Overwatch League 2021 Season | Countdown Cup Tournament | Day 2

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Overwatch League: Are you ready for finals tommorow?!

Kristian Gruezo: “YVELTAL HAS PULLED OUT THE GLOCK” 3:57:40

Aniket Gupta: Yay finally get to see Emily back on OWL broadcast

Golden: That pause from Jinmu really ruined Atlantas momentum hard

Andres Vazquez: "He was GOD SMACKED, couldn't believe what had just occurred" -Bren

超高校級のゲーマー: 5:11:48

S K: Danny's best of the day with Ga9a's footstool onto Gator is legendary

Walter Post: Imagine having 3 of your favorite teams in the countdown cup and don’t know whether to be happy or sad

Generalesel: Gg reing se ya 😏

Davy Vikner: Do ducks fly, though?

Jonathan Barnes-Nunn: Danny Decides is so consistently brilliant! And Uber is the Chadius Daddius that we all need 😂😂😂

Raheeb Mir: "Chengdu are just about Chengdone" 🙄

McKinley Ostvig: Leave yyds

Cristiano Faustino: sideshow and brens narration is just so entertaining hahaha, Bren mad with Sideshow's egg biceps thing, Bren saying that ducks can fly and Sideshow malding on it. That's the content I'm here for.

charlie: kevster is just insane

Ray: why so many laggs

Joris Boerboom: Chengdu comeback???

NUSzkfly: if chengdu plays like today, tomorrow will be unstoppable

Parkerdude56: For those curious like me, the "leave 1k ds + 1k" is here: 4:30:06

Near Void: Wow, we dominated reign

TunaIceCream56: they did space dirty in that thumbnail


Кириллин Т.С. Күндэ аатынан музей үлэтин архива: !drops

Dori: Final, what time?

The Fat Side Character: Pog

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