Andrawis: CANT WAIT!

Vive Klouwer: Were can you watch the great from Europe?

narcissussalvia: OMGGGGGG

Sara Katharina: Huzah very much!!

Jade: Why so far away? I can't wait.

Heather Warner: I have been waiting for this to come back. This will actually make me watch something on the television again.

Mersi Galica: What is this about ?

adelina noemi zappia: Can’t wait!

Jo: Dude that’s on my birthday whattttt

Karma .Bitch: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaas this show is BRILLIANT

elysia barr: I love this show! I love how Nicolaus plays Peter like one of the Paul brothers if they ran a country.

Puerto Rican_ American: i can not wait!!!!!!


closet Otaku: Does anyone know where you watch this? I've never been able to find the first season.

D Hill: YESSSSS!! I have been waiting so long to see Catherine just to see the continuation story and the actress that plays her is so amazing and all the other characters and actors and actresses are beautiful

Elle: AMAZING! CAN'T WAIT honestly one of the best shows in existence

David Gonzalez: Love is War

DayDream4Life: Wtf! Why is the husband still alive?? Her lover had to die because of him. Ugh Peter better suffer in season 2😡

Clara Wauters: j'ai pleuré à la fin du vlog avec la chanson, c'était trop beau!! trop chouette de revoir Giacomo!

Clara Wauters: la musique à l'introoooooo #eatprayandlove mon film pref <33 merci pour ce merveilleux vlooog beauté!

Vanessa Gonzales: This is trying to hard in the style of the 2017 movie The Favourite. One of the reasons I couldn’t get through the first season.

luckyDancer100: I haven’t finished S1. Who’s the father of her baby?

Cray': That's Gillian Anderson? @ 0:34 This is going to be goood.

Lily Leigh Reinheart: Leo😭😭😭😭😭

lillibu tezt: So are they gonna fall in love this season?

Marie: I'm really happy there's gonna be a 2nd season!!! Usually with historical (even though this ne is heavily fictional as well) series, it's complicated to do a lot of seasons because, well, the people died at some point, sometimes very young. So yes, I cannot wait to see the rest of the show!

Winter Rose: Can't wait!!!!

Marc Barquero: They are BACK! And isnt that Gillian Anderson??? HUZZAH!

Jacinta Tate: I am so excited for season 2

Monica Alexandru: oh look, it’s mainstream wes anderson! oh, the quirkiness, the genius, the sets, the shots, the story, the players, the colours, the music, the detail! all in the bingeable span of twenty episodes! almost like twenty separate individual movies! beauty!

Sophia: A new season? Huzzah!

Taron Rose: Anyone else really hope Marial doesn't survive this season? She deserves it for revealing the coup.

aleeya: no way this is actually real

Fanny Surbakti: Hoult looks so young I thought he's 25

choco mint: Is this on netflix? Wanna watch it!

jamjamhaha: Omggggg can’t wait

Ren Behesi: Yes welcome back

ReMeLa02_03: The problem with this show is Nicholas hot is so horribly fantastic but his character has to die eventually right?

Shelby Driscoll: Omg I can’t fucking wait!!!! I have rewatched season 1 at least 30 times lol it’s my go to when I have nothing new to watch I always come back to this... seriously one of the best shows ever made

Vinícius: I love Elle Fanning ❤

Kristen Encalada: I feel this series is like every szn gets better and better because it’s that good 😌

stephanie fatiede: Can't wait 😆😆

Caroline Cameron: did I just see GILLIAN ANDERSON in this trailer??!!

nate: i just finished binging the entire first season today and am so pleased to know that there will be a second season

Enrico Silvestri: Omg I can't wait

Nia’s Sound: Omg! Can’t wait 🤍 This looks so good!

Jacob Tianio: FOLLOW ME😉 !💖🖤❤️#今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!#この日のライブ配信は、#かならりやばかったですね!#1万人を超える人が見ていたも ん(#笑)#やっぱり人参最高!#まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです! #この日のライブ配信は、 #かならりやばかったですね! #1万人を超える人が見ていたもん( #笑) #やっぱり人参最高! #まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした #垃圾

Rick G: He looks more like Hugh Grant as he ages..

Jim Suan: I just finished season 1, I cant wait for this AHHHFJSNZKKD

LRB9498: Cannot wait!!! Loved Season 1!

roger federer: where is velementov

Angel Warren: Yes!!! I am so excited as I loved the first season 😄 so I have to wait until November no big I waited a while for the Loki series on Disney + I can do it again with this show



Latisha Vivian: Ok yea it make a lot of sense that Peter appears to not even be mad really at Catherine for the coup. Instead, it looks like he's fallen even more in love with her lmao

Andrew Carlson: Still cant get over that backstabbing traitor marial

jeany: i just finished the first season...sad abt it ended but look who's coming back AGAIN!!! HUZZAHH HAAHAHAHAHAHA

Alexander Sumarokov: lol

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