Overwatch League 2021 Season | June Joust Tournament Finals | Day 3
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Kim N: Void hugging fate is the cutest ever :(Написать
corysmilezzz: Jecse died first too many times
Cristiano Vieira Nascimento: Presente pra Blizzard aqui 8===D
Ronnie Jones: Thanks for spoiling the match in the comments for us who didn’t watch it live shouldn’t be top comment smh
Etseterrestrial: 3:45:52
spike315: 3:10:17 Sideshow: "..what could potentially be the final map of the series" VOD: has almost two hours left
Daniel Frise: That animated outro was awesome!
ぼるとりむ: 2:40:05 🤯
Fluffy Bunny: Dragons are really good under pressure! They did amazing it surprised me!!
아!-연결: 여긴 좀 전문적인 느낌이고 용봉탕이랑 김정민 소리지르는게 난 더 박진감있다
Walter Post: How is Fate not the MVP of this match? He was the enabler for most of the dragons wins.
ThisIsMyFullName: So well deserved. Dragons proved they belong in the finals.
Schnecke-Benny: Amazing casting
Fabrizio Roveda: I'm so happy for Fate, he deserved it. 100%. And the fun things is that he wins it against Fearless😂
Birdflew: Do NOT change these rosters going forward.
Julian Buck: you know it's a good match when the vod is 5 hours long
Mateo Diablo: The overtime of the last map, my heart......
Frédéric Maccari: Fate is the real MVP
becauseofyou: Great sportsmanship (48min into stream)
Demone Dante: Shanghai win felt bad because they won by stalling instead of outplaying the other team
Bourbon: Jecse is holding the DAL back, if they had Moth or funny astro they won't be beatable
Samuel Raji: Fate won the stage 4 finals in 2018. People said NYXL was sandbagging then they missed the finals and Philly went instead. So Fate is literally one of the most successful main tank players in the history of the legue.
ZeddBloaxigan: 1:29:18 - Fearless blocks soundbarrier with winston bubble clean :- )
Overwatch League: Did you enjoy the June Joust?!
Patrick Rodriguez: bruh fate’s ball tracking is like an earthquake
beston frershard: Why fuel didn’t have second chance like dragon lose in first round. LoL
𝗗𝘄𝗶𝘅𝗯𝘆: Yesss Shanghai❤️❤️❤️
LeonZSPOTG: 2:40:08 amazing
Raidus 66: Yes finally dragons win so happy
janhavi: Shanghai deserved this win!!!!1 OMG soooo gooddddddddddddd
APZSK: 1:35:15
Theo Pratama: dallas state warriors
Lightning_ow: Fate booped 2 people from cover for voids 5K bomb
BOB JOE: this script is odd
DLT: Lip vs Pine 1-4 👉 Lip wins SHD vs Dal 1-3 👉 SHD wins
SoNGY 8: So whats the meta guys? (Nerf) This 2:02:09
William Tang: Shanghai should have tied it 2-2 but that comeback was more amazing after being behind 1-3
진시원: 차라리 트레이서 하얀둠피 레킹볼 윈스를 가던가 하지
Kris Derbyshire: One tricks getting rekt. Love it.
진시원: 윈디가 레킹볼 디바보다 상성인것같은데 객관적으로 진짜 운빨도 한몫했다 솔직히 감독이 윈디가 레킹볼 디바보다 상성일줄 알았으면 진작 안썼을텐데..차라리 호그 시그마를 하던가.. 앞으로도 레킹볼 디바는 안썼을텐데 마지막 맵에선 퓨얼이 윈디했으면 이거 몰랐다
H KK: bullsh1t ball
Ufjg Hdjrgs: LETS GO SHANGHAI LETS GO 🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉❤️🐉
Jannis: 0:50:00
Jannis: 0:40:00
Jannis: 0:40
Jannis: 4:14:00
Jannis: 4:25:00
Jannis: 4:28:00
Jannis: 4:30:00
Jannis: 4:35:00
Jannis: 4:39:00
Aidan Garcia: 2:40:08 nothing to say
Jannis: 4:43:00
Jannis: 4:30:00
Jannis: 5:00:00
tom.: shanghai pull it back
Mateo Diablo: PINE looked so disappointed after the lose
Anon Anon: Final fight: 4:16:17 Victory cams: 4:18:39
x ky: SHD is meta
Duplexlamp 18297: Shanghai doing Shanghai things now fearless knows how dynasty felt
Fulnaz: Seeing Pine went toe to toe with Lip made my day, even if he didnt win
Neon_ow: Fuel vs Shanghai is reminding me of shock vs titans in season 2.
DLT: ♥️🐉💛
pxyoI: Fuel vs Shanghai Finals?
Snewp_E 2: Semi reverse sweeps are always fun
Sushant Yogi: Haha Super getting greedy on that Summer Showdown animated clip ahead of everyone trying to grab the trophy with another already in his hand. Very fitting XD
captainsoi: GGWP!
Eightbit n0p3: FUEL! You may be heat! BUT WE'RE THE FIRE!!!!!!! ❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥🐉🐉🐉💛♥💛
Subij Shakya: LETS GO Shanghai Dragons!!! Underdogs no more 🤍🤍🤍🤍
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