The Serial Swatter - Internet Mysteries

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TheGamerFromMars: A big thanks to my sponsor Raycon! Go to 15% off your order. Also, check out my latest documentary about the largest social experiment in the history of the internet:

pharaohmonkey: Your voice is atrocious

Foxyoner 367: So this man got killed but before we continue here's raycon

Tairy Hesticles: So if you get scared that a cop is at your door with a gun, they are legally allowed to shoot you. What a country.

StevetheCollector18: I'm glad justice in the US works in cases like these, just because people do stuff through the internet doesn't mean they're not murderers

CTNKE: Gamer From Mars: We will be talking about a tragic story of swatting which cost many innocent lives to be lost. But first let me talk about my sponsor of wireless earbuds

P.R.: What a f... Idiot is that? xD

Joel Hernandez: Personally i think the cop shouldn't be held accountable bc in the end it wasnt his fault

Levi Lang: It's funny cause I still swat people. From racists to trash talkers that say theyll kill so and so. Then when they get back on they cry and weep and smother me in apologies lol good thing i use a VPN and proxy server on all technology i can. Some even multiple VPNs

Val: Swautistic, more like *autistic*

SykoSteve: I haven't read a single comment complaining about this incel only getting 20 years smh

jqq real official: only 20 years in prison?

Customfurball28: This dude is crazy. HOW DOES HE NOT FEEL SORRY?

Michelle Isheim: How did the cop get no charges tho i know that he isn’t guilty but look what happen to George Floyd like the world is mess up

the cutest snail: Rest in peace to Andrew, poor man did not deserve to lose his life over a dollar and some change. Tyler is a piece of human garbage.

Garret Bobby Ferguson: The training that police officers recieve is absurd. I definatly do not blame the officers themselves but thier training has turned many/most/all law enforcement into ignorant thugs. They tread on our liberties without consequence. Personally i think we should privatize law enforcement (while preventing corporate monopolization). Or just disband most of them and arm every civilian. I greatly prefer the latter. Also swatting is hilarious and awesome. If people die... then its just bad news. Terrible, terrible. Wish we could find some balance here. Our governments marriage between corporation and state deserves to be abused and made fun of but if people die because of pranks gone wrong... its a tough concept...

Wyatt Borden: Imagine getting your self a prison sentence over a dollar on a CoD that isn't even that good.

swagmanandy: Why hadn't someone 'Swatted.' like a fly this little prick.

Gaming Dreamer: Is Swatting still a thing?

Eric Ma: I cringed so hard at "e-god"

thacommoncold: U deserve a 100 mil subs. Keep it up. Great story teller and do your research.

Misticks 11: The best swat moment was the headphones

Steven Summers: Holy shit I went to that high school in Florida

OnFullBlast: Raycons fuckin suckkkkkk the audio sounds like spoiled milk

Benji Renals: What happened to the police officer who is so shit at their job they kill someone?

Mister Duch: A cop getting away with the killing of an innocent man? Colour me surprised

Mun man 08: My man is killing it with these vidz

Kuayin Al-kadir: He deserves life in jail.

joshua ray: All of them deserve jail time

Sultan Kebab: That cop should definitely go to jail as well

tesytes318: Damn the cop just shot a man and got away with it ain't that some bullshit

marv diaz: Justifiable homicide is the biggest b.s I have ever heard

Aidan Matthews: Children now have to grow up without their dad over a 1.15 euro loss on COD. I fucking hate this universe.

Game Playnia: When you give a virgin a Lil bit of power......

Daiana Xi: While the parents went off to do "other things"... make more children that they would then sit in front of this damn Ryan kid's money making channel. This is what you get for turning off the comments in your latest video

KING SCHULZ: How can you just have absolutely NO jaw?

Pro Panda Power: I was using Raycons to listen to this

JujuPuggy: LOL get trolled!!!

Matt H: I laugh so hard every time I hear about that Tyler guy. Like seriously, imagine being a professional bomb threat caller over the internet lmao

Jaymon Willis: I wonder how many inmates fucked him senseless after hearing his story. Inmate: "What are in for?" Tyler: "I got a guy killed via SWATing for losing a $1.50 COD match" Inmate: *Unzips dick*

cabron1984: Wow the niece at the end so sad. All bc of some fucking idiots

The Uncle that dosen't touch you: Over $1.50.

Leon Needs Waffles: You last message needed more meat. Be safe? That was kind of lame and lacking moral explanation

Cubeminx: Jesus Christ this was not a happy video

ZackOfAllTrades: Hey can you do a "what happened to.." for F@G Deranker is still around and could use some exposure anything keemstar gets views and what did happen to them? Would be super excited to see the topic talked about and even happier to see an og content creator get the fame he deserves

lillith77: I'm sure Tyler still feels like he's the victim

A N: Ive considered taking my own life for less. If I were responsible for someone else losing their life, that would be all it takes for me to actually do it. The fact that these pieces of crap just thought to cover their tracks is proof that SOME people do deserve to die

Dr Thuganomics: one of my biggest fears, being Swatted on the USA. if u cought to hard they will open fire

Pierce Markusic: *Human waste... is this thing still breathing in a prison cell somewhere? Lets string him up!*

Deep State Thrombosis: Jesus man, that poor family! I hope they win all the lawsuits, not that it'll make anything better, but they at least deserve the money.

TheAmazing Sidney: Bruh who gets angry by losing a $1.50 match

SlotheeCoffee YT: *take away his electronics so he can stop swatting*

Jenna Elizabeth: I’m sorry but the officer should have been charged too. He’s just as at fault, if you can’t handle keeping a cool head during those types of calls, don’t be a cop.

Jesse Lara: Do faze rain


Siv: Hey anyone know why the newest video has comments turned off

Relentless rage: The swatter deserves death. The cop deserves life in jail.

Jesse Towler: A murder case from a swatting situation over a damn $1.50

Rose: "These people were about to be held responsible for their actions--- BUY RAYCONS!! COOL EARBUDS, SUPER GOOD!"

Enigma gaming: His reptellion eyes were showing in his latest video

Marney Olson: I find the swatter almost psychopath/sociopathic.

GameRHero95: All of this because of $1? That's messed up...

Bun Bao 9557: the police after watching this video: lets arrest the officer that killed an innocent man but didn't get charged

Anthonydoes VR: Why is you newest video have no comments?

Flying V: Why are their no comments on your most recent video

Grizzly dino: Remember that this started because of a 1.15$ dollar bet

Chris Chandler: Sorry but that cop is just as guilty

Lezbnlvr36: Not baptizer but baperizer like vaporizer

Joe Bauers: Why are comments off on your latest vid??

OxiTape: And to think this was all over a video game.

valid: Comments gone on your latest vid

PureDragonn: Why are comments disabled on your newest video?

Polo Polonsky: Why are comments off on your newest video

themillergalaxyy y: Do you know how to search through 4chan?

Philly Reseller: The dudes in jail are swatting that asshole 😂😂

mcblue guy22: Almost 1million subs

Fox Mulder: Are these cops a fucking joke or what? "In reflex".

MrNotSpecified: Damn bro... i'm kind of jealous of the YT kids channels getting so much money. You just get your kids to play with some toys and you're rich enough to not have to work for ten thousand lifetimes.

Chico The Big Bird: Just came from watching his kid billionaires and couldn't stop noticing that his eyes resemble reptilian!!

Rick 001: Yo let us comment on your new vid

Ashi Kat: I'm here to complain that the comments in the latest videocgot turned off. I'm assuming it was turned off against his will because of some flagging system related to children appearing in the video. But, commenting is a big part of getting videos noticed by the algorithm so im here boosting this video instead. JUSTICE FOR GAMING MARTIANS WHO DONT ACTUALLY POST ABOUT GAMING, THE ONE TRUE GENRE OF YOUTUBE!!!!

Mr. Whimsic: why are comments disabled on your newest video?

moomoomoomoo .moomoomoo: not good

F*cker With a Turtle Neck: Alright guys, if we can't comment on his most recent video, we can comment here.

Spookrockcity: Kid should get life in prison

K Ross: Internet mysteries are my fav from the gamer from mars

Kasey De Merchant: Honestly 20 years is not enough but also he is a burned on the justice system, times like these are when the death penalty is great.

Jay Train: What happened to the murderer, and by that I mean the cop who actually killed the man?

JenniferBaby K: He’s so oogly! Grody af!

Jacobbb Martinez: ACAB

KenniBoii 19: *baptiser*

✿MJF✿: He looks like a guy who would totally do this kind of stuff.

Squeedles _: I really hope the swatter dies

Bitcoin Motorist: The coproach should be in prison too, but police departments are a street gang who look after their own first

Rhandy: why did this clown have access to anything that allows him to do the thing he's in fucking rehab for. Do they hand drugs out in rehab centers over there as well ?

YAHUAH'S son & friend: Always remember to repent of your sins (sin is transgression of YAHUAH’S LAW: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy) And Have Belief On YAHUSHA HAMASHYACH. HE Died and Rose Again On The Third Day So that you can be forgiven of your sins! HE Loves you! Come to HIM!🙂

Some Random Gard: He deserves the death sentence tbh

Lord Adz: Arguing over 1.5 dollars. This is less than a fucking coffee

Danny Boi: That cop that killed the dude over a scream needa to be in jail

Ginger: anyone got a list of names for the music in the background?

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