Doing EVERYTHING that will be banned in Season 8
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Khalil Yt: Someone trued this against me with that man that stick but I killed himНаписать
DustySansy69: 0:21 he said it's the end of season 8
Solid_saif: I loved the old background
Vaibhav Selvakumar: Noice bruh
Gabe Ramsay: Wow the channel is really struggling lately, mueslk deserves 10 mill so much tho
Dittokitt: 0:23 u mean season 7?
Cronus Jay: 0:22 the end of Fortnite season 8 😂😂😂
Joery Bastiaen: The audio sync anoys me.
RAYAN FAYYAD: tommorow live event pls
Sy Ali: Grab-i-tron
Emmys Vlogs: ????? season 8????
Jigsaw_620: Potato
Krrish Comar: I would say that the Blob Portal glitch was the craziest glitch of season 7
lil saucey: new face cam backround looks sick
Emma 25 y.o - check my vidéó: i haven't really been trying to fight anybody Also muselk: Has 8 kills
omarescu13: Yeeessss
Epic Galaxy: Muselk: They're gonna remove all the alien weapons Also Muselk: Shows 1 alien item and 3 IO items Muselk: Hits a pump shot and then dies Also Muselk: "I can't believe I missed that shot"
R4pt0r: Did you get a new mic?
TicskitMusic: Dc'd? Superman? Found that kinda funny idk HAVE A NICE DAY
ItsPolarPlayz_YT: Muselk: Nice views, clear skies, Oh he DCed…….
Sunny: i love how he said end of season 8 all the way through
zekh: Muselk: The end of season 8 is here me: i guess hes excited to play season 8
Gameboy2007: I hate the railgun, it ruins the game and is broken in One Shot
xRockyRocco: "Activate Windows"... Good man
Balloon Animal: the prop gun is not a alien gun
Behrad King: My guy said season 8 is ending.......BRUH
D_GG_: YOUR SO CRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Daniel Jones: Muselk: I haven't been trying to fight people Also Muselk: has 8 elims
Soft sign6: End of season 8 or 7 wtf ?
Charles: Season 8!
Soko tso: Is it me or musselk's voice changed ?
Owen Buckley: 0:22 oh wow the end of season 8? I must be a season behind!
Concept: Muselk:" the end of season 8" me: oh my god! I slept in! (panic ensues)
BlockHead: i havent done spawn island thing yet
Abiram R: yo muselk..activate your windows buddy
Austin Noonan: Go lama cannon
Matthew Best: Me: dies each time I find a grabatron 4th attempt: uses grabatron and grabs vault door then it disappears
Frank Morales: Some weapons are from IO so they might stay
JPerryYT: How do you do the floating with the grabber Tron
molly fergusson: gonna miss the recon scanner 🥺
austin rutherford: Used the prop gun to be a refrigerator, toilet and dog house
Evolet47: Bro I dont care but there must not be any primal weapon in season 8
Mahir Hemnani: why is he losing subs 😭 get this man to 10 mil
Muhammad Irfaq: Can you gift me TheAlAlpacaKing
Gageplayz: Man season 8’s already over?? Feels like it never happened…. Edit: Blue pump: 175 damage Spas: 32 even the other guys spas hit 30 too
Refrap: Does the prop gun count as a alien gun
Stealth pickle: Man didn't know season 8 was already almost over even know it didn't start
TarzanT543: Muselk always finds a way to make everyone’s day so much better, he inspired me to create my own YouTube channel ❤️💖
Debs Downey: Season 8?
Trent Carpenter: When you hate this season but there less than 2 days left
Victor Prospero: They should make a emote of extreme Rancho relaxer
Kairav Poinen: 0:22 guys muselk is in another dimensoin i think
ASHER JOSH LIEW ZHENG YAO Moe: lol at the start you said the end of season 8 is here!its suppose to be season 7
Jelle van Mourik: Dude, thank you so much for compressing/normalizing your mic!
London James: Umm did anyone else hear Muselk Say the end of season 8 is here! Me: Huh Season 8 what? It is the end of season 7 And Epic better keep Recon Scanner
gamer girl: End of season 7!
Firelion: you should finish ur minecraft
Rodney Marshall: He legit was like prop gun not quite what I want alien tech but not a Sagar haha
Hyperion: Ayo CHILL MUSELK. 7:11 “Don’t touch my chest!”
RANDOM: I’m gonna miss the recon scanner
Go BlastNoise: (4:22) When you think you’re safe!
MP: Im sad that i dont have enough vbucks to buy batttlepass😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥
kyle: iv tried the diving board strat like 5 times but i can’t find grabitrons
Rodney Bristow: Man I love how he keeps posting even tho he is dying but don’t give up man he gonna blow up again
Bardia Ghadimi: lol he said season 8 instead of season 7
Starby Cat: Alt title: Fortnite x Ridiculousness
DinoChips: If u play among us i am amazing at imposter
ItsWill: Day 2 of telling muselk to activate windows
Jace Gamer12: Rip
CalStar04: Um, not to be a downer, but is anyone noticing a audio difference, for the worse?
Long (Jeep) Hai Nguyen: did he just say the end of season 8 in like the first 25 seconds???!!!
wyatt rockwell: anywhon els notice he said the end of season 8 at the beging
unstop_tv: anybody else notice he has the active windows thing?
Vcx_boost: End of season 8?
Noah James: If you think that was a lot of people you should see NAE servers at 10 pm lmao, 25 people per game land at Lazy and only 1 or 2 make it out alive.
Purpp: isn't it season 7?
AveDevPey: Arrrggggghhhh!! I'm sorry I missed the alert and didn't watch this the first hour it came out. I know that is detrimental to the algo so I hope this comment helps to make up for that. Of course I loved the vid
Corin Thomas: 0:22 the end of season 8?
Gamer Boi: 0:21 damn season 8 is already ending
Ikraj Bans: Season8!!!!!
Aston Playz: Muselk is so bad
Kylorem 23: "Hey guys its the end of season 8" lol
Atreus the God: Too haha
fourhourswest: Legit can’t wait for content post rail gun removal.
mr. yeetseeks: Wait muselk living in the future , he is at the end of ss 8 and i am on th eend of ss 7
Dom Torreto: 8?????
PlaZma PlayZ YT: with notices on !
PlaZma PlayZ YT: im a subscriber! and well... yea:]
PlaZma PlayZ YT: Season 8 im so hyped for this season has gone for long anoff
Tickey: muselk the ending of season 8 season 8 not gonna b here for another couple days
C0RPUS: Guys it’s the end of Fortnite season 8 lol
Jr820thebeast: The box is green?
SCIPRI: 0:21 Muselk: end of fortnite season 8 is here! Me: But season 7 hasnt even ended yet…..
luit meinen: Muselk: *kidnaps random person* Also muselk: "I thought we were friends!"
negative 81: Muselk "guys the end of fortnite season 8 is here." Lol
Emile Ishak: Pizza shapes (purple box) is the best one lol
Doing whatever comments tell me to do: Season 8 is almost over! What i thought we were in season 7
elijah hayes: muselk out here with almost 10 mil subs n still dont got windows activ ated
BunnyReaper: Grabitron bouncing trick "easiest thing you can do" yeah easy until you go to jump on diving board and it glitches under the map (P.S no other diving boards spawn on the map)😅😅🤣
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