Fortnite Chapter 2 - Season 8 | Battle Pass Gameplay Trailer

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FriendlyMachine: ZLEAGUE: GU$ SAYS YOU 'MUST' SUBSCRIBE NOW w/ ALL Notifications [ON]!

Mark Carcamo: in big fan i sud to all your vidos and if you want to get mi yosur mi name in fortniht is mac101107

Marsh Mellow2: superbrain10 wonder woman

Claire Cosgrove: Koalagamer2 name epic

Luke Litwin: Groot22

Mull's Races and customs : when the battle pass comes out can you gift Johndragon13 it pls

Spotty0927: Spotty0927 EPIC ID

Owen Breiwick: Ombreiwick no mic i want the gamora bundle

Rams Fam: So when is the new season release date

Austin Johnson: I have a theory for next season. So, the mother ship is abducting different poi’s around the map. Doctor Slone and the I.O guards will build a bomb and put it in the next abduction sight, and when the mothership abducts the next poi, the bomb will explode and down goes the mothership!!! (This is just a prediction. If you think about it, this is the only way to take down the big one….)


Jonah Bland: OGkid9785723

The Flame Boyz: I just subscribed 🥳

Dudley ronin West: *赵造"this is the thing u need" "𝐔𝐬𝐌𝐨𝐃.𝐁𝐮𝐙𝐳" "There are no limits here, Am I right?”"赵造"* *"**2:05**"* ”EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED.”

Nicky Ellis samantha: *赵造"this is the thing u need" "𝐔𝐬𝐌𝐨𝐃.𝐁𝐮𝐙𝐳" "There are no limits here, Am I right?”"赵造"* *"**2:15**"* ”EXACTLY WHAT I NEEDED.”

Zarije Zeqiri: Can i get the battle pass plz my name is emirpro475

SWASTEEK SAWANT: If it will be naruto i will get it😁❤

one gamer 3.0: ID:lion_gamer09

Miheer Bhasin: My I'd is yetiyetiyeet

Denis Arnautovic Poljasevic: HEY YOU I KNOW YOUR READING THIS ADN WHEN YOU DO have a great day😃

Danick O’Donnell: My name in fn is KOD79

JesterStabz: Bruh why the clcickbait

Simon Shippey: DID IT HELP YOU TO

God gamer: can you plz gift me a battle pass when season 8 chapter 2 starts my username is Feastival Steam3

Erick Begay: can you give me a skin plss

Atharv Keshri: Atharv16k I want the human bill sking or guff

I am e: Can you add me I am Denki2108 I am Subscribed

I am e: Can you add me I am Denki2108

Zylar Iron cloud: Do you have a good day have a great day

Zylar Iron cloud: Don’t have a good day you have a great day

Joshua Ciregna: Epic: SC-Josh09

izaiah tyo-boots: i like making people smile especialy the corpses in my basement so i liked

Joshua Ciregna: I didn't know the foundation until know thank you for the info. 😎

Xl_Comacozi_lX: Tbh I don’t really care

dat doge: So S,j We,. ,do ,k LDL,

Magn3t1cFNツ: Imagine if kishimoto sues epic

Kristoff Kerr: Blazefan01

Gustavo Adam's: Kingzhackz on IG is genuine on account unbanned


Matrix: Imagine if old battle pass skins came back

Natan Petnehazi: but not a 200 vbuck emote

Natan Petnehazi: Anything would be nice

Natan Petnehazi: username is NatAnoo I really hope I get gifted :)

Rimsickid 615: 5 minutes and 20 seconds of promotion or self promotion. TOO LONG NOONE WANTS TO SEE THAT.

I dislike anime cosplayers: BVR_boyFN or RayUzumakki

Samuel David: All Thanks to *dexter_crack* on insta he got me unban within a short time of noticed

Samuel David: All Thanks to *dexter_crack* on insta he got me unban within a short time of noticed

Samuel David: All Thanks to *dexter_crack* on insta he got me unban within a short time of noticed

Lenora Heath: Justice God1991

Lenora Heath: My name is Justice God 1991

Crishton Inglima: I subed

Crishton Inglima: Foundation wow that's messed

The Mind of Blake: Name> bjshockey >skin anime pack< all notification subbed

Daniel DiLella: FOR THE PUG

pixel: So its time to die

Goran Nacevski: Who ever is reading this comment is lucky for the rest of their lives

Szabolcs Papp: My name is szabesztosz


Deadpool Games3: My fortnite name is:M_Money36

Angelo Hidalgo: G3LO-TGOD anything

Krysti-Anna Russell: Shark boy36d94

Sherry Van Herk: AbradantLake245

dj Hey: Limedog75 or royfam01

Estefani Ruiz: Fortnight gamer name is Gracat909

Dylan Stockwell: Dude I just woke up I hope your pug does really great have a good day

Beast: Hmm I’m curious about what’s happening next in fortnite? Searches*friendly machine. Epic=Marshmellow2687

JTVLOGS!!!: My Id is DominouskingYT8

C: Princepiet123

Donna Bailey: Sky_editor

Alice Israel: My epic I’d name is Jayden Israel

LilDxrippy: Bruh this man literally photo shopped the battle pass like why would meowscles be in a swimming suit if it’s about to be winter

Kade F: Kadthud and I want the gamora Bundle

Mr. hamster in the cage: Your pet is so cute I can’t unsubscribe With that sad face

Kevin Polycarpe: Epic games name Melodic-dew3

Kheri kheri: I went to see a slime on your face

Anthony Barba: B1G_Tony

Shadow Marsy: edudmnik is my epic and I want the battle pass

Austin froiland: And any kind of skin will be good

Steven S: There’s zero chance of The Foundation being a Crew Pack skin as he’s part of the Fortnite story.

Fabian_Ninja: If Naruto is coming tot fortnite my favorite anime Will be ruined

eselinj: My name in Fortnite is Sir_Connor121

Ashton Jones: Ashton 123 bleed

ZachAndLaptopPlayzz: Hi is it possible i could get the battle pass please i tried to for awhile but i couldn't also i subscribed with notifications my username is Meme_King_123

athiang Yak: Umcd

Gabriel Frederick: I subed with all notifications and my name is marxlivibe

Shannon Jeavons: Loved this video ! 💜👾 Shared to my fortnite Facebook group 💜 Shanbotboost 👾

Nathan: I've been using an app to show me the leaked content and heard that Lars and Wonder Woman are going to show up. That being said I think Epic might be getting high if they are getting semi ownership to put Naruto in the game. I love Naruto but god, I am going to cry seeing him hold a gun and then possibly use the bugha or renegade emote after killing me. I would probably use him for StW for Ninja classes, but that's it. (The app also shows me the item shop, but I have seen people with the henchmen skin and I haven't seen them in the shop)

Axzy Clan: I’ve liked subscribed with all notifications on and my epic ID is Lucca_G08

Rasper2008 gaming: Rasper2008 i need Superman bundle pls


Danimates: My epic id is weird but it’s vggjndn and I would like the cyber infiltration pack please!!!☺️☺️☺️also I subbed and turned notifications on!!

mr. YEETER 1534: mr. YEETER 1534

Killshot ss: killshot 3 I am 11 please surf witch

Paula McDonald: Podka123 my mic doesn't work though

Riley Portman: Thank you for the infuremasion

Quiz ._.: i have done everything epic yaqo ay non

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