Squid Game: Ending Explained And Season 2 Theories

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Screen Rant: Which game would you reach if you were part of the Squid Game?

Sun_Flower: Ali should've be survived

retluoc: I guessed one of the twists, the other one...I suspected, but I wasn't sure...just to not spoil anything I can't comment further...but contestant 001 and the cop who snuck onto the island...watch them.

hafiz sehbaan abbasi: lesson I i'LL COMMENT IT ON THIS ONE TOO : pay attention to yr goddam childhood games

Patrick Flannery: I don’t think Jun-ho is dead. He gets shot in the shoulder and we don’t see his body. I think the Frontman intentionally shot him in the shoulder not to fatally wound him as he was 6 feet away and easily could have executed him

Mai Nem: There won't be a season 2. Not through lack of ratings - but simply because this story has been told. And a terrific story it was! What a terrific piece of work! I want to teach my young music students the "Squid Game" song (so catchy!) - then I remember that this is NOT for children. It's brutal and horrific! (and yet, I remember playing "Jaws" in the playground .... and loving every moment ..) PS. I spotted that contestant 001 was either the game's designer or "the rabbit" (a person put into the game to make the others better contestants) very early on. Also loved the "James Bond" subplot with the police officer infiltrating the base. The set design was incredible! It was like Dr No meets the Hunger Games. And the social commentary as well ... this whole game wasn't broadcast on TV, it was ALL simply for the entertainment of a few billionaires placing bets on who would win .. which is a squid game that we are all involved in right now. We are their toy to abuse as they see fit. But no - there can't be a sequel to this show - because it is perfection. Like Vivaldi's 4 Seasons ... then his sequel "The 8 Seasons: You Ain't Heard Nothing Yet" ... :)


MeTheBee: no one needs a second season

Yas kng: I feel like they should end the serie after season 1. Everything is on point like this.

Gremmalin: play the games but WITH A GROUP OF RICH PEOPLE

VideoDeadGaming: Great show, but where was the diversity?? Other than one guy from Pakistan it was all Korean people!!!

GoldenJam_ 01: If season 2 is a thing, they better reveal it with the squid game title and the robot saying "green light"

mak2488: I just finished binge watching S1. I can’t even describe what or how I feel rn. 🤯😶 Like, WTF. WTFFFFF

Hon Rarkley: Not gonna lie the English voice over is trash you can see the delay in the lip movements

Hank Hill: I wanna see what happened with the cop, I don’t believe he is dead and I believe he could possibly be a whistle blower of some sort in the 2nd season. There’s too many unanswered questions for there not to be a 2nd season

Kai S: he could have seen his kid, given her some money for college or something, then gone on to do his revenge trip. i swear his poor critical thinking skills were terrible the last few episodes

Isaac Plumbo: Come on now, there wouldn't even be a show if not for those sick twisted games. I don't think it's "repetitive" to have more of what made the show so fun.

Matthew Ewadinger: If the writer doesn’t know what season 2 is going to be then I’m not even gonna entertain your wild, no evidence of any sort, predictions. This was a shitty video. You gave no more information than any viewer of the tv show already knows.

NubPreist420: these guys just copy off from other people

Danny Mondragon: can Ryan George make a pitch meeting for Squid Game?

Charmaine Crispo Vlog: No Gi Hun in season 2 please…. He needs to see his daughter and give her the present…

Brudder: What happened to the worker who was deleting footage in the cctv room?

lulah: these are not theories. i am disappointed you labelled them as such.

SR NATION.: What if Gi-hun become the next front man 🔥

J Z: A story focused on the frontman would be a mistake - he is a boring and stereotypical villain. This show may be a one-hit wonder then

S.A.O b: Sit I am gonna need you to stop pronouncing their names you are butchering them

Zainab: I want to see more of Gong Yoo (the slapper salesman) in season 2. Maybe he was a formar player too who won and now goes on recruiting more people for the game.

crossxfuse: why did they delete the footage from the doctor going to the basement? and if the reason the old man created the games was because he was dying and bored how could he possibly have been dying over 20 years? These things don't make sense to me.

BZ Kornstein: Hwang Jeung-Ho could not have survived. This is because he got shot in the heart. I remember this, because I was looking at where the guns were shot between him and his brother as well as some other people to see if they could survive.

killing joke: Actually the theory about the hero being the villain's son came to my mind before and I think it's true 🙂

Skulz Crush: I think it would be sick get more knowledge of how all the side characters got to the games. Their journey and backstory. Lot’s of potential for an awesome prequel!

MegaMan11: Guy takes a flesh wound and falls off a cliff with a ton of evidence on the games with an occupation that threatens the games existence and a brother who is not only the front man but a prior player..... ya he MIGHT be alive..... Id think he was dead if this was the first movie i ever saw.

domstaywinning: Man Gi-Hun should have flown off into the sunset with the money.. there’s no way anybody returns to the games in real life lol

lplt: frontmans brother is definitely alive

JamesYTC: How did they put a piece of paper in the middle of a hard boiled egg yolk without breaking the shell?

Amelia Simpson: HI Screen Rant i just what to say i love your pitch meeting things and i was wondering if you can do one for the marvel What if... series

Andy Schneider: God I hope there is no season 2. Its a stand alone story no need to try to make another.

YouTube Account Serio: Korea has the movie industry they are the best even Hollywood can’t beat them the most beatiful movies came from korea

Yautja Prime: I feel like a prequel is the best way to go. How did the frontman win and get his position in the games?

Daliano Beats: This show made me think that powerful people around the world do things like this. Not necessarily games, but secret events where they kill or rape people for fun. Money is filthy.

Andrew Johnston: Thanks to Douglas I paid of a long acquired debt that had me on the edge for a while...All thanks to him, his trading and investment strategies are the best in California.

P Chris21: Seong Gi-hun returns as a contestant named Bruce and fights the guards in tunnels with a pair of nunchakus.

Anything YT: I think 001 is the father of 456's best friend. Check the scene when they talked about the riot

Serenity: We all enjoyed this show seeing these poor humans fight each other to stay alive. I mean how different are we from the VIPs? Think about it.

Jonathan Booker: A season from the workers perspective could be interesting

Buster Bear: 1:38 Gi-hug is a VIP betting 45 billion won on another humans life.

Insomniacs: I thought 001 was 456’s dad throughout the show, I really thought there would be a reveal at the end.

K H: Gi-hun and Jun-ho are definitely teaming up to take down the games. We will start to learn more about the front man.

Nicholas Skeels: It was all a dream.

‎ ‎a: I feel like 001 being 456s dad isn’t that far of a stretch if it weren’t for the fact that 001 died without saying anything about it

nino mathias: Trading and investing with Douglas have been the fastest and safest way I've been making money online.

Alex Peres: Season 2 game: put the usb in correctly on the first try

TrDickens: I hope there isn't a season two

Becky Hooker: Lol this squid game is more like crypto unpredicted but yet studyable I’m thankful to a friend that introduced me to E l s p r o w e b. It has really been helpful

Jonesy: Just don't let it be an American version as it would be rubbish.

Kevin the iban: Or maybe the 2 season. All the character's children just realised that their parents is dead. So maybe all of their children participate in the squid game. Including ali's son, sae byeok's brother and etc

Mochaphilatte: The theory about the color you choose determining what role you play is wrong. I’m the first episode they show other people playing the game and all of them chose blue. The color thing is nothing more than a reference to the Matrix

Freddy Tang: As a former banker I refuse to believe the bank did not investigate or ask questions about a 40 million dollar deposit 🙄 where’s their money laundering procedures

The Crispy Chip: You guys have to purposely say names THIS wrong, right?

DeodricOnline: The creator already said that there is no plan for a second season

O neisha: The writer of the show admitted that the card game is based on a old ghost story and is not based on what role the person have to play. It’s in one of the Netflix interview they released a few days ago.

ItzYahmina: I hope they play musical chairs next season that would be deadly 😂

Janina Bloem-oliver: I think thay maybe the front man and his brother were adopted and we're always looking for their father. I think the old man is their father and found them when he started the games and thats why the front man works for him cause that's his dad. But he hadn't gotten a chance to tell his cop brother. I don't think the brother is dead, i think he survives the fall and the frontman only shot him to save him from being put to play in the games. Just a theory, no proof, i just thought that would be an interesting plot. Theybcould explore more howbthe frontman became the front man. It says he was a winner but that could just made him the winner. They can create so many different stories behind the frontman and coo.

Chmincent: Flashbacks to the previous Squid Game that the Frontman played in? That be nice, he could be like traumatized like bro that game was so hard I almost died

gphjr14: My guess if there’s a season 2 player 456 rejoins the game, the undercover cop isn’t dead (no body shown = not dead) and works with him to dismantle the whole system.

Erwin Gary: Perhaps I would have joined the squid game haha but I've been making nothing less than 1,000 USD with barely a 48hrs duration trading with Douglas a professional trader. I can't believe this....

Afia Mensah: Just a quick reflection, do you make money online using your mobile phone? If not, do you know you can?

Dusty: Season 2 - Gi-Hun gets a hair dresser that is willing to say no to a 45 year old millionaire who wants a K-pop haircut. the end.

Rodalufa: Best series ever

Ravi: A Modern Epic: I like the power struggle idea for season 2. Though, my hope is that the series is structured in 3 parts/seasons, like the Squid Game itself. What we just witnessed in season 1 was the first stage of the game before Gi-hun becomes a "secret inspector." The next season could be him squaring up against the "defense," or the Games organization. Then the final season could be trying to "tap the head" by going after the VIPs. That would allow for more to be revealed about the Korean operation and the Frontman before taking the show around the world.

Makenzee Clark: Did they really die on squid game or is it just acting?? because I thought it was illigal to kill someone and show it on tv or on the internet because if you did really kill someone and show it on the internet wouldn't the police be involved?? and I don't think the money is real on this game I think it's fake I'm confused about this and yes I watched the show

ultra: Who ever said that Ali is still alive, didn't watch the show. There's literally a scene of him lying lifeless and bloody in the incineration room. He's dead dead.

Feris Yunos: My theory: Gi-Hun returns and becomes the Front Man. Then, the cycle begins all over again with new people.

The power of Zen: If everyone had a friend like Ali this world would be amazing!

The gaming ATM: Season 2 is a need too legit at the end he turns around too stop them and then that’s it

Jared Porter: Imagine being one of the guards and you have to kill somebody you know because they failed the game.

Bruno: The Frontman in season 2 will have more meaning, his arc will be of him haunted by shooting his brother and with that we'll get to see how he ended up running the place. The focus in season 2 will be outside the games, i think the evidence really reached the police chief and then things could get interesting from there, like mind games and investigation being the main part, and once in a while showing a game or another.

Connor Bryant: Didn't like Ali and Sang Woo was evil!

Abe Roxx: I really hope Jun-ho survived he did so much and was such a badass just for him to get killed by his own brother

Anon Akkor: 6:08 that`s a nice theory :D really need a season 2 to answer all these questions :D

TedIsHere2: For season 2 I think they might add Gi huns wife to the squid games since she mentioned she's low on money when Gihun asked for 2000 won so maybe that was a foreshadow

TedIsHere2: At first I thought the front man was Elon musk lol

Phil Smiley Nguyen: Why does every1 like this? I thought it was pretty sh!t. Didn't even watch all of the 2nd episode. Lol

Reiner: I thought that man slapping the guy at the train station was the front man.

dann: The old man didn't create it I think he was a VIP. There was many games played not just this group. So him being the organiser didn't make sense

Grandpa Alien: I thought they said there will be no season 2?

Sam Lowry: Why does there have to be a season 2 - are audiences such needy children that they cannot enjoy something for what it is Because even thought they may demand it be rehashed you just know they will get bored bored and distracted by next Netflix 'squirrel' moment.

Phaia G: I would love to see the next year of the games with a new cast and new games but we still learn more about the Frontman and Gi Hun etc. in the background. It will be different this year without the old man.

Jason Tobias: Wow wow wow wow! There is an explanation to the straight forward ending?

Leon Freire: Season 2 theories: The author said he would do a prequel if Netflix made him do a season 2. There won't be a season 2...

Michael Baty: my theory 001 made a bet that 456 will win since he looked after him and they bonded together idk its just my thought XD

sbeast1216: So he just never paid his damn debts?

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