Fortnite Season 8 is... AWFUL

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domen katrasnik: tryto becom sweat noob

Pro Gamer: " The guys that are building the Taj Mahal in 3.02 seconds" - Muselk 2021

Kyle Bolton: Muselk..... hopefully cause I’m a member you’ll see this but if not no worries. Near where you can find the shadow cubes there are alien bounce pads that were a part of the mother ship, if you use a shadow cube and then jump onto the bounce pads it will launch you all halfway across the entire map. Do with that info how you wish, but I thought you’d like to know.

zyalk66to: Activate windows license already bruv.

hammoud244: when he could’ve upgraded to a mythic

Absta: gee

Johnny "GOT GAMES" Zanderberg: Once the sideways get fixed it'll be awesome...the bubble can eventually expand and join all over the map. Alot of potential!

Couple_shots: 5:26 i think your just bad 🤣😭

X2 PULSE: you can still get the railgun

Virusknife11: well the season just came out so all the sweats are online

TnT: Just played and won my first two games!

RedTmoney: Season is so goood !!!!! Spread positivity


『 I am a joke 』: 12:40 welcome to my world

Vocalwalk: i hate muslke

Alan Pedrosa: Can anyone tell me the name of the song that plays in the back? 5:38

luke: this is the hundredth time I've heard him talk about a slow descent into insanity

Diamond wolves: WHAT ITS NOT BAD sorry i am a og i love Kevin and that's why I started to play fortnite in Season 5 chapter 1

Keith Feliciano: Rail gun is 💩

Lazar: Muselk I love your vids and ya the sniper suck but the rail gun is in still let's go

Nicholai Robinson: This season is good your just not that good

TheHonourOfseppuku Timms: Do a minecraft series

Jack Johnston: lol

Mega Lord: Yeah for some reson skillbased matchmaking is stuffed

Drake Shadron: You were probably already told this Muselk, but that ranbow ink is for Toona Fish. It helps to just take a few minutes before going into a match to check out the battle pass tab and see what's up with whatever customizable skin the pass has.

Ian Miles Chungus: They ruined Team Rumble again 😒

Clayton Hunter: I was playing when the servers completely lagged to heck, I could barely move... I got fotage on it to look back on, on my Xbox

Nils Fahlgren: This is exactlly what i have to deal with every game

runeun object cosmos: Its not awful

MrMuffin_YT: this is what you call a dead yt channel

Mrempoleon100: the start of the season is often so sweaty that you can find sweats in Team Rumble..and that says a lot 🤣

Eli Littlefield: 4:40 the car blew up

Fireblock: The rainbow drops can be used to colour toon afish in the battle pass

notch: they still have rail gun!!!!!?????

Gavin Harris: It just like your Chanel

Daniel Minano: 4:40 The car, muselk, the car

Jacob Hicks: Woof

ZORII BLISS: You like you were NOT having a good time!

Blade_knight: My games is so laggy as well I’m just not played my for a day or 2

Mrmeh13: Stop complaining about the players just get good at the game

FOXYTHEPIRATE 227: Atleast charge is back

Bigfoot Is Real: 12:47 my average gameplay

SaltyRsa: Bro every body are soo sweatty

Ghost Rider: SHIT MAP

wolf YT4670: This season is good! what you mean?

The SuperCooper: For the first time I finally see a pc player lag as bad as me

Keiraaaa: i got bad lag for hours and i couldnt even move, im glad it wasnt only me

love fishy: Yeah i like the new season plus I played my first squad game for the season 2 people had mics they weren't sweats they weren't toxic they were quite nice

Devak Playz: Why rail gun and scaners are in because that io weapons this are aliens weapons - pulse rifle and ray gun

proto kid: Earlier: entire map covered with cubes and become a wasteland pretty much. What really happened: 4 cubes landed on the map 3 tiny patches with recolored grass

Flamingogang: Muselk be like: I hate this season. *wears battle pass half way through*

Flamingogang: Muselk aka cube hater lol

JB gaming YT: It also needs some more map changes like tilted towers

JB gaming YT: It is a good season but I also got these sweats and glitches

The Muskagamer: I love this season

Awful Waffle1182: Lol he’s complaining about the season but it’s his problems 😂

vinkennest 27: Its not awful you just need to know when to play and not be in Australië

EdgeBTW: 15:25 "there are 3 enemies left to go" *shows his eliminations*

EdgeBTW: Muselk: suffers severely and has a really bad experience with the new season. Me: wins my first game of the season 😂 *disclaimer* There is no hate towards muselk intended just saying how bad his luck is.

Justy's Cave: The battle pass is crap, I'm skipping this season, see you in season 9

Bryant Johnson: Terrible, im so beyond disappointmented at this point. Im just a crack head chasing my first time

Tharren Papavasiliou: Dude I was so angry when the “packet loss” kicked in and I literally could do nothing… I was flipping out

Szymon Renk: Trash update i hate it man wish it was better

emo girl♡~: Fortnite session I =🤮🤮🤮

TemiSZN: Can anyone tell me why Muselk hasn’t set up his windows

ANDREI PANEA: muselk:3 enemies left to go,also muselk:''shows kills''

MobilityDash YT: Rail gun is still in the game

lego yoda: The rainbow drops are for the fish dude

Tharren Papavasiliou: Also the auto sniper is OP as hell, you can waste someone so fast it’s disgusting

Rafael Iuchi Dadasovic: HOW DOES IT FEEEEELLLLL??????! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tharren Papavasiliou: This season is like absolute randomness, Kevin definitely jacked everything to hell

Tharren Papavasiliou: I’m with you! The sweats are out in force this season. I mean sweats have completely taken over the entire game of Fortnite at this point but especially right after the update

Gaming N' Driftin': 9:58 is it just me or is that the aurora from subnautica?

HARRY 2BT Animations: The season is terrible because everyone is sweating

partybomber360: Noo bulshit

Oskar Grankäll: so weird that none of these issues are on console

nb yfmumtmutymm yumtfmutfymuftmutyfumyt: R A T I O

sid: rainbow drops are tuna fish currency

damian: I don't know what they have done with matchmaking but I'm a mobile player and I'm clearly now facing pc players. You just can't edit and move on mobile like the sweats do that I'm now matched with.

CrocCrusher: Hey muselk the rail gun is still in the game scuba Jonesy sells it

Bethany Harris: I'd rather play this than 6

Leo Mascall: bruh the new season is sick

Rdog: This season kinda looks unfinished too me

Keagan Miner: This season is cool the only season that was horrible in chapter 1 is 6

Cringe Hunter: This season is fun and the mechanics are top tier but the map changes are so disappointing

AKA SUBY: Don't get mad cuz u the worst fn youtuber

Amazing Adam: I know I hate it

x2Plunger: Lol I like how u already played and searched the map but still act like u don’t know what anything is lol 😂

Archie Newman: It not that bad you were good

Chee-char: U should upload overwatch instead

Sonya: Rail guns are still in the game

Aroxaa: i thought the 1000 ping was just me!!! what the heck i had a gold spas and purple scar when this happened i had to leave because it was going on for like 10 mins

Birk L. Alme: i miss the old muselk

UriUri: The season is good but I think muselk only cares about the rail guns not being removed

Josh Bojangles: That last dude danced on him 🤣🤣

Snicie: Wait muselk hasn’t installed windows yet you can see it on 2:21

Amber Marie Lewis: When I went into one of those sideways my game lagged too.

Stephen Borghese: when you get the lag glitch, get in a car and drive.

Lennox Sopp: he click-baited us again

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