grown-ish Season 4, Episode 6 | Ana and Javi Break Up | Freeform

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Nsomvandora: This movie has got too much unecessary's garbage

princess102477: This needed to happen, they actually should've broke up in Mexico. Ana is going to end up hooking up with Vivek...wait for it.

The BenJ Family: Women always like to bring up old arguments shit is annoying as hell

Clay Bel le Fort: BOUT TIME JAVI.....I was done when she went thru his tablet.

Theresa Robinson: Ana annoys me though. I'm all for social activism. But girl, you argue about EVERYTHING 😪

Khaleelah Gilcreast: I think he thought she was gonna cave and do whatever it kept to keep him but she was "aight then brush, see ya"

Proj3ctX1: I knew Javi was problematic a few episodes ago....

Treston Malone: Nothing wrong with having nuances in terms of point of view. Ana was right! I see where Javi was coming from but HE WAS DEADASS WRONG! You don’t go to a protest and then thank the cops who are preventing you and others from exercising your rights to assemble peacefully. 😐 To protect & serve, my ass

Cherry pop: She went through a lot tho I actually thought this was the one😭😭😣

Sonny: Javi is soooo toxic Anna deserves better

Itz_ Tee: How many times are they gon break up?

Heather Jones: Ana is actually right Javi slept with someone else while they were together and had Chlamydia Then he thanks the cops for their services knowing damn well they Murdered 2 boys in less than a week he was there watching it with everyone else agreeing with everyone, Now he makes the Joke about the protestors like mofo are you hearing yourself speak and Ana was right I respect her more

jaycandy taylor: sorry but i agree with Ana on this one . innocent people losing their lives in the hands of the police is a very big deal . Javi talks about it like nothing , like what ? that doesn't make any sense . he tried to manipulate Ana and gaslight her , but it obviously did not work . he should have known better . that does not mean Ana is perfect either but i'm just saying .

Ashwath: I'm not on board with Ana's political leanings but the woman has definitely come in clutch for her friends regardless. She's proven time and again that she is beyond her brand of politics. Which simply means that I'm 100% behind her calling it off with someone who's essentially an arsehole.

eleanor7: Ana and Javi were all wrong for each other, I think it was more they looked good on paper, especially to Ana. But on the long term they didn't work. They both brought problems to the relationship. Ana does have the habit of going overboard and getting to worked up, making a mountain out of molehill, she's done it with her friends in other seasons, so not just with him. But Javi has shown that he's not a good egg and would only bring her down. They should have broken up a long time ago.

Abyssinia W/amanuel: WOW! is this how a break up goes😨😕

Derrick Eubanks: Good riddens my dude she deserved someone like me anyways🤣😌 someone to make her smile more than frown he right though relationships shouldn't be that hard especially in the beginning

JD Olo: Now Anna did have a point in this ep BUT she is self distructive .... she found issues at every point of this relationship its almost as if she always felt like it was too good to be true. Anna and Javi were doomed from the start and its not all on him 🤷🏾‍♀️

Marissa Wilson: Yayyyy!!! Ana deserves better!

Allen Trice: 👍😢💔 Sadly but seriously though about Ana and Javi are in the separate ways! That's terrible! I'm not worrying!

Eli Jean-Baptiste: I am glad, Javi broke up with her Ana is way too problematic as a girlfriend girl forreal needs to work on herself before getting together with another man. Javi deserves better in my opinion. If anything choose someone he can be more vulnerable with so he can be open to show a lot of himself to that women faults included. The way Ana was throughout most of this relationship showed that she can't because she lacks the emotional intelligence for it to thrive!

Aphie Stevacy: This relationship was over in season 3 when she suspected him of cheating. And adding on to him being constantly dismissive to things that are important to her and her friends like when kiki and Dugg were arguing about tweeting about BLM he threw the comment of, we need to hung out with my friends more. They were literal talking about something serious. And every joke has a truth to it so him joking about black people being the problem and thanking the police just had me canceling his face. She changed her life style to be with him inclusive of his religious standards and he couldn't even have the time to get to know her better to get her a proper gift. Ana needs to be single to figure herself out before she finds herself in another relationship where is under valued. And no one ever realizes how repetitive it becomes being in toxic relationships.

Jasmine T: I thought they broke up on spring break but they always fight and make up and fight again and break up idk about them

Selena Silva: FINALLY!!!

Willa Jones: I'm confused. What does her supporting DARE have to do with the situation?

Marissa Urias: Javi wanted a submissive, doesn't-raise-a-fuss girlfriend to be his future stay at home wife/mother, and when he didn't get that from Ana, he tried to manipulate her into it.

Tina Snow: Javi was toxic anyways bc clearly he has his own problems alot of ppl took Javi side but with the STD thing he should've said something weather he knew he had it or not like really ana is wrong at least not to me on there biggest arguments

Sanya Trusty: Finally! Next.. Ana can do much better

diem grant: I think Ana and Vivek is gonna be together this season I can’t feel it

Crunch Girl: Sorry but Ana was totally right, what Javi did was incredibly insensitive and he deserved to be called out. Of course he gaslights her into thinking she’s being overdramatic. He did the same thing with the STD incident. So glad they broke up.

Tiffany Harris: Ana and Javi deserves much more space from each other. Besides, I agree with Ana on this one. Breakups and heartbreak are the hardest things to do in relationships.


Maia Goldsberry: Honestly, Ana is right because Javi isn't really seeing the severity of this situation and keeps talking like it's not a big deal. Though if you think about it, this saved Ana a lot of time to understand how he sees things like this in a different light than her. I think Javi should've tried harder to see things from her side instead of just shutting the conversation down.

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