Hood: Outlaws & Legends - Season 1: Samhain Date Reveal Trailer

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Zet Primordial: Finally! Looking forward to this. Also focus home, you're releasing too many games at once. You gotta focus on a couple of games for now cuz the progression is honestly very very slow

Rodrigo Croda: FINALLY

Riptide: Wtf is John and the mystic op

oI Power Io: Sorry but 2. September is just too late and also too little. You have 2 Options Release the Update hope People come back and then Update frequend. Or make it Free to Play Piss off your existing playerbase and by chance if theres not enough intrest kill your Game. Both are based on pure luck. You shoud have just delayed the Game because now all the Hype is dead and if you don't manage to revive the Game with this Way too late Update the Game is Dead as well.

MoLo Cha: This is to be honest a trash.. so regret I bought this digital game.. the imbalance in this game is worse than anything else..

Gonzalo L.R.: Put it f2p and maybe you have another chance

asher: Finally diversity that makes sense

Firstname Lastname: Aww a Middle Eastern fighter with a khopesh? I was hoping for a fighter with a beautiful European longsword, too bad... The rest looks great though, could start turning the game around.

Brake: It's so sad that I paid for the game 30€.. It's dead, the balancing is poor and there isn't enough content.

Onur: broken and boring game

Sergiusz Stein: WHAT IS THAT MUSIC???

majah shinn: Most of the ppl saying its a dead game get spawn camp probably ( looking forward to season one)

Termonox: i have a suggestion for Weapon skins maybe Light weapon just pure light and when your in stealth it just isnt that bright anymore like the weapon for honor has on the I AM WAR emote if someone here is familiar with that

Artur Wiater: Let's face the truth, game's dead

Toast Dog: Why so many hate comments? :( I like this game. Looking forward to Season 1

WRYDSTEPBR0_0: Dead game at this point. No way in hell it should have taken 4 damn months to launch season 1. 20 dollar indie games launched with season 1. Just makes you wonder wtf the devs are doing over there. Oh what this game could have been

CamoFlash7: *Hello there!*

Titular Hero: By the time all the content for this game releases (if it all releases) the game will have the amount of content it should have launched with.

Mad Mack: is this game any better now? I followed it since launch but it got pretty bad reviews. I just checked steam, even worse reviews than before. The game has like 50 players at most, and all the games and maps feel the same.

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