Batman vs The Joker Red Hood Breakdown and Titans Season 3 Episode 1 - 3 Easter Eggs

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Emergency Awesome: Here's my FULL Batman, Joker, Red Hood video for Titans Season 3. Post all your theories in the comments! Here's my FULL Marvel What If Episode 1 video too!

ATrain: I think Bruce is being manipulated. When Jason was talking to dawn he talks to her about fear and getting over it. He also says Batman finally did, it’s easier than you think. That’s a clue and hint I don’t see anyone talking about.

Pretty kash entertainment: What if as a twist Bruce Wayne felt guilty so he was the one who had Jason Todd's body stolen to bring him back 🤔 the fact that he was buried with no witnesses doesn't sit right with me and Bruce Wayne actions and disappearance makes it all add up. But they'll probably keep it in line with the comics 🤷🏽‍♂️

Daithí Éireannach: I'm glad they're not doing the joker in titans.. I'm actually sick of him at this stage, plenty of other awesome villans in DC to work with

Damon King: The Death in the Family reference was on point

Zajarism: Uncommon opinion: I've seen so much half-assed batman stuff over the last 10 years I'm feeling a bit burnt out on the character.

GnZ: Batman Who Laughs anyone?

Lodogg 3323: Hawk... 😢

ini stark: Who's idea was it to cast Iain Glen as Bruce Wayne??? Gotta be the worst in the history of castings

Danakin: Bad batch please

R Bramble: I think the chemical Robin was taking is Bane juice

XXXoXXoXXXX: loved their portrayal of the joker. I felt that Jason Todd was a little too stupid, but the joker.. jesus they really nailed that scene. Perfect laugh with epic camera shots that show you just enough. I applauded when I saw that.

Haise: The whole Titanverse is major ass

Liveac369: Do we really need 4-5 different versions of Batman at the same time? Honestly it''s starting to get a little boring seeing the same characters recycled over and over.

The Unwanted Critic: Old man Batman.

Sherwin Celeste: I felt bad for Dove.

Silent Knight 89: Man, don't mix and match this titans videos with different movies. This is happens a lot with your other videos, not only DC stuff.

Milo Income: Jason survived cause of mirukuru. Same one that allowed Deathstroke to survive a Bullet to the Head

cole dedmon: The first 3 episodes were amazing but I kinda wish they would of waited to reveal Red Hoods identity till later in the series

Gregory Zeoli: Batman killed the joker dam

Bailey Thomas: Who else still thinks jered leto is the worst joker. I do.

Craig Spencer: It's hilarious, Charlie, that you don't find the end of Episode 3 a WTF moment at this point in the season; it hooked me to be interested in Episode 4!

David McCormack: 1st eps were 🔥. Show is dark and gritty way better than the shows they bringing out on the cw. Arrow ( the earlier seasons) and superman being the exception.

SkinnyBoyGerman: Damn when they killed of hank. I thought they were going to do a reverse card and kill Dawn but nooo that was crazy

Ari Abreu: "A great movie from a long time ago" oh god I'm so old.

zack morris: Can you do a little bit more and Titans this season? That would be epic thank you

Cameran Johnson: First 3 episodes were pretty good

HighWay Gaming64: Hmm... I wonder from this, so many Batmen, would there be, maybe, soon, or never probably, The Bat who laughs?

Shafikah: Why do you always using Snyder Cut JL to make people choose to click your video instead of actually using the tv show that you are gonna talk about. I swear people are not gonna click the video if you are using SC JL.

Star Wars Lovet: We need a titans crossover

drjeza: You need to stop making excuses for bad writing I'm very disappointed so far joker getting killed off screen is lazy bad writing I hope beast boy turns into something other than a tiger with red hood they don't know how to do show don't tell they could of revealed Jason a little bit later and let's not talk about starfire it's sad when I like the fuckin dog more than the other characters and I'm still salty about deathstroke death

windsfiend: I think the one that is really behind the redhood is actually scarecrow, Jason must have seen him several time and for some reason they created a plan where Batman would leave gotham and Jason as the red hood would take control. unless the drug Jason made is making him smarter, the chess references and the way to permanently scare the Titans is more of scarecrow's level than todd

The Jazz King: Love the Red Hood storyline.

Chris Campbell: Jason cooking up his own Lazarus Concoction. Hence the chem studies.

Nitroc !!!: I would honestly like to see alive action Damian Wayne at some point

Ghost The Golden Wolf: Pretty sure it was rushed because everyone knows who Jason is but they most likely could’ve done it for future episodes

Stephanie Broadwater: I really like the Nightwing uniform, looks pretty good. But Jason was taken out way to easily!

DarkRe54per: It looks really good I just wish we could watch it in England without having to pay so much for it. It's £20 per season on Google play and £10 a season on Amazon.

DareDeviL: I personally think they ruined the Batman and Redhood dynamics by killing the Joker and they made redhood complete villain 😒😒, they rushed too much

Jason Umbrellabird: Iain Glenn is my celebrity stalker, he follows me around... (cash point, Carter's Steam Fair, recycling tip (he had cushions))

Syn Wayne: This series is on another level

Lukman Ali: Do you watch stargirl? If so can we get episode reviews

john hotchkiss: Jared Leto has said he won't play the Joker again. He only returned to film more scenes for Zack Snyder's Justice League re shoots because he liked Snyder.

The_1KQ: Already blew the last 2 seasons out of the water

Vaibhav Shewale: not even seen the first season XD

Scoob: They make bruce look took much like a prick

Dj Tomcat: They really took it up a notch with this season so far. The first 3 episodes are soo good!. I love the pace and that the titans are actually working together as a team. Nightwing is so badass the guy really beefed up over the seasons lol. Superboy is awesome! I love the dynamic him and beast boy have. So sad for hawk man 😥 I was loving his vibes this season. Can't wait for more. I just hope the take it easy on the deaths lol there's been so many titan deaths already. Aqualad. Donna Troy. Jason. Hawk. Like cmon take it easy just give me so more organized crime fighting lol

Ayyyeitslasf: You didn’t talk about the 3rd episode and the craziness

KillerDino17: I like the twist of batman not being that great of a hero but his successors being better heros than him.

Genoveus: Yo I hope Tim in someways become the next Robin this season...

Liao Jiawei: I think Scarecrow is the one behind Jason. And holy crap, that episode 3 ending.

Red Hood: The interpretation is…acceptable

Anthony Quintero: Really surprised you didn't go into much detail with these 3 episodes. Are you Saving for another video? 🤔 Just curious. Definitely will watch that if you are lol

Minho Cho: Why’s it so hard for live action DC to keep the integrity of its characters alive? We KNOW you can do it in animation, just do the same thing for live action! XP

Jay Kenneth: my ghadd batman in this universe is a weak and quitter all opposite in the comics and cartoon.

Saigon Cinnamon: I didn't expect that Dove and hawk twist, dove is going to be a basket case.

Kratos Craken: 6:37 "All the Bat-men" that had the real Bat-Tank so what episode or movie was this 🤔

Thomas Perci: Also would love to smoke a joint with this version of scarecrow

EG Curioso: it's nice to see Jorah "the Friendzoned" Mormont again.

Thomas Perci: I like how they explain how Bruce leaves on this earth and how it’s very similar to the arrowverse Batman in how after Batman finally kills the joker he dips and goes on some soul searching journey

Dabbler Deluxe: WB's DC is such a mess

DanTheMan Bardo: This red Hood stuff is way too soon where is the build up. And history.

MCR Smash: Why don’t you make any Superman and Lois videos

Lord Venjix: Awesome video 👌

Karan Gera: They wasted no time with the red hood reveal and took the plot forward in a strong way. Hawk's death was very well executed. Thrilling

Paul Archer: I just wish they'd hurry up and do flashpoint and hopefully bring all these universes into the same continuity, I've stopped caring about any DC products outside of the Arrowverse.

RageXWarrior: Yeah I don’t like how they made Batman kill like that. And they kinda screwed Red Hood up because he was supposed to be controlling crime not completely killing innocents. Kinda killed it for me

Screw You Reviews: Nobody doesn't seem to notice that the Titans version of Barbara aka Batgirl as one leg. Did The Joker cut off Barbara's leg after he shot her?

Andrew Higareda: The series gets better and better each season. The red hood storyline was rushed which sucks but episode 3 was a BANGER

Screw You Reviews: Damn! Hawk is dead! But least this season continue the on and off relationship between Hawk and Dove.

B.S. Productions: I don’t like Bruce in this universe. He’s just annoying and I think the writers did a terrible job when it came to his Batman. Also personally if you can’t have joker I think then hold off on the red hood stuff. Idk if it’s just me but the way they are portraying red hood is as if he is a bad guy, in the comics and the animated movie he just has different ideologies than Bruce, it’s not like he’s a bad person. Idk just my opinion

Phea Voeng: The only time I want to see Batman killing is in a injustice movie or Tom Wayne is the Batman.

Screw You Reviews: Joker shot Batgirl and paralysis her into a wheelchair. But did Batgirl lose her leg as a result of being shot by The Joker?

ncis2495: there was no nightwing acrobatics whatsoever

Corey: I'm just bummed they killed Hank. Dude was the best actor in the show, and now he's gone. RIP Hawk.

NoName: yeaaa i didnt know they renewed the show thats awesome

Gemma Louise: Batman the ultimate groomer lol

Max Marx: Felt super rushed but fuck it’s filmed and it’s what we got

Jacob Keyser: My ideal Batman trilogy would be 1. Batman year 1. Ends with him going to Haily's Circus and seeing a Flying Grasons poster 2. 8 years later, dick is now nightwing, and we get death in the family 3. 4 years later and its an under the red hood movie all of these movies would focus more on the detective side of batman

AirHeath: A1 thumbnail btw Charlie

AirHeath: Really hope Matt Reeves and Joaquin smoke cigs together

Pound The Pavement: Worst. Joker. Laugh. Ever!!

Jordan: i was surprised how dick dgaf that jason died😅 matter a fact everything seemed rlly rushed and there are some pretty atrocious acting scenes😪

Tae Tae Jones: Why did jason Todd urn bad and what was the drug he was taking?

KingCherry: Bro season 3 got so good episode 1 was eh but then damn it got so good But it felt so rushed

Fonzarelli Gamin: You didn't talk about hawk. I know that wasn't a Easter egg. But that was a very big moment

LordReign: Nice thank you for all your great Content

Danielcheeseflavoredtortillachip: Why do they keep trying to make Batman kill people it doesn't work! STOP!

Whiz: Can't believe the killed off Hawk!

R Harjo: This season so far is AMAZING!! Episode 3 😱😭

faulk1372: Man, I wish I had HBO Max. I would enjoy watching Doom Patrol and Titans. I've only seen the first season of Doom Patrol & Titans because I have 2 box set DVD's of seasons 1 & 2 of Doom Patrol & Titans. Looks like a lot of actual comic book material being covered on Titans. Jason Todd getting killed, Tim Blake taking his place and Red Hood killing people off. Looks totally awesome. I would enjoy seeing Johnathan Crane becoming Scarecrow. Thanks for putting these videos out on YouTube. Really you putting this out is the only way I can catch up on all DC and MCU stuff coming out.

Matthew DeLong: Giving this show another chance but come on. Batman would never do that at all. We didn't see it on screen so maybe he didn't and is testing to see if dick can take his place. Also this joke isn't the shitty Jared leto one from what I see so don't use him as the thumbnail.

Cattt: This is just like an alternate death of the family story

David H: there are too many different batman/joker things going on. I just dont even care about the Pattinson movie coming's either too soon/too crowded to justify why a new batman series needs to be done. what about it makes it so special that it demands/needs to be done amongst 3 or 4 other concurrent batmans? the Nolan version brought something new and special: a version of batman that was plausible in our reality: no magic or metahumans. sure id like to see the flip version of that: a comic immersive, super-reality batman that stands alone without the extended and rather uncompelling DC universe... i would love to see a live Raz Al'ghol with a lazarus pit, or a CGI well done Clayface, or even Manbat... but what would i get out of somethinf thats already been done before? (albeit Poison Ivy, mr Freeze, Riddler etc have only had shit outings so far). what is Twilight sparkle Batman going to give me that i didnt know i needed? i definitely wasnt blown away by Affleck batman.

ZenRaven7X: Black Starfire and black black fire. No. Just. no. I want real starfire

George Williams: Titans looks amazing!

DBlock_11x: That part in Snyder Cut when Batman tells him he’s going to kill him is intense. One of my fav parts of movie!!! DC Titans has kinda been a let down, I feel like they really cheesed out on the action fight scenes. They could do it so much better than what we get. They have to have a decent budget right???

Rashawn Collins: Makes sense for them to kill of the joker in titans n have Batman leave it’s also probably too much on the budget for the show to have them be around for so long

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