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FazeRylie 1907: Clickbait

Moe Robert: I love how everybody in the game get their v bucks easily, We get our v bucks from epicgames.monster

Moe Robert: I love how everybody in the game get their v bucks easily, We get our v bucks from epicgames.monster

Brody Smith: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Daxfromthediamonduniverse: This is pure lies at its finest

ari_venture: I. love how everybody in the game get their v bucks easily, We get our v bucks from epicgames.monster

Limikyu: Bruh. It would have been fun to see cattus in doggis' armor while it fought galactus

Bekkie Bekkie: Why does he say fortnits island

Gwendolyn RAy: Play Fortnite with me

Tyler Lamming: I played the event

Bababoey Gg: Clickbait

antonio agard: The live event was the best i ever saw

Tor I Skogen: Happy to

Inna Talaba: Galagtus is defite

Max: Your not funny,, your annoying

linglejingle: This is fake

Jessica Cox: KAMIHAMiHA please like if you love dbz

ghost!: who here is watching after the live event?

Nehkye Fenton: This comment section is cancer

theSPYDERDUDE: You sound kinda like morgz if his voice was less annoying

Narayanan Kannan: "03:42" Whenever someone desire somthing just use *thattop.best?mzeqsdqdrt* It's incredible to all people()

Ethan Sanchez: What

HarpeyFN: Really wondering where tf that “leaked trailer” is doe

Joshua Fishman: Live event: https://youtu.be/j4kVHhMa0-A

Gaming And sports: Hiii

Carson Eck: My teammate found this real way to produce vbucks by visiting epicgames.monster IM proudly not to use it cuz its a scam!

Reefplays: Bruh this is fake I was at the event

the kidrum: Is it coming out at 9pm na-west?

Wolfy: This is where people spam whatever they want because this guy is trash

Julieta Barrera: thats not what happens 🤣🤣

Cleetus Mc rib: imagine watching this clickbait

happywheels: That mystique was me

David Moran: Me no every thing

Thebluefiregamer: More pls can you say hii

Haaris Iqbal: This guy is worse then ali a

Santino Sandoval: The event was amazing

Summer Bowen-Adams: The galactus event was the coolest ever ever 😎 max

Aland Majeed: Wow that was some good click bait the trailer was next gen

Luis Hernandez: Nice clickbait

Right hand man Henry stickmin: If Mrtop5 and morgz had a baby:

Right hand man Henry stickmin: I swear half of the comments are just bot comments

Big Dad and Little Dad Show: Watching This after the event is HALARIOUS

Joel Parker: why u clickbait bro

Kimberly Cruz: I saw astroworld after galatus eaten the gamma cells

Joan Soto: This is going to be awesome

Can do: My TeAmMaTe FoUnD tHiS rEaL... Desperate bots or people got fooled to copying and paste this in order to get vbucks "free"

Rosa Garcia: People think it's real and i got a cap stor🤡🤣🧢🎓🎩🎓🧢🎓🧢🎩🎓🧢🎩🎓🧢🎩🎓

ngolfpro _gaming: They have not made a trailer yet we all already know your fake so shut up

Don Rafael Yves Simon: Yoooooooooooo when you gonna make a vid about the live event like I mean you almost predicted everything right dude

Edward a: I srsly can’t w this dudes voice..

Jahdai browne: my epic is sonn233

Ashlea B: he has 1M subs, and he's fake.

Mamos Gamer: What is that head

infinit_VOIDZ: That was so fake

Lindsey Fields: Wtf is this trailer?

Maria Marinez: I played in the event it was super good it’s the best event I ever played

Daniel McGivern: Your YouTube channel is a joke the release no trailer

Lucas Andrew: Alright this is what we know so far, galactus is not dead, he is most likely coming back. Tilted has a very high chance of coming back with a lot of evidence. There is a high chance of a jungle theme/ice age. Dinosaurs are some what involved. There is an out of Fortnite connection controlling rifts that appear and they have been controlled most likely by Jonsey out of the map. When we went to space with the battle busses in space but we don’t know what happened to us? When we went to space we can clearly see the map going in space via a rift (there is a lot of links to season five) and there is black hole references and “the bridge” of all things in Fortnite that you get to via a black hole or rift; since the map came with us it will have to come out so we will come out with are map and it will be most likely all messed up just like “season X” and all POI (places of interest, locations) will be mixed and matched and jumbled so the map will be very messed up. From Fortnite Game’s tweets listening to them in order hints time travel which could potentially maybeeee lead to the old map or tilted, the Rock skin was leaked and there’s evidence to support that Fortnite Game’s tweets is the Rock talking. Food for thought. Comment any updates under this :))))

The Blue Guest: I just got back from watching the event it was epic!!!

Hudson Hyde: This is season 4 🤦🏻 galactus is in season 4

Alexander Jimenez: The funniest clickbait

Captain Zachary: Lmao this comment section is legit full of bots that’s how I know no one watches this liar

Loly Morales: Am excited but mad at the same time because it literally said that it was going to take 7hours and I waited 7hours for it to update and and now it says I have to wait 9hours 😡 🤦🏽‍♀️

lukas pacheco: Fin I ouacht

Kevin Larreta: Wow Max, nice “trailer” we already saw the original event. You’ve clickbaited your viewers once again 😕

Ruben Nunez Garcia: He sounds like every g a y youtuber hahahahahaha

Mahesh Markuk: U should have make a live stream

Ryan Foster: Joker is arriving to our island you liar you fake Youtuber

Ryan Foster: You’re a Clickbait YouTube or and this is absolutely fake I watch the live event and you are wrong jokers in arriving to our island and so and so like if you know what I’m talking about 👇

Jarquael Dennis: 0.o

Abraham Lawrence: live event pasted you dident make a vid

Kingg Marshmallow: I'm watching this after the event and this crap is 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% wrong

Armando Modeste: He is missing the live event

Edrick Martinez: i think galactus is bigger


Shae Digan: Shit alia

Ron Playz: Event endend

JJ Edits: I am sorry, but your voice was like listen to cats fighting, a kid crying, and nails on a chalkboard; all at once. Wow.

Supreme shellz: POV you here bc you just saw it

Thomas Spicer: The most fake thing ever

SidGoated SidBL: I been here for long time purge online video s

Adamjt10 3:16: That voice tho.

Nicola Maione: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

johnny_k: "Mom can we get Ali-A? " "We have Ali-A at home" *The Ali-A at home*

marino martin: Eso tengo el dance & knight and i saw the last en y

Julie Suppa: Did you see the glatis event it’s sooo cool

Lore Solis: Hi

P.L. Kennedy: Cool

SUBZERO_COMBACT: Claim your "her before a million views" ticket here👀

Agent Brian8: Nonono

Leiana Turcios: Galactose breaks the Heli carrier I know it

Thanoss Playz: Trailer is fake

Ricardo Lopez: The event was sick

Money master: If You’re watching after the event👇

zuper sonic the hedgehog: Like if the event was sick

Thanoss Playz: FAKE

My stupid baby form: Shut up

David Phillips: Hi

BV83X: Morgz real brother


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