grown-ish Season 4, Episode 3 | Vivek Gets Expelled | Freeform

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Isaiah Caston: That's rough buddy -Zuko

ToonDude: I’m not saying Vivek deserves this but he should saw it coming, but Vivek is smart so he’ll have time reflect and grow due to his actions I just hope it’s not super hard on him because Vivek is the nicest in the group he just made a stupid choice of not quitting

Babe van: Don't like jazz with her clap clap blame the white girl shit! Now if a white character said that?? Well you know..

delaney Porter: All y’all in these comments must be privileged

diane jeffries: This may end up being a good situation for Vivek he'll have time to reflect on the consequences of his present lifestyle & do better

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Serves him right. I'm sure his drug dealings have hurt a lot of people and messed up a lot of lives but it's something this show has been sweeping under the rug for the last 3 years. Vivek is the nicest guy in the friend group, but it doesn't change that fact that he's done some seriously immoral stuff.

Le Visionnaire: I'm in love with this serie.

Traci Lewin: Hey, I'm all for the recognition that he has done wrong with the drug dealing. However, I am in no way shape or form at liberty to judge or condemn him, seeing that I don't always do the right thing either so, I'll just say, he is so smart and I know he can pull himself out of this mess. May take time, but he's got this! Learning the lesson the hard way is what it comes down to

Luvtě: I don’t get the whole Vivek is gay thing?

Gabrielle Herard: Getting his ass beat for selling coke in S1 should’ve been his warning. 🤦🏾‍♀️

Tahzib Chowdhury: What annoys me is some people deal drugs because they are poor and social mobility is non existent in their area and they want a better life for themselves and their family. When Vivek was gonna graduate he was gonna be earning loads so what was the point in risking it. And zoe and all of them literally warned him.

Jordan Harris: I know most of y'all are saying that Vivek deserves to get expelled but think about it, the dude grew up poor, he never had nice things. And he got tired of being clowned by people. When he was selling drugs he was making a couple thousand a week and he could finally fit in. Not counting the drug dealing he is probably the only person in the group who has no drama or toxicity which is why he is my favorite character

earth star: Anyone who has lost someone to drugs is probably struggling to sympathize here. How many addicts did he create? Did he facilitate over doses? What about all the trauma inflicted on the bystanders in an addicts life? STOP SELLING DRUGS. Especially POC we are the hardest hit and should know better. Save your sympathy for the addicts not the dealers.

Sarah James: What sucks even more is that it is expulsion goes everywhere. First time job apps, college university/apps … dude hasn’t begone to see the drama

margaret mukes: Demons?? Do you mean the consequences of your actions??? 🙄🙄

clarissamadossa: should’ve stopped the drug dealing when Zoey told you so🙄✋🏾

The sky The sun: That's good for him! He had every chance to stop his drug dealing business but he refused! I guess now, his dad that he despises so much for earning a honest living is way more better than him

Gamer Boy: Dang

MrBadBoy2105: Expelled senior year ouch

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