Titans Season 3 Trailer Joker Batman Red Hood Breakdown and Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my new Titans Season 3 Trailer with Joker, Batman, Red Hood and more Easter Eggs! Here's my new Loki Episode 3 Trailer video too! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECH7dUAy3ow&t=0s

DM Music & Powerlifting: Is this show any good? Haven’t watched one episode

Dalton My World: Thanks

breadstickzzzzzzz: ugh so burnt out on batman and joker there's a million other characters ffs

Sogga: I feel like Curran Walters is to short/small for Red Hood. He's supposed to be like the same size as Nightwing

Eric Nhero: thought oh man now im going to watch this. but then saw the redhood mask and ok i guess not. death battle had a better costume.

J.O.R.D: This looks like an improvement from the last season, and I was thinking they were just gonna swap out Joker with Deathstroke for the Death in the Family/Red Hood storyline but no it looks like the Clown Prince of Crime is coming to Titans 🤯

Mahmud Ali: That red hood mask kinda looks like robot from invincible.. anyone else? No? Just me? Ok...

luis sandoval: This actually looks way better than season 2 already.

curzon176: The Flash tv show has done more than enough speedsters, i really don't care to see any more in any other tv show, even though Kid Flash was integral to the Titans during it's best era. Thanks for ruining it for me Flash show.

Sam School: Black fire? hahahahahaha

d dundee: This has been on hiatus for too long

Sergey Chekhranov: Dude that’s a third time you using picture of me as a thumbnail

d dundee: Jared let's joker laugh ?

Texas scifi: I find titan a tough watch. It's dark. The pacing is slow. I've tried the first 2 episodes and I just can't seem to get invested in the characters. The CW was fun light hearted and funny. Titans is dark moody and isn't a fun watch. Its a horror show I guess.

AnimeOtakuDrew: I hope we get a (comics accurate) Miss Martian on Titans season four as well; she's my favorite of the Titans. And maybe the new Aqualad (the version that is Black Manta's son). They're both really good characters that tend to get left out in adaptations of Teen Titans.

Rob Van Wetswinkel: Hey Charlie you kinda missed the ball with saying this is a bit of a jump for Vincent. He is familiar with the science fiction genre. In fact one of his earlier roles was the son of Angel in season 4 of that Show. He did came back for a guest role in season 5 though. So I would think he would be right at home instead of taking a big jump.

drjeza: I'm still pissed off about the season 2 deathstroke went out like a bitch and dona died a stupid way to 3 better be good

jeremy burton: O I love this

eorsk: Lol anyone else put off that robin uses bolt cutters to get through the gate...not some acrobatic ninja moves

Lupin788: For a show that's supposed to be about the Titans, they sure are doing a lot of Bat-family story lines and characters. I hope I'm wrong and most of season 3 actually focuses on the Titans.

Eliah Holiday: Wish they didn't kill off Donna Troy, she was one of my favorite Titans.

ThatDudeJCrash: Wait, people are actually watching this show? lol. Well okay then.

Brandon Kochik: Joker should not have long hair lol Jared letos joker is horrible

CJ jernigan: Red Hood mask could look a little better. Maybe it's just the 1st one, idk, we will see!

Adam K: Jason just being jason reckless season 1 robin to being more of a good boy to a loner i want to jason go back to the young mean spirited jason he was. I feel shoving red hood in season 3 is abit brash but it might be good

Nich Boy: I’m hoping that there going to have Beast Boy turn into at least one different animal

elkrice: Michael Keaton! stoked'

Tammy: If you haven't seen superman and Louis watch it it's well worth it.

Ace Caldwell: Marvels version of capt America ? Marvel is the only version of capt they created hims.the boys are a totally diffent company

William Holden: When do you think we’ll get Ms martian manhunter

Saikath Ghosh: Awesome video Charlie!!

Corey Gilmore: Too much Batman. We literally have like 6 Batman's tf dc.

OMEGA LM: ALL DC fans it’s the era of Batman right now

REX MUNDI: i liked the first two seasons but im hoping for a little better quality but either way I am getting excited, been waiting forever for season 3.

waranghira: Hope the writing and direction improved

DBURKE: Wow I thought Titans was cancelled lmao. Any superhero not on cw seems to just vanish after a few years.

JackComicFilms: Emergency Awesome make a video about the new Loki theory about the TVA being in the quantum realm. Look into it, it makes a lot of sense.

Lord Venjix: Awesome video 👌

Z Rasul: Uh Pete from Mad Men.....He'll always be Connor from Angel to me!!

carlos williams: It looks interesting

Christoper Brandon: i wish i could watch this show looks awesome!

1989Brolly1989: Under the red hood is amazing but Jensen voiced character not played him...

Incubus Time Lord: Damn. I remember when Vincent Kartheiser had played Connor on the series Angel back in the early 2000s. He doesn't looked babyfaced anymore. He aged a lot over the last 20 years.

Linda Delorme: #notmybatman

George: I'm sort of excited to see how they do this. Under the Red Hood is a pretty dark story and I get the impression that Iain Glen is basically playing the Batusi dancing Adam West version of Batman. He even lectured the Titans about doughnuts, drinking milk and teamwork last season. It works even though Titans is kind of a dark show. I get the impression they would have used Adam West if he were alive.

The Krimson Kommander: Red Hood aka Gatman is here People, Let's Go!

Troy Brinson: Gotta say. I’m glad you did a video on this. I like comics in general but happy to see some DC content. Titans are my favorite superhero group (even if merged into young justice) I hope you do coverage of each episode.

Jay Bee: Sounds like a lot going forward, which is good news. Bring the Joker in, we are ready.

Travonne Henderson: 2022 and half of 2021 is Batman year

Mr. Mirror: Its so obv why they went to Red Hood story already.This show so terrible they laying on fanservices.

FACEHUNTER504 DAT: Can’t wait for another great season of Titans!!!

Juan: Who ships gar and Rachel

Juan: I wonder if gar and Rachel will ever start dating

Siyatshaheb: Thanyou for the breakdown

Short Zumba Workouts With Camille: I had almost given up hope!! Time to rewatch the first two seasons! 🙌🏽

Mahiyat Safiyullah: I never understood how that scene where she dies works and why didn't Superboy take the electrical tower thing as he and Donna should easily be able to Survive that.

Darkest Argentum: the yellow vial being fear toxin makes sense since Yellow is associated with FEAR in DC comics ever since the war of light

Kyle Bancroft: Hey Charlie what makes you decide to review some of the shows you do? Superman and Lois is easily the best CW show theyve ever made by a long shot was really hoping you'd cover that too! As for this I'm not as excited because Season 2 was kinda meh and it already looks like they are going to do Red Hood wrong 😓

Vounne Rahouelle Ubaldo: I feel like they will introduce all the Robins and the series would end with Dick being Batman or a future where Damian is the Batman

Nathan Nelson: This isn’t the Wolfman/Perez Titans. This is dark to the point of ridiculous.

Ratzel: Season 2 was über trash, only good thing superboy and the dog

viewmaster617: I lost it when I saw the super boy suit so looking forward to this 👍🏿

BiryaniBoy: Death In The Family???? I’m all for it!!!

Colin Clark: Yep Vincent Kartheiser has never played a dark character in a tv show with super powered characters before....oh...wait...

Colin Clark: They’ll streamline the story, probably Raven or CADMUS that resurrect him.

KYyva m rich: Only thing dc got right

KYyva m rich: Its great

Michael Kaszynski: Ben Affleck is 50.

Tzvi Feinberg: Should I be watching this

God Blessed 212: This is Charlie's busiest year

God Blessed 212: Please do red hood and the outlaws tv series

Palmer Edwards: It would be nice to see them keep Superboy grounded in the actual comic book and have him be able to use his tactical telekinesis along with his other powers

Palmer Edwards: There r great red hood tie ins to under the red hood that explains how he learns all the things Batman wouldn't teach him.. especially how to kill.. Here r the head of your lieutenants and that only took me an hour ,imagine what I could do with a whole day , you now work for me.

Isaac (Isaac): Rick & Morty tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isaac (Isaac): Yo.. I wasn't a fan of season 1 at all and season 2 definitely had some cool sh**, but DAYUM season 3 looks wild and badass. Need more Starfire powers!!!!! They've been missing the mark with her the entire show so far. Hyped for this. Glad it didn't get canceled. Edit: just hated how they killed the wonder woman girl with that electrical tower. Just ugh.

Marcus Anark: Titans is always on a circus rope between being awesome and a disaster.

Flying Mop Productions: *Loki: I'd like to speak to the timekeepers. God to Gods*

Job Acevedo: Heck yeah. Should be good.

Brandom Castor: Nah that Batman in titans a grandpa he too old

Mo Twins: DCEU is getting better a little bit. DCTV has totally crashed. Titans season 3 needs to save the show!

OverlordKinsey: I love this show but I’m very very disappointed in the decision choices from the showrunner. He’s literally slowly turning this TITANS show into a BATFAMILY show. Nothing wrong with that but it would be better if it were it’s own show.

Chad K. Davis: Man I wish this series was good. So much potential, but falls flat in every aspect.

Airbreaker64: i love how Superboy looks pulled straight out from young justice

Gummmmy: I don't care what anyone says, Batman IS Michael Keaton...

AviatorRequiem03: We’re probably not gonna see Joker’s face in this season like Batman in season 1

Crappy Vegan: Great video

Akuien: When is Beast Boy gonna be able to turn into whatever Animal he wants? He’s so useless in the show. He should be goofy af but can compete with the best Titans. On the show he’s scared af and at times felt like he was just wasting screen time.

Airbreaker64: the last thing u wanna hear is that the Red Hood Arc will be rushed 😂😂

zeeamja1: They’ve already casted Tim Drake, he being played by Jay Lycurgo.

Linda (linderhill): thanks Charlie, I was wondering when Titans was going to be back. I'm happy to see Wonder Girl is going to be back after last season. thanks again

Quiltx: umm so what about raven like I know she went to Themyscira but like she was my favorite

Roberto Fernandez: What happened to the sister of starfire?

Jolfer 13: I don't know why I never watched this but now that the joker is coming I have started to watch season 1.

Louis Sanchez: Also...tons of strictly TITANS stories...BUT NO!! we must do batman stories 🤨

RTG GAMING: Daimin Wayne is my favorite robin

Louis Sanchez: I hate speeding through Robins....

Nathan Cassidy: Was waiting for you to do a titans video didn't know if you did them but who would miss this 🤯

Jolfer 13: Lol any of his TV shows....u mean just supernatural?.....

R.S.R: Looks a lot better and more improved, and I’m excited for Tim Drake’s first live action debut

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