Batwoman Season 2 Episode 1 - Hilariously Awful

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The Critical Drinker: Want to help support this channel? Check out my books on Amazon: Subscribe on Patreon: Subscribe on SubscribeStar:

Luke Yates: Please do the assassins creed movie

Levi Roch: There's no way in hell the entirety of this shows viewing audience isnt just sane people getting hammered via drinking games based on political tropes. . . For you would get utterly legless only midway through an episode. . .

Horrormaster13: Vee Infuso nearly hang himself after watching Batwoman Season 2. That's how BAD this show is.

Percy Lawrence: I think Marvel is about to show DC how it's done, TV-wise.

Turki Ahmed: Its true a toothpick can push 1 block of cement in 100 mph... i hope they face Bane 🤷‍♂️

Senator Sheev: Fake Bruce Wayne being asked which switch opens the batcave is such an unnatural and obvious plot device. I thought I was watching a cartoon on Disney XD. Actually, Ducktales would probably do something a little smarter.

Chris English: Discount Morgan Freeman😂

TheDeconstructivist: "Makes Mortal Kombat Annihilation look like The Raid." Well, dayum. No punches have been pulled today.

PM BEAVIS: Would like to see a review of "No Country For Old Men"

Steven Dee: Thank Fuck for the Critical Drinker!

mal pal: Alice is a alright character. Maybe cause she's the only one with any personality. The actress playing her seems to be doing the best she can with the awful material she has to work with.

Joebno3: Have you ever seen The Man in the High Castle? If not I suggest you give it a viewing.

GuitarxWolf: Wait...there’s a Batwoman??? And she’s a black woman who used to be white????? I’m so confused...

Confused Potato: the writer of the show : i'm a little bit black lasbien feminist myself

bullwinkle moose: Ruby was virtually forced to quit. The writing was so atrocious on the show that even a no name putz like Berlanti was reduced to quaking fits of laughter and panic, no mean feat for the wiz of cw. When I say the writing was bad, I mean it was so bad that Berlanti hired thugs to mug the messengers and destroy scripts. I do feel bad for Ruby. Nobody feels bad for dougray because he's a prick and everyone in the biz knows it. The new BW, saints preserve us, won't fare much better than the Rube. Maybe we can go for the record, three BW women in three seasons. It's very sad and DC should be lining up execs against the wall and reshooting the st. valentines day massacre.

BalloonyManWitch: Haha, I'll probably never watch this show but I'll always watch your takes on it! :D

heroesytumbas: 6:32 The batwing is a gender reveal plane now.

Titus Telesco: Thank God these fuckin woke monstrosities are slowly going away

VcentG plays Games: I can't even come up with a joke to put in my comment because the show has it all covered.

youtube12345: So, I don't watch this show (obviously) but from this video I take it Ruby Rose was batwoman in S1 and then she bailed on it because it sucked? And follow up question, um......what's wrong with her? The picture shown of her, presumably, in real life walking with a cane and so skinny her knee looks like an abscess, she looks like a heroin addict more than a batman type. Does she have cancer in real life or something?

SuperJLK _: So Batman doesn’t keep spare suits? He has enough money for it. Also the bat suit isn’t virtually impenetrable. This show is stupid

God Save America: Batmobile is a zr1 😂😂😂

Todd G7ffin: Says she doesn't need a man for anything.. then steals Batman's equipment that was all made by a man... lol.. what a joke.. black female lesbian.. the only demographic that her character needs now to fit the SJW agenda completely is to be handicapped, Transgender and a homeless member of Antifa... lmao.. Cheers.. I am joining you in a stiff drink..

Freakshow Filmfestival: There was a time when I would've liked to have seen Dougray Scott as Gambit.

Michael Yount: This show sucks so much, it's hard to even watch a review about it... but you somehow make it tolerable. Thank you for watching this so the rest of us don't have to, mate.

Brian O'Shea: This loss is just a tax write off for them

Master T. Gaming Channel: The only way for this show to be good is for its finale to let the real Bruce Wayne beat the fuck out of her and get the suit back.

PaceBreaker Productions: It's amazing and sad just how these writers don't know how to write a proper "passing the torch" story. Our generation grew up with some great examples that's why we criticize this junk that comes out now. For example just look at Batman Beyond - none of the heroes who came before were put down to raise up Terry so his Batman looks superior. These writers are either around our age (mid 20s-30s) or older. They should know of these kinds of stories or at least understand the structure. But they don't or don't give a damn and just do whatever they want because it's not real so "it doesn't have to make any sense".

Anthony Marrero: Spot on review 🤪

James Fowler: Oh wait, umm kryptonite can penetrate the batsuit?  Oookay  that settles it I've stepped through a door into the Twilight Zone

DEAD_pedal: By the way.. would I be right in guessing you extrude these commentaries through gritted teeth? 'Cause it sounds like you do, lol.

James Fowler: Gotta love the Hellraiser opening statement. Clive Barkers Muh Hero!

john crace: I know CW is offbeat, but I enjoy a lot of the silliness. All said, this is the worst show that has ever been conceived. Nobody involved in this wanted to be there.

Fisher Theadore: This is the Future of the MCU Gentlemen. *Identify Politics*

Spawn3X5: At least theres marvel Ironheart announced Sweats nervously*

Brad Meyers Art: But but but Mah dIVeRsItY.....

JOHN LEPANT: Ruby Rose really did very seriously injure her spine while doing a stunt for that show, and they rushed her back to production without allowing her to fully recover. Warner owns this mess. I realize actors are well compensated and anyone can have an accident on a job, but at least in that regard she was poorly treated. Unfortunately they all sign NDAs so we'll probably never get the full story on what happened, which is one more problem. She had good reason to leave. ;-)

Patrick Stiadle: Wait, the Bat Suit is like Ex Calibur (maybe an Ex Calibur that just about anyone can "lift")? Or is it more like Jim Carrey's Mask?

Sean O'Reilly: I didn't know this show existed

Joe Momma: I don’t understand I was told the diversity and inclusion make everything better. I’m so confused. What’s going on! What’s going on! It burns! It burns!

Steven Ross: So she decided to hang upside down with the two thugs and just...wait for them to grab her as throw her on the ground? Also: why are these female empowerment characters so smug?

Kyle Mouttet: batman is supposed to be.. a human being pushed to and beyond their limits, physically and mentally. supposed to be someone who fell into the depths of hell and through sheer determination and power of will, managed to made it out alive and tempered into the best possible form. like how a lump of coal turns into a diamond under extreme temperature and pressure. if it were this easy to be batman, there'd be nothing special about it. if you could get a 5 star meal out of a microwave, there'd be nothing special about being a master chef.

Vermithrx: I refuse to take shows where 90 lbs women beat up 220 lbs men, whose job title is "hired thug", seriously.

HitNRun6131: discount morgan freeman rofl.

Kelley Slimmon: They made a second season blah

deepfriedsammich: Drinker, in the immortal words of some actress (ha!) the show's not meant for you! It's meant for SJW's, in the same way that Blue's Clues is meant for preschoolers. The network is running a loss-leader for the little Wokies, so they'll feel special. Let them enjoy it. You're critiquing a child's cartoon.

Larry M: She just finds the suit in a wreckage 🤦🏾‍♂️

Angelo Moncada: The second girl is supposed to be gay too? Goodbye batwoman

Angelo Moncada: You can't take a character and just change their sexual orientation or their race entirely and think that's the same character. All you're doing when you do something like that is say that a gay hero or a black hero can't build their own fan base based on them. You know why black panther did so well? Because the character has always been a black man. He built his fan base as a black man and earned his respect as a black man. To put these changes into perspective, doing this to a character is as devastating to its fans as it would be to make black panther a white dude with Blonde hair. Nobody wants a black batwoman anymore than they want a white black panther. You can't change a character that much and hold the original fans, ever.

Anton Hei: 1:47 frame is enough

S S: So the suit has the powers? It’s not about being highly skilled in advanced hand to hand and weapons combat with excellent reconnaissance and crime solving skill and experience ?

Fallen Kiwi: Thought Batwoman got cancelled.

FederalTracks: i liked it!!!

Jason Torrens: "So fake Bruce goes after diverse Batwoman in the shitmobile...." Somehow that line seems like a fitting epitaph for the entirety of the CW network.

Luke Spencer: Man tv and movies suck I haven’t been looking forward to anything in a long time

sinephase: they were like "how can we make this show even worse?" LMAO

Jason: Blows my mind a business out to make money is pushing this show that doesn't make money. Absurd really.

Daniel Beale: This series looks so cring i could even make it through this video

troyhm69: Thanks. Now I don't have to watch it.

な6IXLXRD: This show honestly represents everything the feminists stand for: they want all the benefits of a man without putting in the slightest amount of effort.

Fried Mule: Drinker, you simply have to take a look at this movie trailer where the dialog is replaced!! :-)

Chilean Guy Fleegman: "time to be powerful" ewww, got the shingles from that.

Tee Rag: This vid might have more views than any episode of the entire batwoman series lmao

Anthony Armour: Glad i gave it a miss now...

NITROUS 2012: People actually watch this??? Its for children, right?

MonochromeTrouble: And now, CW's stuck their fingers in Walker, Texas Ranger.

Samuel Myers: I would absolutely love to see a video from you on V for Vendetta. It seems like a movie you would enjoy, its one of my favorites and id just be interested to see what you have to say about it.

Mikey P: "Jesus wept" is the shortest verse in the bible. Literally the only thing I remember from Sunday school.

Sky Rim: Yes. Because being batman is about power..

Dankfuzzball: Dude I wouldn't have even tried with this dumpster juice of a show

Michael Penrose: Check out the trailer for GODZILLA VS KONG. I smell shite.

SHADOWWOLF77: 3:40 What, they've gone and skinned a Cryptonian? *Empty Whiskey bottle clatter against the floor* "Great" Now they're introducing "Dear White people" bullshit into DC *Reaching for the big bottle of Jack Daniels* DO they even want to make any successful... ANYTHING anymore?

Not Illuminati: I love cringe, but only if I'm at least two steps removed from it. Thank you for watching and summarizing this cringefest so that I didn't have to be directly exposed to it.

timsun85: That Mystery Men did a better job of telling a superhero story should speak volumes...

N e g r i t o [ Tenfold ]: Yo make a video about king kong vs Godzilla 😂😂😂

Gustav Adolf: Is the Batsuit an exoskeleton now? A power armor? It enhances the users ability? Is that why she could take down those 2 hardened criminals?

Mysikrysa: The batsuit was literally handed to her when it fell from the sky in front of her van? This is the whole new level of Mary Sueness. XD

Jase 28x: I mean, what's the plot point behind the new Batgirl knowing h2h combat, using high tech gadgets and everything else that Batman/Bruce trained for years to be able to do? Or do you just need the power of woke now?

ravens purple beats: she is clearly poorly written poison ivy at best even then still terrible character in general.

No. MCCXXII: I am disgusted they used a C7 Corvette as the batmobile. A beautiful car like that doesn't deserve to be in a train wreck of a TV show. Or be made into the shitmobile ... er I mean a bootleg batmobile.

Don Weatherwax: Wait a sec. I watched the HeelvsBabyFace review of this episode just before this: There, Az says this premiere pulled 663K viewers. But Drinker's already has 706K!

stateofmindz: this is almost as drastic and downgrading like some scot taking a big taco shiite in the weey hours of our lords hour.

JohnnyNoPockets aka who Dat Gamecat: "Jesus wept" I'm already laughing.

Horror Made Simple: Dude, you have more views than the actual show!

stateofmindz: i find the dissection of this rather amusing. gooooood.

The Great Cthulhu: Season 1 opened with Batman as MIA Season 2 opened with Batwoman as MIA IF we got a season 3, any bets on how it's going to open?

LethinGabbins: Batwomen is a tax break. That's why the show continues to exist.

Gideon Blackman: Congratulations for getting more viewers than the actual show!!

End of the World Productions Ltd: In a van, down by the river!!!

T K: I wonder how many fake lesbians applied for this role.

Daniel Nedelk: This show went from pathetic to a complete new word of pathetic...

Robert Morgan: 5:41 whoa, that actress' face is literally if I took AOC's face in Lightroom and cranked the tone down from "White Hispanic" to "97% African American". It's like the exact same facial structure in a actual person of color color.

Emperor Bartu: Do episode 2

Emperor Bartu: 3:40 haahaha hahhahahha

Robert Morgan: How to build the Batsuit, step 1: Kill and skin a Kryptonian.

Aj Garcia: pls do a review of kong vs zilla trailer, it looks awsome but full of bullshit and plot holes !! lol

Logan Cracraft: This show reminds me of a phrase I once heard. "That which does not live can never truly die!" LOL

Surya Raj K.R: Drinker,my alochol addict fellow reviewer, plz review Dark and it'll be fine. It's my recommendation

Steve: I would like to hear your thoughts on the movie The Gentlemen

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