AMERICAN GODS Season 3 Ending Explained!

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Think Story: What did you think of American Gods Season 3? Is it losing its luster? Check out my other Sci-Fi & Fantasy videos here:

Raziel Ts: people dont complain about pronunciations for you to apologize, instead try to learn the pronunciation so you can say the words better, or at least try.

Shock N Awe: Shadow is probs half Norse god half Orixá.

Sheff Kane: The dude from The 100

Wombatkungfu: brain washing at it's finest.... this show is garbage

NotaBear: I loved the time-lapse sequences of the vigil, really beautiful colour pallet. I really, *really* hope that Shadow comes back with a new haircut, that fucking fringe must stay in Valhalla.

wes rulz: Man this show is just awful.

S.J C: Such an exceptional feat of storytelling, our stories of the past meandering into the stories of today, in such a watchable, interesting and just damn coooool style. I think I need to read the books now..

dr38016: the show has Jumped the shark....they lost me when they didn't bring back Anansei

OBI WAN JON: wow this season really took a turn and not for the better. you can basically skip to the last episode and thats all ya need. season 1 & 2 were incredible hopefully they can rebound next season.

Alyona Kolosova: I loved this season! I was kind of losing interest during the 2nd season tbh. But this one was definitely awesome. Loved Laura's story, the Lakeside storyline, although it was slightly changed, new characters were great. Missed the old ones though. The twists were amazing, I had a feeling that Mr World might be Loki, but the book proved me wrong. The show has significantly deviated from the book, I really thought it was going to be the last season because after Shadow's vigil there's not much to add. But Gaiman has a say in the writing so I got even bigger hopes for season 4.

stoagy mahalo: LOVE the totem pole icon simply because I'm Tlingit haha

stoagy mahalo: oh man, Wednesday taking after biblical stories makes it SO great and I could totally see him doing that haha

Marcus Johansson: Sooo.. Pussyhat 😝

stoagy mahalo: thing I thought tech boy was Prometheus fire.

stoagy mahalo: love this. Hate Laura's character but I enjoy everything else in this series. As an Alaskan native I hope they show Tlingit figures like they did with Thunderbird. Be awesome to see landottermen and the Raven being another trickster.

glen hodson: how stupid must people be to need this explained... and for those that just cant wait to see what happens next, you do know what a book is yeah.

John Clumpoint: Shadow Moon is baldur as such when Baldur passes is the start of Ragnarok

Chrigga My Ninja: gods are not immortal. They have a lifespan, albeit longer than ours.

the Revanchist: As usual , they drag along the story to much and in the last episode they try to do more and add some books things and of course, they end with a cliffhanger. The writing of this show dropped drastically from season 1. This happens when they fire the guy that envisioned the series. Just like with The Walking Dead and many, MANY other shows.

Deestroyer82: Twin soul gods ? Chaos and order?

Odin: Man they really picked the worst possible hair style for shadow. It looks so fake and stupid like they were going for evil toby from spidetman 3.

Oj Yes that one: Kinda disappointed was no action at all this season

Mukhtar Raji: The Yoruba God of Death is actually pronounced "eekoo" but spelled Iku. Iku also translates to death in Yoruba. Overally great video, loved it.

FullCaber: holly shit this seasson 3 was urgh I should not be getting interested at last fricking episode of the seasson They booted all my fav character actors out,and the pacing of the show was a bit odd 1st and 2nd was way better than this seasson

Shannon M: I'm hate to say it but I honestly do think it is time for Wednesday to die. I hate to say it because the actor, Ian McShane is phenomenal in the role but Wednesday has gotten off the hook too much. Karma is bound to catch up whether that be through Shadow or Laura or both of them

Thesilky0ne89: I'm so confused by this show. In all honesty legion made more sense to me

Danial Shariffuddin: I’m so glad bout other half of Shadow is Laura. I always shipped them both.

jayson shift: THIS SEASON WAS WEAK THE FIRST ^ EPISODES !!! almost didn"t watch it !!!

Jake Gonzalez: Why can't I find that song -.-

Proud Brown Conservative Veteran: I love the show but I really hate the woke crap!!!

Proud Brown Conservative Veteran: That exactly what I said, once he said mischief, I knew he was Loki.

Earth Human: The Book is better

Official Filmilen: Shadow Moon is the Norse God Balder

Mr Haze: Have to bring identity politics into everything, makes me absolutely sick

Phelopatir Abdel-Malak: Well Shadow ain’t gonna be happy if he comes back and find Wednesday.

Blaqr - Dream.Learn.Build: What did you think of American Gods Season 3? I think they should have never gotten rid of Mr. Nancy.

24nero24: The gods really die so easily. It feels like even humans can kill them.

way2tehdawn: Shadow Moon is the Trump God? Bro I got off at that.

Azi Crawford: I was thinking that Shadow was Baldur.... I’m glad I’m not the only one

Matias Kiviniemi: American Gods book was released 2001

Anthony Celenie: I think in the 4th season the first episode is gunna be a huge flashback just to fw my level of patience as always 🙄

NaturalMonroe: See yall in 2yrs for the next season

Joseph Shaji: Can anyone help... Not able to find the song laura and mr world was singing

Hannah Alvizo: just cant get over the fact that ablack guy with emo bangs straight hair

Jacob 5166: The last episode was pretty boring. I want to see more of Laura and Bilquis naked.

Ali: Laura better not be Shadows other half. She repeatably cheated on him and treated him like shit, if they get back together, it invalidates male victims of abuse.

Wesley Karol: Love this...the final episode of season 3 has me waiting for season 4....

Joshua Matthews: Baldur’s nature seems to fit shadow moon. Plus he gives off light which Laura Moon can see.

Randolph Morgan: This season made me realize that the only real good parts of this show is the cinematography and Ian mcshane...and mad Sweeney up to last season. Everything else is just ok

MizKarleneMarie: slow season but i still enjoyed everything

Skimatik Gaming: I really enjoyed this season. They went back to the creative storytelling and cinematography that made season 1 great

Valygar: Its only me? Shadow Moon deserve that what he get, he lose his guard stance over his supposed father, follow him after all , dont lisning his own worlds abou that he is using anyone and that he dont do anything for him and he is not own to his father anything. If shadow really wants to do something diffrent , be better then his father and really care about him he should stop laura from killing him. But i hope he knowns that so we dont get some stupid being mad offended etc that want to kill him in next season..

G Bizzle: All I know in season 4 we better see this war they’ve been hyping up because this is tiring

Lewis Fraser: I’ve given up. 90% of this show is just waiting for something to happen. It’s got an incredible premise yet no imagination or direction, and after three seasons of no answers, I’ve lost all interest in where it’s going.

Ryan J.L: It would be 5* characters with Weekday names introduced on the show if Cordelia is Frigg (Friday), Thor (Thursday) was in an episode or 2 until he killed himself.

Hans Wurst: I want more than anything Mad Sweeney to return

Hans Wurst: I Laura maybe Loki's daughter, since she has also trades of a trickster, worked at a casino tricking people

duffrish: This show is not well done I wasted my time on it. Beware of false gods.

Fatchul Bari: I hope i see money more times

Andrew Clarke: I was so thrilled to see this after watching the final episode yesterday. I read the book before watching any of the shows, so i've been struggling to reconcile some of the narratives. After season 1, it seemed as though they were covering about one third of the book. Add to that the production issues they've had, and I was assuming that season three would be the end. I realize now this can't be. I sure hope that they get it together and finish the story! I'll be super mad if it gets canned now that they've brought us this far.

Bmega81: Real progressive show. Silence and fire Orlando Jones for writing real shit involving coming to America stories that were derived from the source material. Hire a known woman abuser then fire said woman abuser. Lol simplify the shit out of the story and make it more about relationship drama loose sex and Darth Laura moon. Shadow and Laura's relationship is so different in the book. Seems like the people who fund the show and are behind it are the same people pretending to give a shit when the BLM stuff was going on and now just trying to sweep it under the rug. Love when a show is ruined for social and political bullshit.

O E: American god's .... I wasted all time to watch all seasons ... And now I am saying is shit !

jAY STORMZ: This season was grade a garbage

OG MammacitaBear: 6:30 no it wasn’t. This season was in the can by 2019, maybe filmed during 2018. This story by Neil Gaiman is from the early aughts. Most of this season deviated from the novel BIG TIME. Laura is a nobody but a Shadow obsessed zombie that is rotting and stinking. The whole Tyre, Bilquist, Killer Laura, techboy shit is programming for the audience.

Bmega81: This season has been garbage in my opinion.. very underwhelming filler bullshit.. nothing compared to the book that's for sure. Barely reckognize the book at this point.

DarkLight Mike: Thank u. I just subscribed, so please more of this!

Carlos Saenz: Can someone please help me find the song that mr world and laura where singing or humming

non ya: Loved it season 4 can't wait

Emily Hannan: this is probably my favorite season. I hope we do get a 4th season.

jimsto7453: Really good breakdown. Hadn’t thought about the magician from a few episodes back being Loki

Nathaniel Rodrigues: Nobody cares about Laura Moon!

Proudly NOT American: Is TB Prometheus?

ONIRISCOPE FILMS: I must admit i didn’t anticipate this ending...

wren: man shadow moon is such a shit character. He's so bland and hollow. Most of the show he has no real purpose, no real motivation to do the things he's been doing. Maybe some external motivators here and there but nothing inherent to him And then all of a sudden at the end of season 3 I'm supposed to believe he's a little too arrogant and power hungry. " No FR I'm a god. I'm capable of great things " hard to accept this guy as the protagonist. Love most of the other major minor characters though like Bilquis, Laura, Odin, World, etc. though Also Technical Boy's acting is cringe af "ugh i'm holding my head so that means there's something wrong with me oh nooo what is going on I can't explain it " cringe. belongs on a CW show like flash or something.

huntersw2: Wish we would have scene a thunderstorm at the end

Keldrick Pritchett: This was the best season for me up and down but very entertaining 👏👌😄😆😅🤣👏

Antonio Sanjurjo: Really wish you had written the episode.

Doug bull: World its loki.

Jay Bees: Shadow is the anti Christ?

Ben Cancio: Was thinking about the purple colored car that Shadow Moon drives . In ancient times purple was the color that divinity and royalty used 👍

Africameleon KMc: Great finale, great show. Can we talk about the figure wearing Mr. Nancy's "Indigo" stripped jacket in that scene with Bilquis and Lara??? Anybody?!

flavs Joseffo: The season started so slow and everywhere that I kinda almost gave up the show. But it all wrapped up pretty alright.

The Lemond Drops Kid: I had to stop watching the show. Shadow Moon's haircut is scarier from episode to episode. I just can't 😱

Scopen91 Medana: Where is media?? This season lol

Safira Dandelion: Its not Iemoja who speaks in the tree vision. Is Whisky Jack

Matt Gilbert: Having read the book, I was surprised with the Technical Boy twist. I honestly can't recall what happened to him in Gaiman's novel. However, it makes sense to "capture" the God of Human Innovation. It would be like harnessing a massive source of power - a "Godhood battery", if you like. One could even say that Godhood is one of the most potent instantiations of human invention and innovation. I remember hearing old stories, probably apocryphal, that when the indigenous people of Terra del Fuego first heard and understood the word "God", first heard monotheism uttered in a single word, they ate the speaker (probably some dodgy missionary). They wanted to literally consume this innovation in Godhood. Apocryphal or not, I get the point. It's a hellava drug.

dread corpse: what does it mean ? Odin sacrifice Shadow ? and he tricks Shadow ?

Brentt Bumatay: I really do miss Media and Astora..never really got over their departure but I can understand why they left.

J.London: 6:29 did you mean 2020 election?

Ateka9: As usual, almost nothing happens all season and they end on a cliffhanger. The writting on this show is sadly sub-par.

weed high: Friggin love this show (pun intended)

panda _cat: I didnt have time to watch it but thank you for the recap of the season what do u think will odin be most powerful in the show after he comed back or shadow

MacKenzie Drake: Cordelia as Frigg makes a lot of sense, and I am reminded of her sending her black pussy hat for Shadow to wear, literally putting him under her protection against the cold of Lakeside.

K.J.: Such a sick and intricate series with relations to various gods. One thing which I find a conflict is if Mr world is Loki - then surely he should be considered an old god not a new one?

Nathan White: So apparently Tech Boy is the most important god he’s the bridge to both old and new gods. He’s definitely important.

Ssia: This last season was frustrating on all levels.

123haninhk: The “Please Stand By” cut clip made me laugh so hard 😂

Croz Raven: The show has its ups & down but overall I enjoyed this season. Now the war seems to be being divided into 3 factions, between Mr. Wednesday Old Gods, Mr. World New Gods, & Shadow Moon's Changing gods.

Christopher Jed: Techno Boy sure cant control technologies 🙄

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