grown-ish Season 4, Episode 7 | Zoey Makes a Tough Call | Freeform

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Taylor B. Tyler: and this is why this show is trash

Meek DW1: Just wait till you get into the corporate world

Nik Tour: Helping a black person get away with doing something wrong cause they are a person of color nice...

WatchingYoutube11: Zoey has always been cowardly lol they typically make these kinds of moments into zoey and anna moments

Avi: And what about any other little/up-and-coming black creators she might have ripped off and set them back?

Tj2cool: Damn for second i thought the comments were gonna be filled with a bunch of black people condoning this idiotic message glad to see it was not. Because I would never participate in a show that smears the integrity of the black community like that

Jasmine Palmer: Zoey calling her out in the privacy of her office would have waaaaaaaay better than Luca doing it on social media

_doug.com_: I feel like we (as an audience) get frustrated with Zoey when we forget to consider that she represents the “journey” and not the “destination”. I say that meaning, that Zoey is supposed to come to the wrong conclusion or make a mistake sometimes, because that’s what you do when you’re growing into your own person, finding your own voice and figuring out who you are/what you believe. That’s another reason why she often just seems like a ‘reflection’ or ‘echo’ of other peoples voices, thoughts and opinions around her; and even why her fashion or the friend that she’s closest to fluctuates so much. — Like here, she gave Esme a pass, because she empathized with how a black, female artist faces obstacles in primarily white organization/industry. — A lot of people are disappointed, but the lesson she just learned before this (I think) was pertaining to police brutality, which called into question ‘what being a good black person is’. BUT ALSO talked about how Nomi questioning the protesters who were looting/rioting, spoke to the fact that (because she is a white woman) she sees life through a lense of privilege; so Zoey and Jazz saw a response to oppression and injustice, Nomi saw destruction and violence.

MimiArtx Y: Maybe y’all are just painfully white or empty-headed, but Zoey’s take makes sense. If you have certain social media’s you’d know why she did what she did. Online, ESPECIALLY on tiktok whenever a black person is called out or seen doing something bad, racist white people COMPLETELY ignore said ‘bad’ thing, and make extremely racist comments. Ex: “but blm right”, “and y’all wonder why the cops kill you”, “of course it’s a black”, “these are the people y’all defend?”, “this is what BLM supports”, or some weird ass reference to George Floyd or Breonna Taylor. It’s extremely aggravating and it hurts my heart to see. They COMPLETELY ignore what happened and just take the opportunity to be racist. Even if you think Esme or whoever deserves that kind of treatment, imagine all the young black people that shit. That’s mad damaging.

Maria Lerin: Disclaimer I'm white, but I don't understand this at all, if Zoey was white and didn't say anything it would make sense to not report her because she had more privileges to advance in that career zadayada (of course life is more complex than a tv show but okey), but Zoey is a black artist that has been stolen, that should be the issue here, the boss is advancing her career and abusing her power at the cost of her own people. Honestly, what I am missing here??

Willa Jones: I'm relieved to see this comment section because I was over it, seeing people justify Esme's actions and the lack of accountability.

Ashley Davis: Couldn't have been me I would've confronted her immediately like hold up you stealing my design I worked hard for and claiming you've done it!!!! You fired jerk

Annapia Dimatteo: But Doug and Kiela are no more scenes of the two of them?

Angelica Lulu: Seriously... What the hell is this girl even saying 🙄??

Kelsey M.: Literally in the last episode Luca's little sister was all about holding other black people accountable/to a standard and now it's the exact opposite thing??

Spear Winin: He hunting him like a check

ssissi gui: What are they trying to do with this storyline ? I'm a black person, if someone steal stuff from me, I m don't care if they are black I will make them pay ! Who wrote that storyline ? Wtf ! Than woman stole from a Young girl who is trying to make it, this has nothing to do with race . This is just WRONG

Daniela Raygoza: So she did the same thing as black female victims about the sexual attack that happen with Bill Cosby

That-Gay-Dork 3: Zoey is a garbage main character, she seriously just let a woman get away with stealing her design and it’s so stupid. She likely built her design empire on designs that aren’t her own. She seriously didn’t have the spine to actually do the right thing: Standing up for herself to prove she’s a strong woman who knows she’s talented enough to have her work valued. Throw the whole girl in the trash.

Jonathan Cineus: This makes no sense.

Laura Fabian marrero: This is BS Her boss is on the wrong here Black women or not That is wrong She shouldnt get a free pass Cause she didnt care zoey was a young black talented women When she stole her ideas

Alex Smith: If she stole your idea, what makes you think she wouldn't do it to someone else. She's taking opportunities away from other young aspiring designers and she gets a pass because she's black.

c sh: SInce it was Aarons idea, i dont care about Zoey

Ama thegr8: How is she helping by the black community by “protecting” a dishonest artist, whilst simultaneously silencing herself, another black female artist??

Carnyfe Robin: It’s still wrong to steal and there is no excuse to make it better enabling is wrong.

aneeka wise: I agree you don’t do it in front of everybody, but you do that behind close doors! Which is what she was doing! This was not helping out the black community at all 🙄😩😳

Mohamed Mohamed: I get where Zoey is coming from, but Esme overcame those obstacles by stealing from people of color, she deserved to get exposed

queenkingacejack: Zoey’s logic makes absolutely no sense here. When someone does something wrong you’re not helping them by not pointing it out you’re enabling them and condoning their behavior. It doesn’t matter what race a person is. They need to be held accountable when they show a lack of integrity.

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