The ONLY Legend Who Hurts Their Team in Apex... - Apex Legends Season 10

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Nishant singh: I dropped a 2k with Bangalore but didn't get a badge yesterday can u report this problem to apex please rich😔.

Naiser K: Bangalore is not good proceeds to play her

Nas G.: Ummm hey rich, I think you mic is enjoying a lollipop.

Romee El Bahsa: My suggestion is, get rid of the digital threat as an attachment and just add it to the team dynamics as a boosted passive for any team mates of Bangalore. So that Bangalore and her team can see through the smoke effected area

SO4RMISSO: I swear pc lobby’s are way easier then consul so meny people miss there shots on pc but PS or XBOX don’t miss lol 😆

Mikey Nunn: crypto can stun their teammates... never really understood why they made it stun everyone

Etienne: I made a comment on The Gaming Merchant's video of legends and their abilities..what if Bangalore smoke is buffed to become a cloud of chaff (as used to through guided missies offcourse). That will give Seer & Bloodhound a scrambled view or wrong information

Modleyjjm: I think the Bangalore tactical should be used more offensively....aim the smoke towards opposing teams have seer or bloodhound to scan that team directly after the Bangalore smoke and melt the other team 🤷🏿‍♂️ the time the opposing teams reacts their health will be 10hp at least

ahmed rizwan: Maybe they should give Bangalore a buff where others can not scan and see the people inside the smoke

ttv on gfuel: Yay sooxfar is back and running

Bob Yes: My ping is always weird , when I’m online by myself it’s 80-130 but if someone turns a tv on my ping goes to 1500 ish and idk why lol

YoBoiiMo: Sooxfar: “Danny’s a dumb name” Itemp: “My middle names Danny”

Cezar Romero: I think Bangalore should get a buff where she is the only 1 just like caustic who can see through the smoke but not clearly just less thick of smoke and take away teammates getting stunned by her Ultimate

Spence TheFence: Bangalore needs to be able to see though her smoke. I had a weird I guess glitch happen where her smoke was really opaque. And it worked GREAT. I was able to see the enemies silhouettes pretty well and got a tasty charged sentinel shot.

The Quiet Man: Well... Her smoke was meant to be used as on offense and not a defense like most people use it 🙄. But yes. I do believe they should make it where when ur in the smoke, your complete HUD and scan information should be obstructed

Shade Seph: Stuns in Apex are way OP

YungFitzy24: There definitely needs to be some sort of cold blooded perk, especially for Bangalore

Krossbonzz: I haven't had a controller nor joystick since the PS1 and Mechwarrior II on 28.8 dialup internet lol Most of you likely aren't old enough to have had to enjoy gaming on modems lol You're lucky.

Landon Crighton: Rich I agree about Bangalore, the smoke annoys me so much in matches.

Justin Ware: honestly her ult is terrible to her teammates as well the stun effect can be very crucial and could mess you up completely

David Shillinglaw: I don't disagree, but I thought this was going to be about Watson. That character drives me absolutely nuts as a Valk main

chasedaknight: They should give her electric smoke. It hides all electromagnetic pulse and gives her magnetic sense of where they are in her smoke.

dat boi: "Don't lie to your viewers" 😂 when y'all were talking about Bangalore

dat boi: Rich and Soofar killing it!

Kamaji: I cant count how many times my teammate bangalore did this in my super noob elo

Andrew Velez: “Shoutout drippzzzzzz”

Mr.Dincht: You didn't mention bengalore or Rampart. Her smoke can screw the team and ramparts shields can block doors like caustic

Apex Hound777: Here's a little idea, enemies who are in the smoke are highlighted, and while you and your teammates are in the smoke they're undetectable by any sonar.

elijah mb: Bang was my main frm szn one had to switch it up this season now blood hound is my new main

Bootyloot: Ive said it before and I will absolutely say it again: Respawn needs to make an action priority system that makes whatever your LOOKING AT the priority. So many times ive tried revving a teammate up from behind a door and i sit there for at least 3 seconds messing around with the door and not reviving my teammate WHILE LOOKING AT MY TEAMMATE. At the very least they need to make a said new priority system for revives, doors and death boxes. For random loot on the ground, the current "whatever is closest" system is fine. Its kind of important though (in a mobility based, loot-and-shoot game) that i do the proper action i want to do, at the time i want to do it. Especially when that action can be as important as having a downed teammate back in the fight or having full shields with a third team coming in.

Tanayem Ahmed: 19:43 eating lasers actually

Sreeram Praveen: Day 30 of asking Rich to go undercover on apex(by changing his name and badges) and ask randoms what they think about Itemp plays @iTemp Plays

Oscar Montesdeoca: Potential buff for Bangalore: Add electricity to Bangalore’s smoke that jams scans from enemy teams

spiros sakellariou: Did anyone else notice how crystal clear their focus was once they came across that pro team? Rich is kinda nuts but when he focuses he really just empties the lobby. Looks like the new movement adaptations are really paying off too. Now that's some passionate, competitive spirit

Steve Copper: Hey I recognize your name I've dropped you a few times

Johny N: " I'm a good puncher, I once punched a man..." Haha

Lunis1992: Yeeeah many times I went to save a Bang, almost finishing the enemy, only for the panicking Bang to smoke and cloud my vision.

Thomas Whaley: It is just the worst. You can't see through the smoke. It basically blinds your team in a fight so they can't find the people that they are fighting.

Kevin Schmitt: They should make it so bangalore can see clearer through her's and other bang's smoke.

Michael Morneweck: Who else thinks rich and sooxfar should star in a buddy cop film as themselves

Stef Sauve: If Caustic can see through his gas, Bangalore should at least have Thermal while on ADS through the smoke

Stickamata8: Video idea Day 1 Make a small Friendly tournament with your friends in a 1v1 each other in the firing range to see whos better. RULES 1-Do not pick the same Legend if you won with that legend, Loser can play the same Legend if they want 2-Both party's need to have the same weapon and load outs 3-no Hop-Ops 4-Winner out of 3, if the scores are 1 out of 2, this rule will apply, the losing team with 1 point is allowed to choose the load out OR legend of their opponent to have a chance (No pistols, too easy and can only choose one of the two, Choose weapon or loadout) 5-Mini-Game for fun- A Boxing match free for all :) 6-Do not use the Ultimate Accelerator thats in the firing range 7-You can add more rules if ya'll want, i cant think of anymore

justinlapointe11: Lets see if this works eventually. 😁 DAY 70 REQUESTING RICH DO THE JOHN WICK CHALLENGE. (Pistols only)

Aaawman2: I've never in my life seen someone with 130 ping get the hit reg of an apex god. Teach me thou secrets masterrereer.

rob dyer: I love the relationship temp has with Rag I'm new to subbing Temp,but when it's him and Rag then it's always amusing to watch.

Joseph Carranza: Image Bang being able to see through her smoke. Returning the favor to a tracking team would be fun and it would open the character selection a lot this season.

victor sotelo-balderas: You did the best counter though which is simply have a bloodhound or seer teammate

Jam_is_a_sauce: I just had an idea that bangalores smoke should negate a tactical scan. Obviously an ult should still work but its a good way to make her kit more useful in the current meta. Could be kinda broken but considering how strong seer's abilities currently are.

Jacob Richards: The vine where the kid sees the girl vape at the party lol I know what you're talking about mate

GeorgeJacobs: All those doc references and we STILL haven’t heard Rich say “how come you coach him but not me”

Jason Bryant: It's like Shiv thr God says "never smoke yourself, you smoke the opponents". Make a smoke screen intheir faces

Steve: I've said it since season 0, Bang should see through her smoke the way caustic sees through his gas

CrossRoad Bound: I don't understand why they make rolling thunder hurt team mates. It's stupid and sometimes really hard to initiate a fight when your bang throws it...

The Cold Fusion: If they make it where enemies light up when in her smoke and make it so her ultimate doesn't affect her teammates, I think it would be a good buff for her

Ap.LaCkIn.: Stream ranked please rich 🥺🥺

Chun Xiongichi: seer or horizon... which one is more better? thanks

Hin Lam: Imagine how Shiv must be feeling lol

Anthony 11: Itemp let’s play together these randoms suck !

Reese Lotts: If your team also has a bloodhound or seer then it’s not as bad. Definitely sucks to not be able to smoke whenever she wants but with communication and teamwork it’s still really useful

uses0ap: Dont forget when you throw a bang ult on your teamates-- Detriment.

jacob avila: that’s why you don’t smoke yourself, you smoke the other team

Jan Gutierrez: 7:41 most realest shit Rich has said 😅

Perry V.: Bangalore smoking her team? Bad. Bangalore smoking distance teams? Good.

George Chacon Jr: I mean maybe the smoke is detriment to your team then smoke the enemy and not yourself LOL

KD: Anyone else wanna see Rich try to win a game using only the wingman and Bocheck while using Valk?🤣

michaelk71: They should give Bangalore the caustic treatment and let her see through her smokes

Moto Family: Ive been trapped in a room unable to get out because of bangelors smoke too many times to count

Javier Correa: Bangs smoke should keep u from being scanned

Animated Outlaw: “Only legend” come on man let’s not pretend wattson can screw over her teammates with her ult if you’re fuse, caustic, or any other projectile legend

John Tumlin: Rich: "Bangalore hurts the team" Also Rich: "Bangalore is the best"

Jay Middleton: I watch this channel for I temp content not do far content

Capt Red Beard: Yes, i would agree that she took a proximity nerf but ONLY in battle royal. Her passive makes her very elusive and quite viable in arenas

IDozTHings Knoesel: Bro the banter in this video is so damn funny 🤣🤣

Desi’s Shadow: Bangalore is one of the weakest legends. She has the most weaknesses to her ability and ultimate.

James Speck: Bnagalores smoke is positive for ur team an negative for ur team it just depends how you use her...

BadWolf: One buff to her smoke could be when your inside it, if you are scanned it reduces the time you are scanned for. But then you'd see Bangalores everywhere so idk

Hydrolex: Just make her smoke transparent for her and her teammates. It would immediately make her smoke more viable and less intrusive for teammates.

Josh Erlenmeyer: The amount of times I have died because my Bangalore teammate smokes me out and I'm running into walls trying to escape is unreal. I played Bangalore a lot in prior seasons but only like twice this season

Tiana M: As a Bang main, I find her smoke isn’t a detriment to the team as long as you use it right. Of course, this means in fights against seer and bloodhound you should avoid using it, but she works so well with digi’s n also having a seer or bloodhound or crypto on your own team. I think her actual weakness is her ultimate, it’s so rare to actually stun, hit or prevent enemies from pushing you. Most of the time it prevents your team from pushing n by time you reach whoever youve hit they’ve already healed up...

Eternally Angelic: I don't think the problem is bangalore, I think the problem is Seer... Bloodhound countered Bangalore, which is fine. But now Seer counters everyone.. and if you got bloodhound, Seer, and crypto now in the game... well... bangalore is just screwed.. She can't do what she's supposed to do because the devs put way too many wall hacks into the game.

Chris Hexx: Bang has been getting indirectly nerfed for ages with all the scan metas. She needs a bit of help.

SSmars: The should make bangs smoke so u can’t scan through

Scol: Someone commented that smokes should nullify scans, but I also think that Bangalore should give her and her teamsters thermal vision to see through the smoke

Morcax: unless you have a digi as bangalore then you can surprise the enemy team by shooting them back >:)

Jesus Palmerin: I don’t think so. Idk why octane is even picked. He literally doesn’t help the team with his ability. A jump pad wow soo innovating and a crucial part for a team success.

Edwin Sanchez: Never thought about this

A4M3R: Valkyrie or wraith?

pkahlo: what if they buffed her tactical by making the smoke cloud bigger and when her team is inside range of the smoke they can’t be scanned by recon legends 🧐

Joe Stiles: That owen wilson reference is why rich is my favorite competitive gamer.

LucidGamer137: I'm not sure what the best method of making her smoke work properly would be. 2 optics that see through smoke. Bloodhound tactical and ultimate see through smoke. Seer can sense heartbeats, tactical, and ultimate. I think Crypto's drone spots through smoke. Fuse's ultimate detects enemies inside ring. I figure maybe make the smoke block scans as well, like nanite smoke or something, also allow teammates to see through the smoke a bit better than enemies and not be totally blinded. I like the idea of her getting the fortified buff. Or maybe give her a perk for rifles (marksman and regular rifles, but not snipers) like how Rampart has for LMGs. The biggest issue is if her smoke blocks all scans, then the two sights become kinda obsolete. In any case, her smoke is almost useless against so many trackers/sensors. Might also be worthwhile to add a smoke grenade that doesn't block scans, doesn't quite give as much coverage as Bang's smokes, but can still be helpful to basically everyone. I started playing her right before season 10 started and found myself really liking her, but the fact that everyone and their mother (hehe, Fuse) can see through the smoke, (and that I wanted to try Seer) made me kinda shy away from her.

Stephen Goldman: bro, I love your intros, you talk about interesting stuff. Have watched since season 2! you still make a busted legend work

cloutsucka: Don't touch Bangalore she's fine where she is

Kevin Pederson Jr.: So now they need to buff Bangalore finally. Make it so you and your teammates can see enemies through the smoke. Wall hacks just like bloodhound and seer.

David Jr: I still don't know why Bangalore can't see through her own smoke

Kevin Bleich: "I once punched a man... He said wow" I one punched a man... He hit the ground... Almost every encounter has happened this way... And I have never thrown the first punch

Andre Foster: *Rich hits battery then throws an arc star gets hit with an arc star then his arc and has to hit another bat

Kevin Bleich: Just need to hit the los points between enemy and you as opposed to smoking yourself out... Its not too big brain of a play

yung Stoney: “That’s my middle name” bro I bust out laughing

billy bob: Just remove seer from the game. He’s a broken no skill legend and the game is better of without him

Joris Bohnson: I punched a hole in my wall once then my parents made me re-plaster the wall

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