Top 10 Best Weapons In Apex Legends Season 10

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Ace Glorinz: The L-star is the best for me. (Aka spray and pray is my strategy)

Vent: best loadout LSTAR Prowler. its basically the new R301 Volt

Enderflex: L star is the best gun in the game

sm4sh3d: Not listing the devotion and havoc? You must be joking

Exist64: Remove R301 from the game.

Kay Schut: I still prefer picking up an RE-45 over an R-99 for some reason.

So'kiel: Please, stop making tier lists. The game is balanced and all weapons are great, lists of all sorts are only making it worse!

GeneraL Grievous: I don’t really agree I think the mozambique is the best weapon

Aaron Rattley: The original reason I subscribed to this channel was for the gun analysis vids, I'm glad they're sort of coming back around lol

GUTHULA KARUNAKAR: bro do u know the eva is auto if u hold left click the eva 8 is auto u should try it out

Isaac VanDeBerg: I still prefer the g7 over the rampage I’ve shredded with the g7 at close range before

David Fleming: Hey TGM! I miss the Hardcore Series you used to do, do you think you'll ever bring it back..?

John Doe: Not sure if verified but on the wiki and what armor it's tested on but, r99 ttk is 0.83s, r301 ttk is 1.04s

Ex dos loco: What do you think about ramparts turret not having the aim down sights ?

Boiray gaming: Nice vid bro

Jeremy P: The long bow deserves a little love. It's a great poking weapon.

Vitut Bankka: Lstar hip fire absolute trash

Barakat: I miss having the alternator early game. I don't even want to play this season no more :(

BoomShakaLaka: Repeater is higher skill gap but once mastering it great

宇恒998: this season is the most balanced weapon meta, except p2020 n mozam, any weapon can be available at the final match.

Ridlay: Crazy how big of a jump the L-Star made, but hey, nice to see it getting some good love for once.

BaanTay: R301 best weapon in game good range good recoil good damage and to top it off good hip fire accuracy

Callum Reid MTB NORTHERN IRELAND: Personally i like to carry a havoc and a g7 scout. It is just such a good wepon combo

Josh Bertrand: I feel like longbow deserves some love

Callum Reid MTB NORTHERN IRELAND: This guys voice is so annoying dont you agree

RUBBERDUCK2568: My brain hurts when I play Apex 🤕🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠🧠

Sninsiger Ginsent: I just want to say thank u h helped me so much

Zabafa: in my opinion the PK and Mastiff are very close in power, and it comes down to personal preference

poper man: Bruh I won all my placement matches in arena except for one that was nothing but preds and got put in gold 3

İbrahim Keleş: i love almost all guns in the game, i usually cant decide which one to use

Serrato: the r3 has always been the most reliable weapon in any situation with pretty much no big changes, it really is the most basic gun

BuildingHP: Thinking about the Bocek and thinking “how the mighty have fallen” lol it goes all but ignored in the lobbies I’m in

The Halvening: Snipers and maybe some marksman weapons need a buff or something. Except for the g7 occasionally I never see anyone running them. Shatter caps are a joke ATM too. Dead eyes tempo onl slightly better

Carlton Sorrells: Have you guys seen the rare Octane animation, when he's jumping through a Rift Portal? He turns around does one of those right hook punches like people do when they say "YEAH!".

parkjimn NARK: i love devotion and charge rifle , my favorite load out

Acekanine 9812: Volt

Carson Hindle: I have been sleeping on the L-star for so long. It was never bad if you use it right and now it is in favor with the people!

Josh Stripland: I agree with the list. I'm really new to the game but the re 45 is one of my favorite up close guns.

Madara Uchiha: Completely disagree with your Prowler placement. It is 100% the strongest weapon, its literally the exact same as it was when it was a care package weapon. It MELTS

Colton Nedyah: I’ve got a video idea for you merchant, or maybe a weekly YouTube short idea. Every like Sunday or one day of the week you open up the apex store and just check out what’s in it and give ur opinion, would be cool and befitting of your name

Josh Shimmons: Wingman and volt/r99 combo has been hitting different for me so far this season

M0ZE: hey merchant, i'd love to see more ranked arenas gameplay and strategies as it almost feels like a new thing compared to normal arenas and i've been having loads of fun with it

kcodelfin: Where’s my G7 scout gang at 🤘🏼

Sebastian Dumitru: The game is full of cheaters again

BigMac: The Havoc shreds in Arenas. I absolutely love it there

turtlerr r: I heard ttk data from there meow

Xriqq: Early game P2020 trigger finger god stans unite!

SHABAH-ALEARAB: autlub minkum tashtarikun fi qanatay qaribin ealaa alf mushtarak

Hououin Kyouma: Bocek is also a very useful weapon

dx31desatup: Unfortunately I haven't been able to play this season my PS4 overheats everytime I open apex

Hououin Kyouma: Make a legend ranking

Javian Brown: Dude I'll hit every shot on a 301 and still loose to a rampage leaving them at 1 HP. I hate it

IAmJadenio: Is it bad if the Bocek is my favorite weapon

Lynx: mastiff and eva > peacekeeper

sgtStr3am: Purple Mozambique goes BRAPBRAPBRAPBRAPBRAPBRAPBRAP

Ana Pasalic: For my opinion list is ok but there needs to be 30 30 repeater too

Swiggllll: i like the havoc, because you can buy it maxed round 2 of arenas if you did good round 1

Big T: Been watching you for months and realized i wasnt subscribed. Im so sorry 😔

Stogiermink: Wow, you’re doing really well in ranked arenas!

Michele: "I LOVE THIS." "ApExEa.WoRk" ”DID IT GIVE APEX COINS FOR YOU?”ଏଯେ在 "ApExEa.WoRk" "ApExEa.WoRk" 完璧

Damian Steele: The peacekeeper is super unreliable.. I would do 91 dmg, then 10 damage on a closer shot... It sucks

Sallerno: funny how TGM isn't a sweat or anything, he's just a normal player we enjoy watching

Matt from Wii sports: Ya forgot about Sheila

Patrick Burton: Not playing apex anymore the servers are unreliable on console and make it not fun. Still here for the support tho!

Spaghetti Top: Arenas is great when your getting shat on in BR. You can focus on team play and coordination and then swap between the two depending on how you're feeling.

Justin Gonzalez: I think the Alternator is the best gun in the game, easy to use and extremely high DPS. Recoil is so easy you can beam with it from solid ranges too. I can understand why you didn't put it here tho because it is care package.

KneeHighSoks: R99 and eva 8 slaps for me😫

hog n dog: The gun balance in this game is really good. There’s still plenty of guns on this list that are also incredibly viable, and very few that aren’t

lymskiUK: I agree with this list if you only have one weapon. My favourute weapin is tbe sentinel. Such a beast. With mid range sights or a bruiser you can crack an opponent and rush them and funish them off with your primary. I'm also a Ramoart main. Last season I rolled with Spitfire or Devo and Sentinel with lots of cells. This season so far its Rampage or Lstar and Sentinel and I always carry thermites and extra cells. Scary combo

Hyness Lyness: I just don’t like how easy lmg are to use oh you miss your shot don’t worry you 20 other bullets

Avi Kagan-Dubroff: Here is an idea for seer when he uses his tactical and ult while it is active he takes more damage if he gets hit because after all it is his heart chamber he is exposing his heart chamber

MiniDiamondSkywars: gibby hareluum so niec and brother bare

Ian: Peacekeeper > Mastiff? Feel like that's a bit of a stretch. I see more people say they prefer the Mozam over PK than saying it's better than the Mastiff

lymskiUK: The 301 recoil: all i can hear in my head is you saying "diaganol down, left, right, left" 😅

Byakuya Asukai: bears say meow is a legend I always check his sheet out

Санитар: I like when people try mastiff, they totally miss all their shots and then blame the gun. 2-3 shots to kill in close range is a good deal.

3MAR00SS: I disagree the devotion is a monster, the longbow is the best sniper and the bow needs to deal more damage at short range and less damage at long range (70 close 50 far) because right now the bow is the scariest thing to be hit by from long range it can melt through your health and you'll never know what hit you

Rishabh Bhan: l star could be like season 8s spitfire

Bear's Say Meow: Heyyyyyyy lets gooo!

Mike "Mike Bosh" Bosh: Havoc will 4ever b underrated

Cristian Cortés: No doubt for me...r99...volt and flatline are the top stuff. Everythinng else is under those. Is stupid to just see like time to.kill numbers reality not even pros are consistent 100% with their shoots. And also we have to consider distance and so on. In practice those are the best.

dBrawlz: Why is he getting those scopes?? Everytime I've bought r3 or flatline in arenas it will only give me 1x or 2x , but he is using the 2x-4x? Or am I missing something

GrimmReaps: Before watching this this. I have something to say. All weapons can be good. Depends on how you use them, movement and reaction times. I feel if you master the movement, any gun in your hand can be lethal.

fin: Love how Apex right now is just Seer running around spamming Q at himself and everything around him.

Rawtaa85: I was expecting to see Seer's tactical at number 1

Sharingline Studios: Me and my friends prefer eva 8 and Mastiff. Everytime we use the pk we hit for pitiful damage

rusty rusty: Where is L star :) This gun is broken

Universe Derp: wheres the charge rifle???

K S: Hey merchant I was thinking last night can you do apryze for the next pro lodout vid

Emmanuel Seucharan: I love the R301 and volt soo much

RedHood: *Sad long bow noises*

Haggan Wain: Pk is the worst shotgun😂🤡

Justin Botes: Flatline volt is great combo!!!

Jojo DiAc: I disagree!!! The hemlock deserves a spot up there! And so does the havoc!!! These have received nerfs before, but damn their gimmicks just work really well!!! The burst in the hemlock pretty much ensures you hit 2 bullets every time you pull the trigger, and it’s super accurate at longer ranges, and the havoc revs up so nicely that it pretty much ensures a kill as long as you start shooting at the opponent at the same time they start shooting at you if both of you are strafing and have decent aim.

グルイズビオ: Alternator tho... those sounds.. it brings terror

Meme Guy: Will you be making a tier list for legends this season?

Erick Moya: With all due respect, is not like the game has 200 weapons, a top 10 is meaningless, would have helped a top 5. Edit: considering you said it has no order and all 10 are just as good as the others

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