Davros Rises! | The Collection: Season 17 Announcement Trailer | Doctor Who
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Roger Detillion: Tom Baker still best Doctor.Написать
Shadow 888: Lalla Ward is a beautiful Grilf Man - just look at Nicola Bryant
Shireknight: David Gooderson sounds amazing in this trailer but of course that doesn't mean they have added the effect to his performance in Destiny of the Daleks in this release, though I really hope they have because his Davros is the only one out of all the Davros performances over the years that just sounds like a man in a mask.
Spencer Raney: Oh, look! Rocks!
Joanna Sefoi: That looks bloody great! I thought that was the contemporary show at first because of the video quality 😄
Bill The Whovian: David Gooderson's voice sounds much better this time the modulation sells it also I would say he put in a better performance too bad the first time wasn't anywhere this good, still doesn't beat out the wonderful Michael Wisher though.
The Restoration of Dr Who: Imagine using the incorrect theme for this era.
SpiritualBabe101: YAAAAAY! I know that Dalek voice
davidrod1978: 4 minutes and 18 seconds of smiling and joy
Femme Funtime: 1:33 general kenobi
Clive Mattinson: Not wishing to be unkind, but I'm shocked by how "frail" Tom looks nowadays? He seems to have lost weight? I do hope he's well? I dread losing him too? I asked Tom if he was worried that the Doctors are dying in order, and that it's his turn next! God bless you Tom! Your fans love you! 👍💜 Live long and prosper! Oops! Wrong show! 😂
blue worldz: It says a lot for the classic series Trailer that I'm more excited about Season 17 for stories that I've seen several times before than the Trailer for Season 13 which is brand new?
anon: They are really going hard with the Classic Who stuff lately, and yet anything and everything to do with the Jodie era is just kind of half assed and shuffled off quietly.
EchoWing: I hope that 2023 brings us Blu-Ray collections for Season 20 and/or Season 25. Y'know, because those were anniversary years.
John Erkman: Bitchen 💜🤘👾 SO looking forward to this! And A DEFINITIVE SHADA @ last 🎉🎉🎉
Jay Demetrick: Oh this is gorgeous! I can't wait! My favourite TARDIS team and sparkling Douglas Adams wit! Plus an enhanced, episodic Shada right where it needed to be! Bliss.
Fixtionmaster101: The Master’s reign is over. Now the Doctor’s other most feared rival will return from out of the shadows. Davros has awakened. I knew that he survived the Witch’s familiar.
James Mc Dowell: He's best saeson
plumquick1: it's free if you look in the right place
Hortense: Oh, jesus, can't the writers think of some new monsters? In an endless universe there ought to be more than just daleks and cybermen. Boring.
Tacotopia Chess: I thought it was going to be some stupid promotion of the new series garbage, but this looks great!
Benjamin James Miller: It's a shame that Romana never got a Cyberman story
Julia Naylor: That went wrong didn't it, Davros. 😁 Here comes the Oncoming Storm. Would you like a jelly baby? 😁
Adam Dare: The Season 24 BluRay set outsold all of Jodie’s S11 & S12 BluRays put together. Amazing to think the lowest regarded Classic era (it’s third time home media release) has better sales than Chibnall’s. Preordered and looking forward to Season 17.
Elliott talks F1: I like Julian Bleach as Davros best.
Captain Forsyth: "Did you see what I didn't see" when talking about Shada being added into the collection. I saw what you did there, Clever
President Kudsi: How is it that Tom looks the same but Colin looks completely different?
hgwells 1899: If I was not a Doctor Who fan, this trailer would sum up why. Jesus wept
soundp: Destiny Of The Daleks was the very first Who I remember watching as a little kid. For that reason it holds a special place in my heart, I can never hate on it or season 17 despite the flaws you see later on in life. Good to see it get some love. Awesome new shot TARDIS materialisation on Skaro btw
ValeryVal: OH MY RASSILON, WHAT A TRAILER! Congrats to everyone involved! So excited to add another brilliant piece to my/the Collection :D
Cory Hickman: I didn't low this was the classics but god am I glad it is!!
Владислав Дмитриевич: Выглядит как издевательство над всей историей, особенно после последнего сезона...
Developing Technique: I think this trailer just elevated destiny of the daleks tenfold!
Robert Wishin: I really thought the Key to Time would be next, but this is wonderful.
Doc Skywalker51: Yo, this was never rumoured!
codyw1: Finally Doctor Who's greatest producer gets a Blu ray set!
RenegadeTimelord007: With everything that's happened to current Doctor Who it's so good to see the old series being given the respect it deserved. Season 17 isn't exactly a classic but it's got a couple of epic stories and it was so nice to see Tom looking older but full of beans - and THAT voice is still there!
CowCalf 32: Epic
Amritpalh H: Re release the other ones for a while goddamnit!
Jacob Hogan: At this rate Tom has probably said Shada over the course of his career more then he has Doctor Who
Daniel Cox: Pre-ordered :) New interviews? with Lalla the second clip looks like its from "The Story of Doctor Who"
Vito and Michael Corleone: Great opening for Darvos return
RJ McAllister: Tom Baker keeps curating along at 87 or so, and Lalla Ward still looks great. I remember some of these from when they were shown on PBS in the 80's, and I have the full-length "Shada" on another collection. This will be "Tom Baker: Complete Season Six" when it gets across the pond sometime later this year or early next.
Felix Arthur: Somehow, Palpatine has returned
ranchan215: The great memories I had watching Tom Baker as Doctor Who with my mom of course were going to buy this collection I can't wait
BritishParappa: I love these trailers because it's basically new classic who content.
Yerocha: So anyone for Dodgems?
Simon Fernandes: I have a love/ hate relationship with Season 17. The writing is exceptional - the special effects, not so much. To bring this up to snuff this needs A LOT of updated special effects. A lot.
Luke Kopps :): I thought this was 13 doctors for 2 secs
Albert Ferraro: Damn. Chibs wants to ruin Davros on his way out? Way to kick a franchise while it's down.
laprasking: Now with even MORE Shada!
P Ferreira: Not the best season...one of the weakest actually but worth buying just for the extras. 😉
Telly 1: Very cool!!
Spartaximus: I guess my Shada animated Blu-ray steelbook is redundant now then. 😋
Mrjacharles: Oh god I want more Doctor Who like that intro please <3
Shelby Mustang: Long have I waited…
Disney Boy: Why does he not stay dead. I'm not complaining I just wanted to say that.
Nikioko: A lot of light and a lot of shadow. On the one hand the two Douglas Adams stories that save this season. And on the other hand three duds that belong to the worst of Doctor Who. And in between, a mediocre Dalek story.
Tom Fournier: Buying this Day One. #TakeMyMoney
MrDoctorGilmore: Gooderson sounds great, the inclusion of the voice modulator made all the difference.
paul anderton: Gooderson should have overdubbed his new voice on the old version as it sounds better now. The original voice is awful and spoils it fir me.
TardisOllie: Now that's how you do a trailer!
Walrus is in the Matrix: Love that we still cant see his lips move
57305 Northern Princess: I'm so glad to be able to finally watch Shada (2017) as a 6 parter instead of the movie verison on it original release
Charlie Ling: Hurry up with the release date trailer for series 13!
Clive Eardley: Pre ordered mine already
nevrbluffs: Next to the Master, one of the best villains in Doctor Who. Could you imagine if the Master and Davros collab'd.
Matthew Suffidy: Adams was saying like do you know how long that line in Hitch Hiker's took to write? And yes, it is pretty dense stuff. It goes over a lot of the weird aspects of quantum physics, creationism, and other topics. Like Bertrand Russel is here to serve us, therefore we are alive. It isn't a definitive proof, but about as good as it gets.
Gordon W.: Oh look, rocks!
That British Whovian: A most interesting choice for the trailer to be focused on Davros from a story that isn’t really anyone’s favourite Dalek story (I love it but) and that David Gooderson returned to the role especially as most people have never held him in high regard as Davros as most people hold him beneath Wisher and Molloy
Chris 'Zoah' Williams: Time has been kind to Gooderson's voice. He's sounding much more like Davros here than in DOTD (still love the story anyway)
Alphamask978: Tom Baker looks so different here I hope everything is okay ?
Jen Sablefur: Not the best season, and an interesting choice to release this one after Season 24... But pre-order done, obviously.
Keita: "Long have I waited" Palpatine is suing for copyright
sharkblade 77: Can't wait to add this to the colection
HCGosling: Already ordered! My fave Baker season
Richard Williams: Nicola Bryant still looks fantastic. Lol.
Aleatoriac: Wow seeing the TARDIS materialize on "Destiny of the Daleks" Skaro at the end there is EPIC
Richard Williams: Hearing an OG Davros again just reminds me how in tune Julian Bleach's modern version is.
Nikioko: Very sad that we won't see Lalla behind the sofa. I would have appreciated that a lot in her only full season.
CanDo Entertainment: Need season 20. And 21, and 22.
Caleb Lefebvre: This dudes like Palpatine he just won't die he refuses death.
N.L. Productions: YES! YES! YES! Nightmare of Eden got the CGI treatment! YES!!!!!
Jeremy: So many seasons 😅
BrakeStop: Wow Tom Baker has lost a lot of weight since 2013
emperorofpluto: Tom Baker was the Doctor I grew up watching and remains one of my all-time favourites. The embodiment of child-like innocence, unflappable serenity, dry wit and infinite wisdom.
Bruce Yang: Long have I waited. Davros vs Palpatine
itsAndre: He was sent to Skaro by Narvin to save Romana and ended up starting the first hostilities of the Time War
Strange and Unusual Paranormal: Oh nice, I want!
KingofPotatoPeople: To paraphrase the Doctor…..ooh look!
animaginaryboy2: I'd say Season 17 is one of my favourites so this is like an instant preorder for me, but then who am I kidding - even if it was a season I didn't like, it would be an insttant preorder for me - it's Doctor Who, god damnit!
Jerry the Robot: 😩
Ashley Tuchin: Aaaah, yes, yes, yes!!! I've been waiting for this, this is one of my favourite seasons and City of Death is my all-time favourite Who story!! Plus, the complete version of Shada (I already own every version that exists, including the Big Finish version), an interview with Lalla Ward (my all-time favourite companion) and a Douglas Adams retrospective (my all-time favourite author)? This is going to be amazing!!! Thank you for this!!!
Harvey Colley: Davros: "Long have I waited" Did anyone else get flashbacks to the rise of skywalker trailer
PitchSkullBlack: Can't wait for the irrelevant Chibnall comments on this video.
steve allen: I was at Winspit quarry whilst they were shooting the dalek extras. I've kept it a secret for a month now.
craig gilchrist: Why dos Davros sound like an evil Winston Churchill at the beginning of this clip.
Tiny Plays: This looks amazing, don't mind me I'm going to pre-order
Michael French: I wasn’t even born in the classic era but with these Blu Rays and the amount special features (both new and old) I feel I identify as a classic fan more than a modern one. I was looking through the season 14 set and it had the very first Doctor Who documentary, which is already fantastic but then there is a Documentary about that Documentary which I find both crazy and amazing.
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