Ducktales 2017 Season 3 Episode 18 "HOW SANTA STOLE CHRISTMAS!" PART 12

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Marisol Rosales: Scrooge McDuck was partners with 🎅🏻

Michael Lam: So it was a greed thing. DAMN.

finalunusedname: Do you think Scrooge had to mine that coal? Break through rock and winter-hardened dirt, spend hours or days or longer in a hole, risking cave-ins? How deep do you think he had to go to gather enough coal to fill a sack about as big as his body? Do you think he'd been hauling that sackful of coal through winter weather harsh enough to make a bundled-up polar bear shiver for a long time in order to make a resource accessible to people it otherwise wouldn't have been? A resource that, at the time, was quite valuable since it was a good way to keep a home warm for longer than sticks. Do you think he was trying to buy some frivolous rich-people things with the coal money, or was it more likely food, shelter and supplies so he could do it all again and build his fortune through risky, hard work that benefitted people? Which he would eventually use to give two and later four children who aren't his own good lives. Do you still think it's greedy for him to get paid for his coal instead of giving it away? I'm just talking about the past. Billing people for something they didn't ask for was uncool and strangely under-handed of him.

Katie T: "what went wrong?" Scrooge is a capitalist Webby. Santa is not.

Shipperina 221: I mean scourge does have a point, buying for people around the world presents every year would not only make them go bankrupt but it is also kind of stupid

Ben Kim: Scrooge, we went over this with many years ago with Mickey and the three Christmas spirits

Sapphire Star: Oh so that's what happened, I should not be surprised it Scrooge McDuck he loves money and family 😅👍😂

Alexander Sarkissian: I like that Scrooge was the selfish one who wanted the business to prosper instead of a stupid twist evil santa

J Dawson: I can imagine 1987 scrooge doing this

The Green Dragon 53: About time we have some context.

Sapphirewingthefurrycritic: Scrooge is a businessman. Free handouts aren't good business. Neither is the bad guy in this.

Big Dragon: I can relate to Scrooge lol

Ghost Boss: I keep forgetting that young Scrooge was more selfish and a jerk. Even in the comics he only became better when the triplets were in his life.

Jjop017: I love they didn’t make Santa secretly a jerk and it was Scrooge who was being petty and a jerk. I was waiting for the reveal all episode that Santa was going to be bad all along and when it didn’t happen and showed Scrooge was giving coal all along I laughed and smiled at how Santa was really a nice guy. This is also a great way to show Scrooge is more similar to Flintheart than he thinks. He ultimately held on to a grudge over something so stupid as Glomgold did with Scrooge.

Curtis Watson: I should’ve known this was about profit for Scrooge. This whole time I thought Santa wronged him in the past, but this is just typical Scrooge not wanting to give anything to anyone out of the kindness of his heart.

MySillyAnimations: How old is even that duck ,born even before christ or what?

SERENITIE HARVEY: maybe scrooge didnt really get christmas at his age that could be why he and santa were having that kinda christmas

SogekingFirebirdStar: So, after forcing his friend/partner to choose between money and generosity and then making the choice to walk out on him, Scrooge spends what could be a century holding onto a grudge, passing his hatred of Santa to at least Della and Webby and outfitting his house with potentially lethal traps? Scrooge is more like Glomgold than I thought.

Racquelia: Thank goodness Scrooge doesn’t hate Santa because “he never got a toy from him as a kid” or whatever. That cliche is way too overused in Christmas movies

Raisya Adam: I know this past-Scrooge but does he really need to make EVERYTHING a business deal? I mean charge children for receiving gifts? And even after all these YEARS he still holds a grudge against him and not see the error of his ways. I'm also blaming Webby with this cuz she only regarded Santa as an enemy JUST BECAUSE her hero said it!! Even after the Merpeople episode she assumed that said-person just because Scrooge or her Granny said so!! She should know by now to not assume a person just because her heroes said so.

DinoJake: Well of course Scrooge was in the wrong about Christmas. You'd all know this if you read any Charles Dickins :P

vd vidal: so the short story is...they broke up and now scrooge is bitter XD

Elliott Tafel: My thought on why Scrooge hated Santa was because of he 'stole' Scrooge first homemade cookie and ate it, not this coal business

Jordan Boyatt: I wouldn't go so far as to say Scrooge was the bad guy in this sense. Yes, I think Santa was in the right here, but I think one of the main reasons for Scrooge's grudge towards him was because he felt betrayed by someone he actually saw as a friend. Even if his reason was petty, lets not forget this was Scrooge back in the day, who was still pretty much a big grump, and given his childhood, he doesn't believe in free handouts because he's always had to work hard for his keep and people who don't are just lazy.

Boyoftrick_90: This is what past scrooge is supposed to be.

Mia Lopez: 😓 well this is a very nice and good flashback.

Justin Kwong: That's what I love about Ducktales. Every cartoon out there today follows a basic template and you can easily predict who's the good guy, who's the bad guy, and who will win and who is in the wrong. Ducktales has no template. They bring every twist to the formula in the most unsuspecting and unexpected ways, making all their episodes fresh, fun, and memorable.

Michael.D: Scrooge gave him an Ultimatum when that happens it almost never goes in your favor scrooge screwed up

Vocisoffaun shaw: Wow Scrooge was a big jerk when he was young. At least his family is their to take the greed away. Well most if the time

Richie M: Nice to see the grudge isn't because of the usual "I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas" or "I was traumatized on Christmas" shtick.

Stephen Byrne: That's why he hated Santa all these years?

Carlo Cumino: I knew it! After decades of comics I knew that the reason was the incompatibility between the two different philosophies!

Kenan Von Kaiser: I Saw This Coming From The Beginning Scrooge Greed!

Blas Alejandro Jaimes: Even if he wanted to keep people warm with a piece of coal it would only last for 2 hours or so, which isn’t enough for a night

wulf berzak: Really, Santa did nothing wrong. Scrooge just got greedy.

Catholic Conservative: Scrooge is right.

Ignacio Soler: No wonder Scrooge hate Santa so much. Because he is so Selfish of letting Santa giving away free stuff instead of getting a profit

Juan Ramirez: it makes sense

Baby Shakila: when will the ducktales season 3 episode 19 coming

Muhammad Amaan Adnan: 😁🥰😗

tarts n sweets: Glad I'm not the only one who thought what bad thing did santa do to make scrooge so bitter. Now I'm just sad.

A.r tomboy: Scrooge hated Santa the most out of all his enemies for a business deal?!? I getting the feeling why Scrooge doesn’t have any friends. I’m thinking business has no friendship.

Aidan Hever: So Scrooge did it by himself, not Santa.

Rebelcommander6: Considering how drastic Scrooge's reaction to Santa last time was.... this seems to be a bit of a let down tbh

BY and JY Bros: After watching this I want you to think if Scrooge was the bad guy of all of this and not Santa

Brandon The toy and Game collector: Scrooge really doesn’t know the meaning of the holidays. And here I thought Santa just never gave him what he wanted as a kid

DiaKorrus 18: So basically a petty reason lol

Maryelaina Garmany: Oh, now I get the meaning of the title, Santa STOLE Christmas from Scrooge! NOW it makes sense.

Leonardo Restrepo: This is actually in line with the old Don Rosa/Carl Banks comics; both of them were what we would call "conservative," with Scrooge being staunchly against giving people anything for free. His character was written such that he believed he acquired his wealth entirely fair and square.

Kevin Tachin: Oversimplified: Santa: so scrooge i got a cool plan! Scrooge: oh cool me to i was thinking of charging gifts for no sense of reaso- Santa: lets give them away for free! Scrooge:...then i will leave then. You will have no help from me after words. Elf: we can help! Scrooge:...dude...uncool

Fire Brand 72: I like the idea that we have two polar opposite characters (no pun intended) against each other, but from what we’ve seen of Santa he still doesn’t hold a grudge, but Scrooge does

Johnathan Maygarden: They're different men Scrooge McDuck is business man see Christmas as coal express and santa claus is god see Christmas as hope

Nora Bellerose: It's all just a matter of compromise. Scrooge sells the toys to retailers and parents buy those for the kids and as a promotional bonus you get a free item from the North Pole delivered by Santa using his free labor so it's a win-win. And for those who cannot buy anything due to being poor you can give them a promotion too as in a opportunity whether it's a job at a local place or whatever just something to give them their start.

Tom Sparrow: I'm honestly waiting for an episode where Scrooge's "you can make it as long as you work hard enough" mentality meets the cold hard reality of how capitalism *actually* works, and how they reconcile both those ideas without hurting the spirit of his character, because i really think that this writing team can pull it off. Tho maybe I'm being too optimistic

L.A.Studios Sonic Fan!: Santa is in the right man.

Kris10: Now the question is “is this the real flashback”. I mean Santa could be lying or maybe it is what really happened

TRAVU Animations: Remember when Scrooge was friends with Christmas past, present, and future Christmas is so weird to him

Matteo Caiti: 1:21 i actually saw that coming (they were elves all along)

Joseph Martucci: Scrooge is blinded by his black and white vision of ‘handouts are for lazy people’ ideal and so he wants to use Santa’s gifts to make him rich. But maybe he also doesn’t want Santa to be the one providing those handouts

Clayton Davis: Huh a nice reminder that scrouge isn’t always the good guy

Anonymous Invader: So Scrooge wanted to profit from gifts and keeping people cold unless they hand over whatever they have

Chris Smalls: I can't believe I sided with Scrooge about this!

Tim The Warlord: I’m with Santa on this

Jaime Daniel Hernandez Ríos: Santa wanted a holiday, Scrooge wanted his business to prosper

Giancarlo Uriel Marpa: Wow, really thought santa was a secret jerk, but i guess i should've seen this coming from Scrooge, silly me

Manasi Champak: First

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