10 WORST Fortnite SEASON 8 Glitches!

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Crosstale: You say it’s hard when you can’t build but I can’t build w

SawftCoke: I am able to use a skin's built it emote even without unlocking the emote

Gamer Kingdom: I found the cube glick 3 days ago

mohamed plays: Hey tommy

Bashlamb: Use shadow stone and jump in water

Cowboy8283: Only 412k people that play fortnite know this

Emmett Holt: i barely use build in battle it takes to9 long

Aala Ali: *My mom getting A Pizza* Me when it arrives from a corner: 0:56

Frederik Groth Clausen: Tryk to tak a shadoston and dash into the top of a cube

Defaultdancer66: How did this become a thing i discovered it and im happy WE CAN MAKE KEVIN USEFUL

Devilslast: You should have asked me to play I win all the time without building even over the last 3 days against sweaty arena players

MEOWMEOW SNR: I found another way to get on the cube

I am the moon 🌚: I need sacrifices

Justin Santiago: Top 5 gaming I found a different glitch to stand on the cube and it's easier

Fishyleader Floppo: I just love it when the notification pops up “someone liked your comment” or “you have got a new subscriber” it makes me so happy 🧢🏝

Kaysan Sall: Hi

Reality breaker: Ahhhhhh fishy what the hell

raphael mcdonnell: I found the walking on cube glitch randomly then I did it agian I was like one of first it wasn’t on anything

Mattarific Wolf Link: I have won without building i do it because buildings im still learning tho if i encounter a pro buildet im 90% likely to be screwed

Mattarific Wolf Link: I would use the under the map glitch to my advantage but id rather not get a negative response for using it from the devs aka getting banned or negative v bucks

helen ting: fake

Mason the rascal: Love your videos

KingEdwinYT: I did the slipstream glitch like 2 days ago and I thought nobody knew about it 😅

Danny Gamer YT: Love from pubg/bgmi fornite❤️PUBG

Dinoverse One: Why are the names blocked off from us ?? In the neck glitch part

Super zig zag Gamer: Am i the only 1 that think its weird that inky isn't a pet

Edin: Balenciaga is a rip-off

Blacoss42 Blacoss42: It works On split screen if the 2nd player is in the sideways it shows it for the top to

Adam Karim: 1:06 omg it's dani

Whitty💣: To stand on the cube and walk around on it it only works with the Shadow Stone mini Kevin on Underground that you can consume

CYBER GAMER: Hi I subbed

Whitty💣: There's a second way to do it but I ain't going to tell you it's OP

StrikerFN: God bless to the 1% who see this comment.....

Jonny22 _45: Why were there so many weird pauses?

Frost Fire: I remember one time I was driving and glitched under the map,but died.


C Bong: Ccc

AstroChimp: The Rock of death is like when danDTM got so confused in season 8 chapter 1 with the glitched pit of death

Ahmad alhalabi: Hi

Lisa Penny: SHUTUP


Criston Gaming: in the island corrupted loading screen there is an unrealized skin

sultanito: who realized that he didnt blur his name when he went under the map

Vaibhav Selvakumar: Noice bruh

pepe_killer: Literaly my first two games i got sideways in dirty docks

Andrew Birdsall: Please gift me

Cliff Reed: The sideways glitch works at misty meadows as well thank me later 😎

Bushybro: Well done for 5 mil

Bree Handyside: theres a million glitches in split screen mode to find

Slurpzz: But for the cube if you use a shadow the phase into the top of the cube at a perfect time you can emote move and do anything even go into normal body

LiccleAckyy2013: Kutchupbot

frogy frog: How to create a game on a Sunday night or something like 66 a night for a night out with a pint or two if that's OK for you guys to come and pick up the bike from the 7 tomorrow morning or tomorrow morning or tomorrow morning if that's OK for you guys to come and pick up the bike from the airport and get 6 6 on 6 and the other half term for the first time in a few days I will be able to get the car to work 6 I will be able to get the car to work I will be able to get the car to work on the project for i76 and the other half term for the first time in a few 666 and 6 and the rest of the world is 6 and a bit of a mess with the kids and the kids and the kids are a bit of a mess and a lot of people who have been working on the project for the 6 and the last few weeks of the course and the other half term for the first time in a few days I will be able to get back to 6 on the project for the next couple of weeks and I will be back in touch with the other one soon and hopefully I'll be able to get back to you soon with the rest of the course work for you and your family and friends and family 6 and 6 and family for the 6 birthday 666 and thanks for the birthday wishes and wishes everyone 6 birthday 66 birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday 6 birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday and birthday and birthday wishes wishes and birthday and birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday wishes 6 birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday and birthday and birthday and birthday wishes and birthday wishes and birthday wishes wishes wishes wishes birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday birthday wishes for Christmas birthday celebrations and a birthday greeting from the family and friends and family and friends other half term for the first time in a few days I

frogy frog: Nu And Are a good one and I will be able to get back to you with the other one in the morning or evening if you want to play it off or do you want me to pop round for a quick pint or two if that's OK for you guys to come over 7 and if so what time would 6 be OK for you guys to come over for the 7 on the project for the last couple couple of days and then just let me know what time suits you best for you guys to come over and pick up the car from the office at around midday on Friday or Tuesday next week for the rest of the meeting to discuss the other issues with the landlord and the landlord for the rest of the tenancy agreement and the deposit deposit for the property to be returned to the landlord to ensure that we have a deposit for the property and the deposit deposit for the property of the landlord to the property 6 6.30am and the property to be returned to me

Dan Johnson: theres a glitch that my brother did out of nowhere if you use a glider and get crushed by and kevin or blevin you can go under the map

mrfeast: Sup

Julia Keddie: Good

[MrDoge]: If you go on one of the bouncers at the infected with the cubes get a car and you go flying

Golden Gappeler: what happened to top 5 central?

Cheshbob: If you press phase on the shadow cubes while u hit the cube u don't bounce on it

DualgamingDK: Number 3 i did 2 seasons ago

I Rodriguez: Where is lemur lord

GFL90: Skip the tutorial is better

Razor Diamond exe: They blur Tommy's epic, then its right there in the very next glitch completely unblurred lmao

Sam Davies: The fishy is ugly if thats what u think u are 😎

Creator YT: bro someone is using your name as a creator code do you know this, this is serious plz respond

g03wqn: Why u blur u name in lobby and not in game

517 Games: Calling a banana hot huh

JJ Burbage: There is a death zone under the map just not in battle labs.

Anne-Marie Smith: I already found out the cube glitch by my self

Niko Pavliashvili: Please tell me consequence is coming back

Ricky Krista McDaniel: What happened to the other voiceover guy? Last video he was in was like 5 months ago

It’s Jaden: 🤣 this is cooool [:

Hassan Musa: Tommy no need to blur your username we all know it is top5gamingtommy

mohammad abuzeitoun: I got the sideways glitch first game and won it

Pali’s Family: I forgot to do the underthe map glitch ya i terforgot

Neat Beaker: 🍜 karma

Ze_meme_lord_You_sweat_when_you see _this _name: It’s a submacar

Zoe Legaspina: i tried the chicken glitch

P Tran: Ohhhh… Here we go again

Trollhunter Jim: O

CaptainfireX9: Ok the first one is pretty funny 😆

Chick6n: The under the map usually kills you

ok: Hi

springtrap4219: Dude in sick right now and this made my day

Harim Ochaeta: 🛥⛴🚢✈🛩🛫🛬

Jessica Miller: 🔥

BrickBottle: *F-fortnite?!*

Doombaga: i figured out the slip stream one on the first day!

J D: I have to try the long neck glitch on fishstick now!

Babigail: 2:18 I found a glitch like that in season 6 chapter 2 I think it was that season well even if it isn’t I still found it :)

Cavapoo Pluto: The walking on the cube glitch can easily be done without builds. all you have to do is consume a shadow stone and phase as soon as you touch the cube.

Ivonne Gonzalez: Hi

Aliya - {T.a.a.p} my PH0T0 y.o - check my vidéó: There is also another glitch to get on the cube: use a shadow stone and jump onto the cube and before it bounces you away phase towards the cube and if you do it right you can stay on the cube

Dab defender: 5:10

GAY BOY: i found another way to glitch under the map


muhammad razique: SORRY TIKO

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