Introducing Serial 1 eBicycles, Powered By Harley-Davidson

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Riku Forsman: That looks pretty amazing!

RoninSoul88: Not gonna lie. I want one. I probably don't have a use for it, but I want one...

xander: At first I did not know what to think but just because for me this was unexpected. But this is one beautiful bike. Designed just as it should, no overkill in design just one masterpiece if you ask me. I would not mind at all owning one.

Scott Bott: $10,000 ?

James Cox: Fix the MDB issue... close to being in the same bucket as the NFL

fishfuxors: I'd like to remind HD that they didn't invent the motorcycle as implied in this ad.

Adam Bowker: A bought a Harley Davidson because of million dollar bogan. I’m not selling my Harley Davidson because of Harley Davidson.

Jamie Vanderpool: So sad a once great Motercycle company has gone to $hit I didnt believe the news but I guess its true Harley Davidson is dead! Bad management run by libtards catering to this new breed of sissys! The founders are rolling over in their graves I'm sure!!!

Toto CH: If it is 100% made in the USA, I will buy it. (I am in Europe)

Mo's Favorites: I would like to see the Terminator on this. Or a Terminator version. Hasta la vista baby

Luiz Sena: They should have kept handlebar. Much nicer.

hoohaw286: WTF is wrong with you HD going after Million Dollar Bogan?!? My next bike will be an Indian.

Mtb730: Harley is going soft.. they sold there soul to social justice...

Ronald Beintema: Here in the Netherlands people are buying more and more electric bicycles....That is more a way of 'Look at me' and 'I want one, because other people do have them too'..... I'm not an electric bicycle freak (I will NEVER buy one, I rather use my own muscles), but this one is just awesome!!! Very original in the widest sense!!!🇺🇸👍👍🇺🇸 Keep up the awesome work, Harley-Davidson!!!

DeBee Corley: What's the over/under price? I'm guessing $9999. Of course, you'll need saddlebags and the "touring" option, merely $5999 more. Tax, tag, shipping and handling (from China), out the door $19999.

dawidos117: This is the right way, IMO. Electric bicycles, not electric motorcycles.

josh Stafford: If it's made by Harley Davidson, it will definitely break down, the first ride.

Mike Jordan: $30,000 ???

need metal: Maybe the outlaw lesbian pogo stick gangs can switch over to these.

akradr: Very cool, but how much.

Gene Clarke: A Daytona beach bike. But will the biker MC's clash with the eMC's for control of Main Street parking spots? Can an eHOG be far behind?

whiteribbonman1: Ah come on! This video is like watching a woman start to take off her bra in front of you then suddenly turns around and just smiles at you! Where is the continuation video?

Amanda: It's soo beautiful I already know I cannot afford it 🥺

Hoàng Uông: Wait....this looks like the one I saw at Walmart last weekend 😏

docco: Take some video on terrain :-D It is nice, but only for ride on asphalt bike route, not for outdoor challenge :-D

Carmai7: Boombox with Harley Davidson's Engine Sounds Vol. 1 option available!

matperino: In 2020 Harley changes the way the world moves : say bye bye to big motors !

Above In Shadow: ''interlaced''

jwrappuhn71: Gorgeous looking bike, can't wait to buy one, great job HD.

John Kramer: The "stage 2 kit" is some chrome playing cards you can stick in the spokes LMAO

christopher gray: Air Cooled??? 🤔😉😂😂 I won't be able to afford one..but it sure is a stunner. Congratulations, great work. 👍🍺

Kenneth Wise: Here's their other channel for it, I asked where it's made and how much it will cost.

Phil Grigsby: A E-bike, really? I can think of a lot of ways you can spend the money on , making the motorcycles better.

David Dolby: You deserve to go out of business for what you’re doing to the brand. Listen to your customers, leave youtuber’s alone, and stop making electric shit that nobody wants.

Neurochrom: Deinterlace the video please!

TheOKTerrificable: But where is it being made?

Leap Tech: Needs black tires and fenders.

Sanghun Chung: hope this available in south korea...

Chris Dawson: Need a streetable board track racer replica next

Ricofico 72: FTW? Not for some of you people in the comments, that's for sure. Faking the funk I guess. I came up from BMX world, dirt bike, 3 HD's looking for my 4th, I still got my mountain bike and ride it, I ride my big ape beach cruiser, I even have a lowrider bicycle! I got super stoked about the electric bike that came out last year (2 years maybe now), a replica of the 1903 HD! Everyone knew that this was coming when HD bought the electric bike company. I'm looking forward to it if it's in my price range (looking for bike 4, Pan AM?). I like its sleek look and pointless all-white tires! The belt concept isn't new but I like the updated modern look to it. Just wondering how well everything is made and the quality of the brakes and gears!

Carlo DiVirgilio: 🤦🏻‍♂️

Renato Marana: Stop the madness!!! This has NOTHING to do with Harley Davidson or its history. You guys are killing an icon!!! What biker will buy this shit??? Never an e-bike customer will enter a HD dealership. The whole R&D and Marketing department should go out of their seats and go to a dealership or a bikeweek. Maybe then they will understand!!! Or better, get fired.. and on your way out, take the Puma guy too.. Willie G. please take back what is yours!!!

Toby L.: In my opinion the bike doesn't live up to it's "role model". Why not go all the way and hide the battery inside something that looks like the gas tank and put the e-engine inside a case that looks like the original engine? Why not use the original handlebar? So much wasted potential here... :-(

Kai Friedrich: Never ever

Bob Tahar: Does it rumble and shake?

Jim Beam: Sold. Need this for short commutes around town.

James W: Harley has now moved into the market for Snowflakes and Hippies.

Neo2906: Well, nice but uninteresting. It`s the same like their motorcycles....why should i buy something that others make better and for a better price tag ? Just because of the brand ?

Crag MacArthur: Ya think ya have enough on ya plate.. Stick to what ya know.. This is not HD.. if ya just farmed out ya name & take the royalties of the top that is one thing but if ya put coin into development & production ya ALL need ya heads read.. ALL GO0D.......

Andrew Harris: Looks like a girls bike.

Vojtech Stojan: What kind of bike is it? Where to drive this? It is not moumtain bike not street bike, no mothing. Design is matching the original, but useability? Guess it was made for 60kg (130 pounds) "tough" hipsters working in IT.

Buck the Atlas: belt drive... nice!

riscdesign: Looks too nice to leave outside... I would be worried about someone stealing it.

Northrider: 🖒Harley Davidson

Francesco Pierucci: As a proud HOG member, I cant really understand the direction of HD. Please, focus on real bikes, maybe a good entry level one for the new generation..who cares about bicycles

Steven Fugate: Nice bicycle but Harley has lost its way

Bikhil Puthenpurackal: A company built by purists and destroyed by the same. What's next Harley, skateboards? Sigh.

USMC Vet: I like the styling cues.

Tim H.: I’ll buy one or two if it’s affordable. $1000-1500 MAX!

ash lash: 日本でも発売して欲しい!

Hodsi Perassoli Simeone: 😮👍

Motor Head 963: love it!!

Austin Wolfe: You’ve done it’s beautiful.

Harley Quebec en Revue: Coments below is what many said about the Porsche Taycan when it was announced. It’s now out selling the Panamera by far. Be patient, I’m sure we will be pleasantly surprised what’s in the future at H-D.

Stuff and things: I'll definitely be getting one if the price isn't to high.

MrJruta: Aftermarket pipes available?

Mitchell Burke: Long live the Harley nostalgia

霍去病: 没內味

Fernando Monroy: All e-bikes in the range of $1000 to $3000 this one because it says harley $10,000.00 if we are lucky

FamilyLife4211: why dont you focus on motorcycles so you can bring the damn cost down. guess only Doctors and Politicians are your target audience. MILLION DOLLAR BOGAN is one of your biggest supporters and you shit all over him. you shit all over your entire base. Now you want to do it again by putting effort into a bicycle? Sad yall moved so far away from you TRUE BASE that you forgot you are a motorcycle company....everyone, presenting the worlds most expensive bicycle! I wish all of this came to light before i bought my 2020 Street Glide. i will never get another Harley. Indian here i come once i am done with the SG

Erik Arneberg: How much are the T-shirts?

fwg1961: Harley will bail out of the eBicycle market in about a year and loss more money.

Robert Stockamp: I like it.

bob clapper: Pretty Cool , if the price is Fair !

Michael Wenskunas: Ride this through Sunnyvale trailer park and see what happens...

William Deimos: i was actually hoping they would design an e-bike after an old harley, i dig it and i want one. problem is i already have a bicycle.... from an actual bicycle company, that company makes e-bikes to. how does this compare price and performance wise to the e-bikes that are already on the market. if i know harley like i think i know harley it'll be more expensive than its competition, for no reason other than its modeled after serial number one. Dont get me wrong i like the idea but i know what i like in a bicycle and a motorcycle. Heritage is cool, but it will never be the driving factor behind a very expensive purchase i make, value for money is usually what im looking for. Witch is why i bought my ultra classic used by the way. For now ill continue to purchase my bicycles from bicycle companys and my motorcycles from motorcycle companys. "Designed to change how the world moves... again." You know people never stopped making bicycles right?

YorchMedia: Nice

William Davis: I take one of the price of one hundred seventeen dollars...

Josh Sisco: Well I guess they are looking at a $10k bike, that only they can work on with the shop tech stream and charge you an arm and a leg for it. But that’s ok look at all the shirts and trinkets the hipsters will buy to go with the bike. I bet a pair of HD grips will cost $100 like all the rest of their stuff.

Michael Wenskunas: Does it vibrate?

knytrydr73: very cool

Larry S.: I'm selling both my Harley's to put down on one those e-bikes. Going gay, all the way!

Jonathan Tyree: I try to keep up with Harley and Indian and the other motorcycle makers. The Indian little kid electric bike I totally understand get the kids in there get him on two wheels and get a motor between their legs so that their brand loyal. The electric motorcycle I kind of understood where Harley was going with that electric is the future okay I get that I'll be dead and gone by the time that comes around fine. This unless this thing is under $1,000 in super super competitive in the ebike market I don't get it Harley I just don't get it

abbaby555: That's really an interesting ebike 👍

raceboy1971: This is what happens when you let leftist Eurotrash run an American icon. First they intimidate their core audience with threatening youtubers over P.C. bullshit. Then they decide an electric bicycle is going to be what saves the company the company. They couldn't be more out of touch right now. I'm on my 12th Harley, 2018 FLHC, and it appears it will be my last. RIP Harley Davidson. Enjoy your bankruptcy.

Wayne Blubaugh: ...lost their way again, I see. Upgraded AMF bowling balls next, I assume...? Oh, well, I'll always have my shovel head.

Lindsay Robertson: Want.

MotorheadRedo: Nice! Will the e-bicycles be sold at Harley Davidson dealerships? Hope it's affordable...

zuffenhaussen: Tell your video producers that they should change their compression rendering from interlaced to progressive, you'll get rid of those strange lines and images motion.

Scooterfish58: Were do i sign? I want one!!!

herfmonny: I dig it

Auckland357: Seriously. You gave up the Bronx, a make an electronic bicycle... Got it.

alessandro bargna: Ok.... but the new 2021 Line up models.......???

dejongeblondegod: Very pretty

Pato: Hermosa, pero apuesto a que también demasiado costosa

JD1459: Nice, but I will stick with my 2020 HD RGS.

Wooley689: What's the price point though?

Osvaldo Macedo Neto: BEAUTIFUL

Randy Avalos: How much?

James Nakamoto: Well this thing is going to cost a fortune

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