Overwatch League 2021 Season | June Joust Tournament | Day 1
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Overwatch League: Which match surprised you the most?!Написать
Gee Bee: So Boring. Why are they not switching around the order of who attacks first?
Gee Bee: Why is the winning side Always attacking first. No wonder the matches are so lopsided
Lauren Wong: Can we have the original (non-casted) Rein Orisa joust video? That was amazing, I'd love to hear their banter more
Christian Hess: Me wants to be owl player, also knowing that won’t happen...
Jessica Lugo: I'm living this Hawaiian Overwatch fantasy. Love it!
Frédérick Lebel élève: Ow league pulling up with the haikyuu ending 5
George Turland: Do you have to watch the games live to get the mercy skin or can you just watch the vod. Someone please help me 🙏
Judd Hawaiian: What do you expect when these guys wanna go to the beach and have fun!!
Lets Get Fluffy: That ending is awesome, it reminds me of the Haikyuu season 3 ending
Phenomenal_Zeke: 57:27 POV: gamers discover the sun
Xawndrue: 4:16:22 replay button for end credits
Mardo: what is the code of the orisa rein game mode haha
Mood: Love to see Haikyuu references :3
Haga: The OWL product is currently the best it has ever been if only we had homestands aswell
Ronan: My favorite thing about these tournament playoffs is definitely the very relaxing pauses with the banjo music
Александр Трофимов: Soe baking some rage cakes today
Theo Pratama: really like it the way they put super in front of all, truly "the face of the league"
And O: THE ENDING IS SO GOOOOD!!! Kudos to the artists who worked on it!!!!!
戴达丰: NA and APAC is like two different world now.
PL3X: That ending 😍
비무기FBI: Dallas Fuel literally playing inside an immortality field, they won't lose.
Aniket Gupta: What’s the song in the beginning? Around 14:45
madhatten00: Fielder is so good. Hes literally the best support in the league right now.
Kris Derbyshire: Nobody else sick of this one trick team? Bring on the Winston/Moira ban + desperately needed Echo nerf. This Overwatch is boring.
Milan M: call it the shark comp: divers in perril
Devin Y: NA just way too strong for APAC
진시원: 상하이 뇌물 받은거 아님? 아니면 일부러 져준건가? 무슨 조합을 저렇게함? 레킹볼 디바 솔져는 무슨 조합이야? 뭔가 이상함 이번 대회는 상대 펠리칸 궁이 두배빠른것도 그렇고 플레타가 잘하는 하얀둠피를 안쓰고 솔져하는것도 그렇고 돈 받고 짜고 하는것같음 아니면 일부러 져줬던가? 그래도 개판임 이번대회
SoNGY 8: OWL is weeb confirmed
Daniel Del Barrio: We don'get rewards for this video???
Kafuki Ken: OWL is ANIME
Timothy Will: do we get drops watching this?
Anon Anon: 4:17:55 - foreshadowing? script leak?
mando荣耀: How much time do you need to watch for the mercy skin?
Thanks, Kaichou!: That ending was beautiful, confirms OWL is an anime.
SilenceMesh: بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️بيبي صمله ي حلو 😭💖🍼✨☁️
The Armchair OWLyst: that ending is so cool 😍😍😍
Barb X: yuh get into it
TT 21: yeet
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