LUCIFER SEASON 6 Official Trailer #1 (NEW 2021) Netflix Series HD

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Αποστολος Πατρωνας: There is a theory that suggests that god (the black man)will return as the god and save everything

こつてれ: SEXY GIRL ARE JOSEX.UNO Youtube : it's always fine Life is a short journey before eternal sleep forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #垃圾

Anne: What was the animated scene lol😂😂😂 I love how crazy this is♥️♥️♥️

Felix Lobo: How's dan still in the trailor he was dead in the last season?


Helba Lee: and god said, that hell does not need a warden anymore.... no maze, no luci.... so this one new lord of hell was put there by our old good lad mysterious god.... so Luci might feel how his own rebellion against his father was...

rj: Could that be Elaine? Like from the comics , maybe she's Michaels daughter or something.

Kid Blond: Y la verdad un poco flojo esperaba mas. De ustedes

Adam Savage: Most people doesn't realise that this show is a part of DC Comics and belongs with the CW multiverse. No wonder they are wondering about the cartoons and hero fictions.

Noble Spirit: I swear to Allah if this is not fiction. Everything will be in chaos. But Good one Lucy I mean bad one Lucy 😂

Paradoxo18: 1:50 ?

WWT: Damn

Without Remorse: Lucifer season 6 is here "oh my me"

Al’s Channel: I have only one thing to say: What the hell is happening?!!

D a t i n g , x x x: SEXY GIRL ARE JOSEX.UNO Youtube : it's always fine Life is a short journey before eternal sleep forever #Чо #эт #делает #на #2 #месте #в #тренде #однако #я #люблю #таких #рыбаков #垃圾

Boku Mattei: Wow that was fast. I just finished the last episode

Cell Bee: So dan is alive?

Marcos Valentin: Who’s the person on the throne?

Downunder Rob: EPIC!👏👏👏

JIMMY KET: He said Bollocks, mainly John Constantine says that 😳

nos4atu357: Oh no they jump the shark

A drawing child: DAN'S BACK

Kole Souther: What’s the song?

Jonathan Hernandez: I predict that Lucifer will give up the throne of Godhood to Amenadiel so that he can be with Chloe.

Chris Bowers: Who’s the New Devil? Because I know only a angel can be king, but who the Hell is she?

Neela Naidu: Love it lovely love it

Bazatron Murphy: Yeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhh he said bollocks Eat that Yanks

fadinal muhamad: Yes

Skaiste 12344: idk why, but the enemy kinda looks like older trixie

tec videos:

Vansh Tiwari: Letz go

Julia Dalton: g43dr

jon wik: Worst series ever Its like overhyping turd on a road

Eris Gashi: ok so the ending of the series will be lucifer sitting on god throne and not showing his powers and also chloe wants to kill lucifer because she has the blade that makes you kill people

Rabi Jamali: dan? what?


Alan M: Finally!!👍👍🎆🍸🍻🍹😎

Elayne Frieden: vlyi7


Mr Rakeeb: 1:35 Dan???

Damon B. TV: Do can you do monsters at work episode 7 trailer pls

Alexandre Guedes: Finely this was faster than the 5 t

Videos Argentina: how this, the stupidest show in the world got 6 seasons??? but masterpieces like the OA got only 2??? humanity is extremely dumb

Faizan Tariq: This looks nuts !! Love it <3


N4dh1 T3ch13: 3rd

felics bolo: whoa epic

Minja Andjic: First

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