grown-ish Season 4 Episode 2 | Ana and Javi Argue | Freeform

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Nique Ness: Javi irked me so bad in this clip then had the audacity to look upset when she agreed that he should go and they'll talk later. Why manupulatively suggest something that you don't really want. Felt like he gaslighted her from beginning to end.

Georgiene Morgan: I don't know why people are picking sides. Both of them were wrong. Ana should be mature enough to ask. And Javi should have told her about the STD issue. Equally wrong

Kennedi 02: He can’t see what he did wrong🙄boy bye. Trying to turn this around on Ana. Whether Javi was negative with the STD before or after they got together he should have told Ana from the jump. Also he gets mad at her for snooping but it’s not like he’d tell Ana anyway. This is why I can’t with men😂they never take accountability.

Rahma Omar: I am in love with Ana's top...anyone know where it's from? Lol

monk3ysAn: Should he have been honest, yes. Should they've both got tested before having sex, hell yes! Let's remind ourselves, he was celibate before he broke it with her. And yet, she ends up with an STD he didn't even give her. When someone looks for a reason to be mad, its because they're mad at themselves.... Let that sink in.

KamisKisses CSL: I agree with her except for the destroyed tablet, which crosses a line. That type of temper is immature not much better than him hiding such a huge life detail. smh. If she blows up every time she is creating an environment where her partner will be afraid to bring up hard topics. On the other hand, he has opened up the relationship to distrust and that is even harder to fix.

rotimi kayode: It’s pretty obvious Anna has trust issues and she doesn’t seem to want to deal with it

Ekachukwu Isibor: This guy can’t even see what he did was wrong🙄 Even if she reacts a certain way, at least tell her don’t let her find out herself😪! Y r some guys like this???😭😭😭😭😭

Danni: My issue with this relationship and Ana in general is she always just seems to do what the guy wants her to do. Be causal, fine. Be religious and not have sex, fine. I get she makes the choice I really do, but it felt like she convinced herself that because it was biblically right, it was right for her. And then in the middle of the fight she says plainly "YOU" didn't want to have sex. So again, it was what Javi wanted not really her. I wish Ana would just find herself and then find a guy who fits with that. First Aaron isn't available emotionally, and then Javi isn't available physically. She cant catch a break.

princess102477: Ana was extremely dramatic, I like Javi but in all honesty...Ana needs some alone time to work on her. She does have trust issues that she carries around like heavy baggage. Javi could have told her that he was negative, we won't ever know if he would have told her because she invaded his privacy. I'm sure if the shoe was on the other foot, she would be enlisting the girls to jump him for destroying her tablet.

Omphile Moerane: Oh he even already had his bags packed? Anna you deserve better.

God Of Old In A New World: Kind of pointless to talk and you know someone has problems with trust. It's best if did just cut and run. She's not worth the trouble.

Kenny J: Did he cheat on her?

Willa Jones: People still don't get it, unless he tested negative BEFORE they slept together (it seems like he tested negative AFTER according to the storyline) he should've told her. That's like someone telling you they hung out with you without a mask after coming in contact with someone with COVID thinking they might have had it.

MazziMazz: So youse fr just gonna post the whole episode but in clips at this point. Its also kind of sad to know literally all of the trailer were just ep 1 and ep 2

Theo Allen: What I am confused about is if he slept with her when he didn't know that he was negative or did he sleep with her after he found out that he was negative? Cause if it is the first one I would be pissed but if it is the second one she shouldn't be mad.

ofaroyale ♡: Why was he still speaking to "Somebody?"

Cee Litty: I love them I want them to work things out😭❤

diane jeffries: Ana is being extra he doesn't have a STD so I feel he didn't have to tell her only if he was positive he must not have been calibrate very long

Space Unicorn101: This is so stupid. Ana is completely right. How is he gonna sleep with her when he knows might have an STD?That’s INCREDIBLY dangerous. And how is gonna be mad at her for freaking out? He put her body at risk for an infection.

Chaunique Martinez: They have huge communication issues but I want them to win so bad

Crunch Girl: I’m on Ana’s side. Everyone always says that you should never snoop through your friend’s/partner’s, etc. stuff, but if their behavior is suspicious then I can’t really blame someone for prying. And in the end Ana was right. Javi was hiding something extremely important she absolutely deserved to know. Don’t give people a reason to wanna poke around.

It's Sheils: I have to remind myself these people are supposed to be kids when I get irritated at their immature behavior.

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