Official Trailer | American Gods - Season 3

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Aitkens 8: How did this get a season 3?

R001: Either the trailer is meant to be super vague to not give up much stuff or it deviates from the book even more than before.

Chakib Rachedi: Finally!

Get it here, Thing.: Omg! Can’t wait!!!!

G-AME SPOT 17: ο98

Maxim E: Finaly Czernobog will swing his hammer 😍

Chris Yocor: I love it!❤️

- Csótánypüré -: I rly liked this part of the book. I hope it will be unbelievable :3

Princedodossj: So is that new leprocan supposed to be sweeny or what ?

Ilian Panaiotov: I cant wait anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pete W: Looks like show move from Starz to Amazon Prime?

Sachin Rawat: Is that a lord Ganesha statue at 1:25

Evans Mboya: justice for orlando jones

Evans Mboya: no anansi no sn 3

Sometimes Angel: Yes yes yessss

rod axel: Sorry... No Anansi..

Rakibul Hossain: Mr. Nancy 😭😭

Stepan Serdyuk: Oh. The Lakeside Arc. I'm waiting! Is that who I _think_ it is in a car with the Wife?

Lucas J Lehmann: So does the Peacock mean Hera is going to be in this season?


AD shadowbrineX: That is cool and all BUT WERE IS ANANSI 😠😢

Aida Mori: I'd like to be more excited about the new season, but Mr. Nancy is gone, the Djinn is gone, Mad Sweeney is dead... is there really anything to go back to?

Tommaso Passarotto: Where is Mad fucking Sweeny ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

mertarda oz: Without Sweeney it is not the same show at all.

IrishCat04: Ok but bring back Anansi

Michael: Arte.

Alexander Kozlov: good "My way" !

iwannabeacupcake x: No sweeney no view from me, sorry not sorry.

Bucatti: 3rd season wes till don't know Shadow's power.

Gorgon: Not hyped for this one. Season 2 was trash compared to 1.

Xendra Nara: Im pissed at how they treated Anansi:( wanted to see more of him

Dikaste de Rook: Wasn't Crispin Glover not supposed to be in this season? Anyway, this looks very good!

Archive: That's all good but whats up with my mans hair xD

kidofhell: Finally, Season 3 is coming!


Andrés Belalcázar: The hair... wtf ???


jona ruiz: Im so Hype by this!

Cynthia Mwangi: FUCK YES

Aravind G: I thought mad sweeney will return

Ivan Fuentes Grau: 1:57 ; 1:15 technical boy children ! Yeap they are trying to get season one concepts back xd

Lady Adelita: What's the background song please?

ImanariRoll: Iwan Rheon is the new Iwan Rheon

Дмитрий Deman: А леприкона не завезли в третий сезон чтоль? Жаль один из самых харизматичных персонажей.

Mendra: The great fable ? Nah

Andre T: For degenerates by degenerates.

Nari Was Here: Stop bitching about S2, was good too, not like s1 but still good

Nari Was Here: Fucking amazing

agenttheater5: Wait, are they doing two more seasons or are they ending with this one?

agenttheater5: 1:33 Hera.......Queen of the Heavens, Goddess of Marriage, Goddess of Motherhood, cow-eyed, wife and sister of Zeus, daughter of Kronos and Rhea.....the Lady Hera is on this show.....

Artur Mouradian: Dont even want to watch without Mad Sweeney

Paloma Bianca: Machete 😱

jceles59422: Stop posting and just come out!

MaverickLotus: I know it's redundant to ask. But where the fuck is Sweeney and Mr. Nancy?!!!!!

Jose Gorgas Nazario: Why is no one talking about the woman standing next to Mr World at 2:00? is Media being played by a new actress?

old gods: Cinematography is always fabulous in thia

Hehe Haha: The best is the story of god the oan and in this its oan god and i love this

Shayana Oliveira: Mr. Nancy?

Atlan666: Season 4: Danny DeVito as God "Children... You know I hate it when you fight."

grabber2009: Music -

Shan Ghai: 1:24 Ganesh Hindu god anyone else see that

Benjamin Yong: New God Globalisation: I am gonna get rid of you all. Old God Disease: No you can't. Here's COVID-19. Bye Globalisation!

Lui ble: 😍😍👏👏😱😱👍

Mawar Hitam: Oh snap! It's Christmas already!!!!! ✨

SepuLtura: Best

Ali: I wonder if the new leprechaun is a normal leprechaun or an old celtic god like Sweeney

Sasa Jugovic: Niceee e . ..

Carmen: We need the song!! 🖤

Vladislav Pozdnyshev: Song please 🙏🏼

Kat Beni: I'M DYING OF ANTICIPATION. I need to see what Marilyn Manson's character is all about!!

Señor ULTRAVIOLENCIA: Sweet mutter of the God’s this is gonna be LEGENDARY

William B.J. Blaskowicz.: JAEDEN ABNER D'SA.


acarobertson: This will be a nice way to start 2021

Nadhiru Mohamed: Muthafucking ELEKTRAA. #pose fans will understand 😍😍

Renato Matos: Who sings this version of the song?

jhonathan gonzalez: Bring back Mr Nancy

Random Commoner: So you decided to fire Orlando Jones because "we don't want an angry black character", but then saw that the BLM movement was a thing so you put racial justice back ? Honestly I don't know what to think, this seems promising but the way this whole thing with Orlando was handled was really not ok by me... I fear this side of the series which was a really good addition will be a little too artificial now...

spellsecurity: Without Anansi, it will be much shallower. That guy could tell a story.

Nandor The Relentless De la Cruz: Cant wait, to bad mousa and orlando wont be there, maybe i will not watch it just because that

Alicia Attano: Bring Anansi back

Odrek Gonne: Danny Trejo featuring as the God of Badass, as usual.

Mluda 90: Might aswell be watching Heroes😅😅😅 no thank you✋

Mluda 90: Without Anansi, this show is dead.

Niall487: So Laura finds another Leprechaun to take Odins spear out of the hoard? I thought Mad Sweeneys hoard was the sun (since he was originally Lugh the Tutha De Dannan sun god). I wonder who this other Leprechaun really is then if he can access the sun hoard. Maybe Lugh/Mad Sweeneys son Setanta (Cu Chulain)

CptDarimdam: Kinda pretty fucking dumb to write out mr Nancy like that.

Shan Ghai: Dead wife better bring back mad Sweeney

Dams: Ngl it felt much longer than 2 and a half minutes but in a good way. I am quite excited.

eminosose: Chernoborg singing - Ok those new gods should be afraid....

Lilo Rolland: Am I the only one that teared up? LoL.

Uillian Magela: Danny Trejo!!!!!!!!

Farhan Rafi: The visual this season will be phenomenal 🥰🥴 as always they feel like a beautiful surreal dream. Im HYPED 🔥

Elvin: I hope Laura gets to kill wednesday!

rr pp: Muy hermozo.....

ahmet filiz: Let's go baby

Beadles Central: Senka

Vaibhav Mishra: Yeah I read the book, Wednesday is in cahoots with Mr. World, no fight happening

joao victor k e lima: Season 1 The Shadow Awakens Season 2 The Last God Season 3 The Rise of Mike Ansel

Link9876ful: Looks awesome, I am really hyped!

lorenzo louis: What is Danny Trejo doing here?

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