*NEW* WELCOME TO SEASON 5!! (BEST SEASON EVER!) - New Map, Tilted Towers, Weapons, Skins! #1110

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Jackson Fishler: I'm having a glitch were the camera is super far away from my character and I can't move after I go in the zero point. :(

Arik Dinkel: 6:46 what ?! Which Season is this because he is playing with iron man, a season 14 skin and uses the schockwave louncher from Season 14 ?

Ayaan Kaushik: The new season is too swetty

Beast Mode_22_80: Remember when bcc used to make bo2 montages

Shokerking: נודר אני שם

Christos Karassavidis: i think is the best 4ever

Gorka De Ron Alvarez: 4:19 I did It too😂😂😂

Joshua Joseph: What is the best part of season 5 to you people

이주왕: I don't no coustum match

KOSMONAVTIK: Rats are rage me!😡😡😡

FLIX: Best sesong ever

omar issa: What servers do you play on

Eren Yigidim: When you realized salty has changed.

sebaspro 123: Alguien que hable español


Colton W: I’m in season three

God of Thunder23: This season is the best

Andrew Poteat: I’m getting kind of scared because I played a match of battle lab and I didn’t find a pump

FR4N 3.0: If you see the stairs at 1:40 you can see many colors referring to like different dimensions were this stairs are placed, this is so detailed and it also refers to Spider-Man into the spider-verse

green Ninja: The new season better than any other season

Joemar Rivera: Amazin

RikyZangro _: 3:15 a toxic tryhard kid 2007 that dance for tryhard

Giacomo Alaimo: Was bruda

STREAMERS_ FIGHTING_CLIPZ: Hey guys, how are you all doing? Hope all is well. Stay safe during this crisis.

Lushun: Mobile players Rn:😑

Jason Pineda-Garcia: Thats what happems when ur toxic

عبودكا مهجدكم: الي عربي لايك

Shahm Alawneh: Seoson 5is the bist

Paolo Iusco: 3:14 fortnite kid toxic

ItZ Vexi: Can you guys put more clips of ps4 and ps5 players to please I hardly ever see them on the channel

yasmin schickler-Horowitz: 8:08 הוא לא חתיך

Blue: Well done fortnite you have encouraged me to play the game again lol

InSnipingYTF: The best season was probably season 2 to season3 3 ( chapter 1)

Its Rhythm: bEST SESON

Joshie Washie: Wish I can play the new season but my PlayStation is acting up

Drozdowski Dominik: 10/10

Aiden Jayden: I love show they r taking weapons from save the world

Tommaso Andrighetti: I win my first two game solo vs squad

Jiro Gaming: I love call of duty song

Hadi Quraish: Who wanted it to be Christmas

Gamingmobile TM: Warum hört man bei 6:18 Vik aka IBlali im Video??

humus magniv: 7:53 אללה ישראלים פינוקיםםםם

PONYSITO: Wait, the first first clip is my cousin ._.

Peas Animated: new season is 🔥🔥🔥

Imelda Acevedo: Shut up bcc trolling and saying it the best season yet you say that with every season

BroJoe 7: My favorite place is the butter barn especially with that music tho

Jaydon Jajou: Its already the best enemy tho I haven’t played yet


Stinksmcstunks: Am I the only one who thinks of Bugs Bunny when a player travels under sand?

☯️sKitZoBonKa ツ: Love that venom sound

☯️sKitZoBonKa ツ: 4:14 he's back! 🥳

☯️sKitZoBonKa ツ: Nice kobe

Raphaël Dostaler: the best season ever

it the boy: I buy the battlepass

juanbsd_yt 2: I already have 37 fishes lel

the gamer duck lololol: What happend to all your cod and black ops songs i want the old days back

Tiko Fishy army: It’s sick

Toto Garza: For my case the most season ever for me was the season 14 (The past one)

SneakyBoi: Where r the 1v1s that u used to do please do more they were so funny and almost forgot abt u and I came back and u changed so much do 1v1 ha

Hector De Leon: I’m loosing respect for bcc trolling because he said this the best season ever

Shallow_Playz: Season X orb.

Jolo Ocampo: 3:11 wow xd clan

LDiablo: I have to wait til, Friday to play new season. :(

ismoth: I love BBC

Koy McClean: I love that the tactical shotgun is back

Beast 3176: I can’t even play because of the console keyboard and mouse glitch smh

Dan Bonnett: It's not Baby Yoda.

Jack Lucke: Epic Games: INtroduces new season Every Fortnite youtuber within the universe: da bist

Jack Lucke: I had a rough start to it, partly because I had a sucky duo partner but I think I will come to like it eventually. If there was one thing I would change it would be to bring launch pads back. Don't know why Epic Games kept them vaulted.

AlexSmb: This is not the best season

NoC1u3z: Should have named it tilted springs.

Jannis Geldmacher: Digga da schaut jemand neben bei vik oder hört vikpod hahahaha

Alejo Darin: i like these new season but it has really big problems with the weapons like they took out the pump and they put one of the slowest shotguns ever the dragon shotgun because that shotgun goes really slow has only one shot and it cant even killed somebody with full shield

Jannis Geldmacher: This game took the shootgun from warzone

Mario Hernandez: The zero point is back

Vanish BenNy: 2:26 what did you come for use code BCC in the item shop hope all you guys stay safe

Kill Zone: The best ever, seriously? With 2 new weapons and couple of new spot. I don't think so. You love so much the game than you are blind.

DR ZERO Brawl Stars: Guys I think we already know that it wasn’t baby yoga... gorgu am I right?

Albokid 21: Bcc: says new poi names Hunter’s haven: am I a joke to you?

ZtastiC: اول مقطع كانوا ناس من مصر

Clixs Boy: I love the new season

Majestic: And that is how you take care of a toxic sweat, lads.

Ghost Dude: I bet nobody that is playing the Mandalorian skin has ever watched a single episode of the Mandalorian

xMXWLx: salty towers isnt BRAND NEW. its salty springs gas station with everything else tilted towers. NO CREATIVITY WHATSOEVER


Stormhawk 442: Anyone else thinking that Mave lokks like Nidalee

DGamingLizardD’s Channel: I love it because of the baby yoda skin it looks so cute

Abdo Ashraf: صوتنا مسمع

Kornél Fekete: Best season ever!!!!

Jil On crack: I’m so sad I’m on mobile 😭😭😭

plus gaming tv: very so so so very awsome

ABODi game: مافي عرب

Aarav Reddy: Mobile players(Apple): Don't mind me, just watching

shadowmewtwo xy: Wow it not possible

Shuk: I still can’t play the season on mobile

MGame Max: This is the same thing people said when season 4 came out everyone was like it was the best season. Guess what for season 6?? Best season ever!!

Mohamed's world - عالم محمد: worst season ever

Tomahawk Tossin: I havnt played since mideas first showed up... Saw Mando and had to re install the game... BTW the child's name is Grogu... This is the way...

DSN vullify: When did u start playing fortnite Like: chapter 1 Reply: chapter 2

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