Fortnite Chapter 2 - Official The Mandalorian Season 5 Battle Pass Gameplay Trailer

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SW gardthedude: Mandooooo

lex g: I love what fortnite is doing. They are creating their own universe while making it possible for pop culture to find its way in seamlessly. I love this

Joshua A: Let’s be honest mando would kill all of us

Villy: We were this close to the old map

Obi Wan Kenobi: Very few things can convince me to return to Fortnite and its community. Mando is one of those things. You bet all your deathsticks I'm dropping at the highest ground possible.

anime lover 1: I might cop

zefania würde: can somebody please gift me the new season 5 battlepass name: zefi clappt dich

BOJO 69: I haven’t play fortnite since like a year ago I swear that’s tilted right

Mustafaa: this is literally nothing compared to the hype for attack on titan S4

Franky a: This game is dead lol

Saber TAK: Troy baker btw

Alexander Sevonen: i was thinking tho old ma was coming back so I got disappointed:(

Mikey Estrada: This map Is so fire !!!!!

Abdelrahman Amr: Only Back for Mando This is the way

MAKAI JOSIAH: tiltted came back

Ryan Neill: So these are the best bounty hunters yeah? Why is it not Jango Fett instead of the Din Djarin?

Jazzifizzle No1: First of all. Troy Baker. Epic. Secondly, seems like I have to buy that Mando skin

GamingBomb11: bro soo cool the mandolorian

Jean Farrell: I don’t have that season I’m on mobile 😭 and I love the Mandalorian

Choekyi Gyaltsen: Best hunters they say I wish they could get a predator skin in this one

Nathan: Ok so when those leaks came out about Fortnite characters in smash and they said new voice lines were being recorded, THIS is what Troy Baker was recording for, not for a DLC character. I don't know whether to be happy that Fortnite isn't gonna be represented in smash or sad that the reaction would be an absolutely hilarious dumpster fire

R23: This is *not* the Way.

Ravenclaw Gamer: Aside from Mando, I hope he's the only piece of crossover content and we're getting back to more originality that Chapter 1 had rather than the overexaggerated crossovers Chapter 2 has had so far. 😒🤔

Dęäth Ėłdęr {extremely corrupt}: Dude it’s literally been 3 years since I’ve played fortnite and I can’t even tell what’s going on anymore

Martin: We got spoiled with marvel. I won't be getting a battle pass until I can play as superman now 😂

Sean: We're is da battlapas trailer

Jan Osmund Aareskjold: "Hey Troy!!!!"

Justnoah 2004: Anime skin? Titled? Tomato? YES

Justin Illhardt: Where's John Wick?

Meowcles :3: If the Tac is back im gonna be soo happy also it looks like dragon shotgun is here

GameplayRunner: I really never played fortnite.. but MANDO .. maybe u got me know

Sans Paul: Only getting on cuz new season

TWICHY06: That voice sounds like Adlers from cold war

Envy: It's official. Anime is taking over

clickbait: 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

Robert Rikardsen: So sad to see Mando attached and used for selling mtx cause of success of a show that is solely carrying the Star Wars franchise

Laurence White: Troy why have you fallen to fortnite

Okcupidd: Kids still play this crap? Lol

Johnny Lag: Looks like fortnite become a publicity panel


angelo gabriel vidallo: what about pussycat dolls battle pass

Water Reviews: Look at how the massacred my boy

Not Average: Tilted towers???

Florio: I don’t care what anyone says, I’m excited for this new season.

Jack Collier: Ngl I cant take mando seriously now in the show.

D&J: For a second there I thought that was Mirage from Apex narrating.

wockheardt: why no pumps 😐🥲

Green Room Collectibles: Is that Troy bakers voice?

Chris Hansen: I want a Johnny sins skin with selectable styles such as a Doctor, handyman, scientist etc.


Skizz Menz: dont put mando in kids game

Andrew Mefford: Jesus what happened to this game lol

Elixirr: Can I get the Craig skin? I want that one more than any other

Luke 15 1-7: IDC about all the skins. If I like onesybe I'll get it. Hopefully they have new emotes tho. Oh yeah the servers are down too.

BiGxB0SS Nation92: Put metal gear solid content then we'll talk. Star wars is for nerds and fattys

Ali Wayne: First Christopher Nolan and new 52's Batman and now Mando. Fortnite devs know what characters I like and they're personally attacking me.

Q X: When did fortnite become an anime

DarthRaider: Still not going back to this toxic game

legosa NERO: Tilted tower = best season

Scribbly: This toxic shitbag of a game is still around..

TrueGamer 125: one of these days they are gonna bring snake in season 6

Djmatthew carreon: This is amazing they are adding Mandalorian


Lord Farquad: What the hell is going on

JugalARTS: it's not a battle royle anymore 😂😂😂😂

The Watchman: Go to (Anthony Patch and YouTube) for the breakdown of the Covid Vaccine which also will change your DNA.

ExKnight39: Haven't been on this game for a while (cuz not a fan of it) but quick question: was Agent Jonesy voiced by Roger Craig Smith?

Anas Cutie: Omfg a anime skin that’s want the webs want

Sheep Peep123: How disappointing

Phat Beast: Is that troy baker??

Wandering Phoenix: I will get the crew sub... but please turn the servers back on

Ryan Mason: They're just running out of ideas so they rely on big characters like iron man and mando

James Asterwolf: You had one job star wars. WHY DID YOU SELL OUT TO THESE ASSHATS

Pita_1oy: this is sick af

Electrickiller 098: Yo yo yo wait 😳 is that ANIME

Jesse Wood: They ruined the Mandalorian

Andrew Goodguy: Well at least it's a tiny better than last season but still I ain't playing it

Lindsey Nelson: I bet that the zero point is going to bring old locations from chapter 1

Sculpt_ Alpha: Ign posts the same video after every hour

Vonte Ok: Sooo I’m confused on where there going with this

Aaron Ramirez Rodriguez: Can’t believe Fortnite is becoming Disney

the chilly snek boi: i dont think people mention how tiny the anime skins hit box is like shes so skinny

Skadoosh Films: No... Epic didnt manage to get him, Not Troy Baker!!

marysol soto: Go to sleep😪😪😪

InfiniteBlasters 072: Epic continuing to exploit licences for money.

bebopboon: Anime girl

Omega Pg3d: I get the concept but this battle pass looks like they just mushed a ton of random things together

Sly the Guy: This battle pass.... seems a bit weak...

Nika Bliadze: Troy Baker is Everywhere dd

Swiisshh: Fortnite doesn’t know what they are doing .. they can change the game and Disney but they don’t know what to do .... Fortnite can be apart of Disney. But these guys don’t know what they are doing

RekillzTop: Isnt this the guy who plays simon krieger in spiderman ps5

Smooth Chutoy963: Mando works for bescard not credits

Mohammad Conte: Fortnite needs to callab with attack on titan

meco3D: OMG! CHAPTER 1 X CHAPTER 2!? rurerrgergrgsrteagets I AM HYPED!

Crypto Z: I might have to download fortnite again

BUMMER ; ć: Literally sounds like an apex trailer lol

Martin Rohmer: This is the way

Alam Alam: Me:"How many skin of all character must to be include?" Fortnite developer:"Yes and i want your money"

imhonestlyjustbad: Low key would’ve preferred boba fett

ImDr3Xy: i'm hetting the battle pass because of the anime skin

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